Dear all,
We would like to announce a three-week long cosmology workshop that will be held in Madrid, Spain during 13 June – 1 July 2016, at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid centered on the themes of 21 cm Surveys, Cosmic Microwave Background, and Large-scale Structure, which are of particular current interest.
The idea of this workshop is not to have a program packed with talks as in a regular conference. The workshop will instead have a more open format, with fewer talks and leaving a substantial part of each day for discussions, informal interactions, and collaboration, much in the same spirit as the workshops held in Aspen, Santa Barbara, or Benasque, with which many of you are doubtless familiar. We want to provide an environment where people can interact with each other easily and also in unplanned ways.
So far we have invited a number of `key participants' for each of the three themes:
Key participants:
Reza Ansari, Université Paris-Sud
Eric Aubourg, Université Paris 7
Bruce Basset, African Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Gianni Bernardi, SKA South Africa/Rhodes University
Paolo de Bernardis, University of Rome (“La Sapienzaâ€)
Jens Chluba, University of Manchester
Jo Dunkley, University of Oxford
Ruth Durrer, University of Geneva
Joshua Frieman, University of Chicago and Fermilab
Enrique Gaztañaga, Institut de Ciències de l’Espai, Barcelona
Masashi Hazumi, KEK Laboratory, Japan
Shirley Ho, Carnegie-Mellon University
Justin Jonas, SKA South Africa/Rhodes University
Jonathan Pritchard, Imperial College
Alexandre Refregier, ETH, Zurich
Mario Santos, University of the Western Cape
Jonathan Sievers, University of KwaZulu-Natal
The link to the workshop website and to the on-line registration is as follows:
We will later solicit abstracts and announce the program. Note that there will be no registration fee.
We have blocked a certain number of rooms at the nearby Residencia Erasmus located a few hundred meters from the conference venue. This option is both a very convenient and economical (starting at approximately 25 euros per day for a single room, with double rooms and family suites also available). Given that the number of available rooms is limited, we strongly encourage you to register early and reserve your accommodations as soon as possible.
We hope to see you in Madrid this coming June!
Warmest regards,
The Organizing Committee
Juan GarcÃa-Bellido (chair), IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid, España
Martin Bucher, Laboratoire APC, Université Paris 7/CNRS, Paris, France
David Alonso, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Juan Pablo Beltrán Almeida, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia
Rolando Dünner Planella, Universidad Católica de Santiago, Santiago, Chile
José Alberto Rubiño MartÃn, Instituto de AstrofÃsica de Canarias, Tenerife, España
Jonathan Sievers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Licia Verde, Universitat Barcelona, Spain
Savvas Nesseris, IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid, España
Conference contact email: [Log in to view email]
2016 Madrid Workshop on 21 cm Surveys, Cosmic Microwave Background, and Large-scale Structure
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- Affiliation: UAM/IFT
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- Posts: 79
- Joined: April 05 2005
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2016 Madrid Workshop on 21 cm Surveys, Cosmic Microwave Back
Dear all,
This is the second announcement for the three-week long cosmology workshop that will be held in Madrid, Spain this coming June (13 June – 1 July 2016), at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, focused on the three above themes of particular current interest.
The idea of this workshop is not to have a program packed with talks as in a regular conference. The workshop will instead have a more open format, with fewer talks and leaving a substantial part of each day for discussions, informal interactions, and collaboration, much in the same spirit as the workshops held in Aspen, Santa Barbara, or Benasque, with which many of you are doubtless familiar. We want to provide an environment where people can interact with each other easily and also in unplanned ways.
This workshop has no registration fee. Since the start date is approaching, we would like to encourage you to register as soon as possible. We have blocked a certain number of rooms at the nearby Residencia Erasmus located a few hundred meters from the conference venue. This option is both a very convenient and economical (starting at approximately 25 euros per day for a single room, with double rooms and family suites also available). Given that the number of available rooms is limited, we strongly encourage you to register early and reserve your accommodations as soon as possible.
The link to the workshop website and to the on-line registration is as follows:
Finally we would like to thank our sponsors whose generous financial support has made
this workshop possible:
Severo Ochoa Award
Instituto de FÃsica Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, España
Laboratoire APC, Université Paris 7/CNRS, Paris, France
Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia
African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Muizenberg, South Africa
UKZN, Durban, South Africa
We hope to see you in Madrid this coming June.
Warmest regards,
The Organizing Committee
Juan GarcÃa-Bellido (chair), IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid, España
Martin Bucher, Laboratoire APC, Université Paris 7/CNRS, Paris, France
David Alonso, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Juan Pablo Beltrán Almeida, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia
Rolando Dünner Planella, Universidad Católica de Santiago, Santiago, Chile
José Alberto Rubiño MartÃn, Instituto de AstrofÃsica de Canarias, Tenerife, España
Jonathan Sievers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Licia Verde, Universitat Barcelona, Spain
Savvas Nesseris, IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid, España
Conference contact email: [Log in to view email]
Key participants:
Reza Ansari, Université Paris-Sud
Eric Aubourg, Université Paris 7
Bruce Basset, African Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Gianni Bernardi, SKA South Africa/Rhodes University
Paolo de Bernardis, University of Rome (“La Sapienzaâ€)
Jens Chluba, University of Manchester
Jo Dunkley, University of Oxford
Ruth Durrer, University of Geneva
Joshua Frieman, University of Chicago and Fermilab
Enrique Gaztañaga, Institut de Ciències de l’Espai, Barcelona
Masashi Hazumi, KEK Laboratory, Japan
Shirley Ho, Carnegie-Mellon University
Justin Jonas, SKA South Africa/Rhodes University
Jonathan Pritchard, Imperial College
Alexandre Refregier, ETH, Zurich
Mario Santos, University of the Western Cape
Jonathan Sievers, University of KwaZulu-Natal
This is the second announcement for the three-week long cosmology workshop that will be held in Madrid, Spain this coming June (13 June – 1 July 2016), at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, focused on the three above themes of particular current interest.
The idea of this workshop is not to have a program packed with talks as in a regular conference. The workshop will instead have a more open format, with fewer talks and leaving a substantial part of each day for discussions, informal interactions, and collaboration, much in the same spirit as the workshops held in Aspen, Santa Barbara, or Benasque, with which many of you are doubtless familiar. We want to provide an environment where people can interact with each other easily and also in unplanned ways.
This workshop has no registration fee. Since the start date is approaching, we would like to encourage you to register as soon as possible. We have blocked a certain number of rooms at the nearby Residencia Erasmus located a few hundred meters from the conference venue. This option is both a very convenient and economical (starting at approximately 25 euros per day for a single room, with double rooms and family suites also available). Given that the number of available rooms is limited, we strongly encourage you to register early and reserve your accommodations as soon as possible.
The link to the workshop website and to the on-line registration is as follows:
Finally we would like to thank our sponsors whose generous financial support has made
this workshop possible:
Severo Ochoa Award
Instituto de FÃsica Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, España
Laboratoire APC, Université Paris 7/CNRS, Paris, France
Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia
African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Muizenberg, South Africa
UKZN, Durban, South Africa
We hope to see you in Madrid this coming June.
Warmest regards,
The Organizing Committee
Juan GarcÃa-Bellido (chair), IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid, España
Martin Bucher, Laboratoire APC, Université Paris 7/CNRS, Paris, France
David Alonso, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Juan Pablo Beltrán Almeida, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia
Rolando Dünner Planella, Universidad Católica de Santiago, Santiago, Chile
José Alberto Rubiño MartÃn, Instituto de AstrofÃsica de Canarias, Tenerife, España
Jonathan Sievers, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Licia Verde, Universitat Barcelona, Spain
Savvas Nesseris, IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid, España
Conference contact email: [Log in to view email]
Key participants:
Reza Ansari, Université Paris-Sud
Eric Aubourg, Université Paris 7
Bruce Basset, African Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Gianni Bernardi, SKA South Africa/Rhodes University
Paolo de Bernardis, University of Rome (“La Sapienzaâ€)
Jens Chluba, University of Manchester
Jo Dunkley, University of Oxford
Ruth Durrer, University of Geneva
Joshua Frieman, University of Chicago and Fermilab
Enrique Gaztañaga, Institut de Ciències de l’Espai, Barcelona
Masashi Hazumi, KEK Laboratory, Japan
Shirley Ho, Carnegie-Mellon University
Justin Jonas, SKA South Africa/Rhodes University
Jonathan Pritchard, Imperial College
Alexandre Refregier, ETH, Zurich
Mario Santos, University of the Western Cape
Jonathan Sievers, University of KwaZulu-Natal