astro-ph.CO is not recognised by Cosmocoffee Arxiv New Filter

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David Fonseca Mota
Posts: 8
Joined: September 25 2004
Affiliation: University of Oslo

astro-ph.CO is not recognised by Cosmocoffee Arxiv New Filte

Post by David Fonseca Mota »


In my profile, I have tired to filter abstracts from astro-ph.CO only. That is, I do not want to see papers from the whole astro-ph, just from astro-ph.CO.
However, that seems not to be working: or I choose the whole astro-ph or I do not get any papers. It seems the Cosmocoffee script does not know what astro-ph.CO is.
Has anyone found the same problem? Any solution for that?

Antony Lewis
Posts: 1992
Joined: September 23 2004
Affiliation: University of Sussex

Re: astro-ph.CO is not recognised by Cosmocoffee Arxiv New F

Post by Antony Lewis »

Yes, it doesn't currently use the categories. When I get round to it I'll add them somehow.
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