Account activation

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Account activation

Post by Guest »


I registered a while back for CosmoCoffee, but have only just tried logging in. My account is not activated. Can you activate it?
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Re: Account activation

Post by CoffeePot »

What is your username?

Make sure you are not spam-blocking email from email

Account activation

Post by Guest »

My user name is Charles Francis
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Re: Account activation

Post by CoffeePot »

You appear not have an affiliation (and hence can't be authenticated automatically), and also appear not to have any published papers in relevant journals.

Account activation

Post by Guest »

I don't have an active affiliation, though I did my MA in maths at Jesus College Cambridge, and my PhD also in maths, but on quantum electrodynamics at London, so there is a sense in which I have lifelong affiliations.

I have one published paper, albeit some time ago

J Phys A: Math Gen. 14 (1981) 2539-2551.

I then dropped out of active research for a while, until I had time to pursue it at a reasonable level. I have four papers on gr-qc. The first was submitted on my behalf by a physicist who had read it an thought it of the required standard. When the endorsement system came in I had to find a leading physicist to endorse my submissions. He also had to read it and assert that it was of the required standard for arxiv, although this is less than peer review. My next paper was held for moderation before being accepted. These two papers and the final paper are currently under preliminary assessment having been submitted to cgc.

The mathematics behind the papers is subtle, and seeks to show that a study of foundations of quantum theory suggests that one should replace the affine connection used in general relativity with a teleparallel connection in the quantum domain (restoring the affine connection in the classical correspondence). If correct there are important and wide ranging empirical consequences, and I have demonstrated that these are consistent with observation in every test I have applied so far, and that they resolve a number of observational issues in Cosmology.

Anyway, I would really like to find people with sufficient understanding of foundations of quantum theory and general relativity, or of issues in observational astronomy, and interested enough to look at them and discuss them, so I was hoping I might do so here.

gr-qc/0508077 gr-qc/0605127 gr-qc/0605127

Account activation

Post by Guest »


I registered yesterday, but when I try to activate my account I get this message

"The activation key you supplied does not match any in the database."

(Bruno Henriques)
Site Admin
Posts: 145
Joined: September 24 2004
Affiliation: Site Administrators

Re: Account activation

Post by CoffeePot »

Not sure why that happened, but you should now be activated.

Account activation

Post by Guest »


I registered long time ago, now I'm trying to log in but it seems that my account is inactive. Can you please activate it for me? My name is Ana Avilez.
Thank you
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