COSMOLOGY - THE NEXT DECADE: School+Workshop, Bangalore, January 03-25, 2019

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Aseem Paranjape
Posts: 8
Joined: December 23 2005
Affiliation: IUCAA, Pune, India

COSMOLOGY - THE NEXT DECADE: School+Workshop, Bangalore, January 03-25, 2019

Post by Aseem Paranjape »

We are organising a 2-week Cosmology School followed by a 4-day Workshop at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Bangalore, India during 03 January - 25 January, 2019.

Details of the meeting and important deadlines can be found at

Registration is now open

The topics covered in the School will include:
  • Cosmological perturbation theory and CMB anisotropies
    Growth of cosmological LSS and the Cosmic Web
    Gravitational lensing
    21cm physics
    Galaxy formation and evolution
    Galaxy clusters
    CMB spectral distortions
    Large-scale relativistic effects in the observed LSS
    Astro-particle physics, dark matter detection and neutrino cosmology
    Cross-correlations between observational probes
    Numerical simulations
    Gravitational wave physics and cosmology
Confirmed Lecturers:
  • Raul Angulo
    Somnath Bharadwaj
    J. Richard Bond
    Stefano Borgani
    Jens Chluba
    Paolo Creminelli
    Steen Hannestad
    Alan Heavens
    Bhuvnesh Jain
    Roy Maartens
    Samaya Nissanke
    John Peacock
    Dmitri Pogosyan
    Jonathan Pritchard
    Varun Sahni
    Ravi Sheth
    Kandaswamy Subramanian
    Rashid Sunyaev
    Benjamin Wandelt
The Workshop will bring together a larger number of scientists working in these and related areas for a more advanced discussion of the latest developments in these and related areas. In addition, as part of the workshop, there will be one day (a Survey Day) reserved for detailed discussion current and upcoming large scale structure and CMB experiments, especially keeping mind core Indian involvement to specific missions and surveys.

As part of the program there will be Infosys - ICTS Chandrasekhar Lectures by Prof. Rashid Sunyaev, ICTS Distinguished lectures by Prof. Richard Bond and Prof. David Spergel and ICTS Vishveshwara lecture by Prof. Lyman Page.

Organisers: Subha Majumdar (TIFR), Rishi Khatri (TIFR), Aseem Paranjape (IUCAA)
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