Postdoctoral position in cosmology with wide-angle imaging surveys

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Maciej Bilicki
Posts: 22
Joined: May 12 2010
Affiliation: Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Warsaw

Postdoctoral position in cosmology with wide-angle imaging surveys

Post by Maciej Bilicki »

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in cosmology at the Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) PAS in Warsaw, Poland, within the project PACIS: Precision and Accuracy for Cosmological Imaging Surveys led by Dr. Maciej Bilicki, funded by the Polish National Science Center (NCN).

The successful applicant will contribute to the research program of the Computational Cosmology Group at CTP PAS, and in particular to designing and applying optimized catalogs of galaxies for cosmological studies with deep wide-field imaging surveys, such as KiDS and LSST. The PACIS project is conducted in collaboration with partners from the KiDS and LSST DESC teams and the postdoctoral researcher will have the possibility to join these international consortia.

More at the CTP PAS Webpage and at AAS Job Register.
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