BAO + BBN constraints on H0

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Conrad Möckel
Posts: 2
Joined: July 08 2019
Affiliation: HZDR, TU-Dresden

BAO + BBN constraints on H0

Post by Conrad Möckel »

Hi all,

I would like to reproduce Figures 3(Left) and 4 of this paper (, using CosmoMC. For that matter I'd like to understand how to combine the two data sets of Galaxy BAO and Lya BAO like done in Figure 3. As written in the paper the D/H constraint is applied via a Omegabh^2 Gaussian prior... how do I add that?
So far I computed several chains using the different BAO data using a modified test.ini for the respective data set.. e.g.:

Code: Select all

#general settings
#Bicep-Keck-Planck 2015, varying cosmological parameters

#Planck 2018 

#Other Likelihoods

#general settings

#high for new runs
MPI_Max_R_ProposeUpdate = 30

propose_matrix= planck_covmats/base_TT_lowTEB_plik.covmat

#Folder where files (chains, checkpoints, etc.) are stored
root_dir = chains/

#Root name for files produced
#action= 0 runs chains, 1 importance samples, 2 minimizes
#use action=4 just to quickly test likelihoods
action = 0

#expected result for -(log like)
test_check_compare = 663.808

num_threads = 0

start_at_bestfit =F
use_fast_slow = T

checkpoint = T

#sampling_method=7 is a new fast-slow scheme good for Planck
sampling_method = 7
dragging_steps  = 3
propose_scale = 2

#Set >0 to make data files for importance sampling

#these are just small speedups for testing
But I'm not sure if I'm missing something crucial...
Sorry if these things are obvious, but I'm fairly new to CosmoMC and MCMC procedure and it's not straight forward for me.

Antony Lewis
Posts: 1991
Joined: September 23 2004
Affiliation: University of Sussex

Re: BAO + BBN constraints on H0

Post by Antony Lewis »

See batch3/baryon_density.ini for an example of how to set a parameter prior. To combine data sets you just run a chain with both (or importance sample if they are consistent).

Btw, you probably don't want BK15 if not varying r.
Conrad Möckel
Posts: 2
Joined: July 08 2019
Affiliation: HZDR, TU-Dresden

Re: BAO + BBN constraints on H0

Post by Conrad Möckel »

Thank you very much for the illuminating answer!

For this run I used the following .ini:

Code: Select all

#general settings
#DES 1Yr

#Other Likelihoods
#general settings

#e.g. to vary r in addition to standard 6:
#(for r>0 also need compute_tensors=T)
#compute_tensors = T
#param[r] = 0.03 0 2 0.04 0.04

#high for new runs
MPI_Max_R_ProposeUpdate = 30

propose_matrix= planck_covmats/base_TT_lowTEB_plik.covmat

#Folder where files (chains, checkpoints, etc.) are stored
root_dir = chains/BAOBBN2/

#Root name for files produced
#action= 0 runs chains, 1 importance samples, 2 minimizes
#use action=4 just to quickly test likelihoods
action = 0
samples = 10000

#expected result for -(log like)
num_threads = 0

#if you want to get theory cl for test point
#test_output_root = output_cl_root

start_at_bestfit =F
use_fast_slow = T

checkpoint = T

#sampling_method=7 is a new fast-slow scheme good for Planck
sampling_method = 1
dragging_steps  = 3
propose_scale = 2

#Set >0 to make data files for importance sampling

#these are just small speedups for testing
include_fixed_parameter_priors = T
prior[omegabh2] = 0.0222 0.0005

#Uncomment this if you don't want one 0.06eV neutrino by default
#to vary parameters set param[name]= center, min, max, start width, propose width
#param[mnu] = 0 0 0 0 0

#for PICO install from and download data file
#pico_datafile = pico3_tailmonty_v34.dat
Resulting in the attached plot, which is roughly the one from the paper :-). I think the rough outlines are due to my sample size of 10000 reaching only R-1=0.1.
I have still some open questions:
1st) Is the part

Code: Select all

include_fixed_parameter_priors = T
prior[omegabh2] = 0.0222 0.0005
the correct implementation of the prior, when some range for omegabh2 in the params_CMB_defaults.ini is set? Because if I would leave out the boundaries in the params_CMB_defaults.ini file, the code would not start.
2nd) Is there a way of speeding up the run by using some default .covmat or building my own one?
Omega_mH0.png (76.17 KiB) Viewed 21654 times
Antony Lewis
Posts: 1991
Joined: September 23 2004
Affiliation: University of Sussex

Re: BAO + BBN constraints on H0

Post by Antony Lewis »

Looks OK. You should certainly set a propose_matrix (lots supplied for Planck in planck_covmats).
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