Exploring the Energetic Universe 2019
to take place June 17-21 at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan.
The conference focuses on cosmology and the high energy universe, with major session themes:
- Cosmology
- Energetic Transients: Gamma-ray Bursts, Fast Radio Bursts, Gravitational Waves, Ultrafast Astronomy
- Advanced Detectors (including MKIDs and other cryogenic sensors)
Invited speakers include:
George Smoot (APC, HKUST, UCB) - New Ideas in Astrophysics
Hyung Mok Lee (KASI) - Gravitational Waves
Pawan Kumar (UT Austin) - Gamma-Ray Bursts, Fast Radio Bursts
Osamu Tajima (Kyoto) - GroundBIRD, MKIDs, and the Cosmic Microwave Background
Varun Sahni (IUCAA) - Cosmic Web
Alexei Pozanenko (IKI) - Energetic Transients
Johannes Hubmayr (NIST) - MKIDs
Ivan Colantoni (Dublin) - MKIDs
Kieran O'Brien (Durham) - MKIDs
David Mota (Oslo) - Nonlinear Astrophysics and Modified Gravity
and others to be announced
and a special talk:
Alina Kiessling (JPL) - Big Science from Exoplanets to Universe Simulations
For more information, see http://ecl.nu.edu.kz/conference2019
Registration will close on April 30.
Most OECD citizens (including Europe and US) do not require a visa.
We look forward to seeing you in Central Asia!