The Computational Cosmology Group at the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Warsaw, is offering two postdoctoral positions.
One postdoctoral fellowship is offered within the project PACIS: Precision and Accuracy for Cosmological Imaging Surveys led by Dr. Maciej Bilicki. The successful applicant will contribute to designing and applying optimized catalogs of galaxies for cosmological studies with deep wide-field imaging surveys, such as KiDS and LSST. We seek a candidate with a Ph.D. degree (awarded no earlier than in 2014*) in astronomy, physics, or computational sciences, who has experience in handling astronomical data using machine learning and other computational techniques. Practical knowledge of methods to select galaxies and estimate their photometric redshifts from modern imaging surveys will be an additional asset. For further information please contact Dr. Maciej Bilicki (
Another postdoctoral fellowship is offered within the project COLAB: COsmic LAboratory for Baryons and dark matter led by Prof. Wojciech Hellwing. The COLAB program will contribute to our better understanding of the impact of various baryonic and environmental-induced systematic effects and degeneracies induced by their potential mutual entanglement. The study will help find the best-suited galaxy samples and the most sensitive observables in a combination that together will present the optional windows for constraining dark matter physics using the current and future cosmological and astrophysical data. But the obtained results will go further beyond the dark-matter central theme, providing new important insights into nurture & nature environmental effects in galaxy evolution. Enabling us, in turn, to build better and more physically motivated galaxy formation models. For further information please contact prof. Wojciech Hellwing (
The Computational Cosmology Group at CTP PAS collaborates with partners from KiDS, LSST DESC, LOFAR, as well as the VIRGO and CLUES consortia for cosmological simulations. The prospective postdoctoral researchers will have the possibility to work with these international consortia.
Each position is available initially for two years, with a possible extension for the third year, subject to satisfactory performance. The salary will amount to 114-120k PLN (25-26k EUR) per year (before taxes and social security contribution), higher than the usual Polish postdoc rate to account for the costs of living in Warsaw. There is also a generous dedicated budget for travel and for personal computing equipment.
The positions are available from October 2021 but will remain open until filled.
Interested candidates should send a single pdf file including a cover letter, a research statement (max. 4 pages), CV, and a publication list, to indicating the fellowship they are applying to, respectively MB/03/2021 for the first position above and WH/09/2021 for the second one. Applicants should also arrange to have at least two letters of reference sent to the same email address.
The Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences is an equal opportunity employer. Women and members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
* This can be extended in case of documented parental or sick leave; please contact us for the details.
Contact: CFT recruitment office (
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
Two Postdoctoral Fellowships in Computational Cosmology
- Posts: 22
- Joined: May 12 2010
- Affiliation: Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Warsaw
- Contact: