On September 21-23, KICP will be holding a workshop on Future Cosmic Surveys. The workshop is intended to gather community input and support for five potential future projects, outlined in "Cosmic Visions Dark Energy: Science", produced by the DOE group. Related ideas were presented in the National Academies sponsored Elmegreen report; the recent NOAO/Kavli sponsored study; and the NRAO 2020 Futures Program.
The first day will be an overlap day with the CMB-S4 workshop preceding it; Thursday will be devoted to plenary talks about the five potential projects; Friday morning, we will break up into groups for each project and formulate a plan for developing the case for the projects; we come together Friday afternoon to hear and comment on the individual plans.
If you are interested in helping develop these cases, please contact the people listed below:
Southern Spectroscopic Instrument: Katrin Heitmann and Jeff Newman
DESI-2: Risa Wechsler and TBD
Low Resolution Spectroscopy: Juan Estrada and Enrique Gaztanaga
21 cm: Anze Slosar and TBD
Billion Object Apparatus: Kyle Dawson and Chris Hirata
More at https://kicp-workshops.uchicago.edu/FutureSurveys/
Future Cosmic Surveys KICP (CHICAGO) workshop: September 21-23, 2016
- Posts: 3
- Joined: February 12 2013
- Affiliation: University of Chicago