Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position in theoretical cosmology at the Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (LPENS) in Paris, France.
The position is funded by the DIM ORIGINES program “Testing quantum mechanics in the early universe”. The postdoctoral fellow will work primarily with Vincent Vennin (LPENS Paris) and Julien Grain (IAS Orsay), and will be part of the newly created GRACES group at ENS. She/he will benefit from the lively community of cosmologists based in the Paris area. The postdoctoral fellow will benefit from a travel grant of 4000 EU, and will be eligible to CNRS and ENS fundings.
We are looking for candidates with strong background in theoretical cosmology, and research interests in the quantum state of primordial cosmological fluctuations, the stochastic-inflation formalism, primordial black holes and gravitational waves. The candidates must hold a doctoral degree before the appointment starts.
The employment contract is expected to start in September or October 2023 (an earlier start is possible) with a duration of 24 months. It includes health insurance.
Applications must be submitted online through the AcademicJobsOnline platform (see link below) and will be considered until the 20th of November 2022 (later applications may be considered if the position has not yet been filled). They must include:
- a detailed curriculum vitae
- a cover letter
- a statement of past research (max 4 pages)
- a list of publications
- a research project (max 4 pages)
- at least two reference letters (max 4)
Contact: Vincent Vennin ([Log in to view email])
Useful links:
Application on the AcademicJobsOnline platform:
postdoc in theoretical cosmology at ENS Paris
- Posts: 2
- Joined: March 09 2018
- Affiliation: Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie