This article authored by the CMS Collaboration of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) was published as Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 211802.
Like the earlier paper authored by the ATLAS Collaboration 1102.2357 = Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 131802 it rules out supersymmetry.
The main prediction of supersymmetry, the existence of supersymmetric partners of the standard model particles with masses below 300 GeV, has been refuted by both the ATLAS Collaboration and the CMS Collaboration.
The results are far-reaching.
If there is no supersymmetry, then there is no local supersymmetry ( = supergravitation), no superstrings, and no M-theory. M-theory was suggested as a unification of supergravitation, superstring theory and heterotic string theory.
Supersymmetry can in principle solve the mass hierarchy problem of grand unified theories. But if there is no supersymmetry, then the mass hierarchy problem is still unsolved. Is grand unification possible without supersymmetry?
't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles and cosmic strings are hardly possible without grand unification.
Cosmic inflation was suggested as a result of grand unification (old inflation) and of supersymmetry (primordial inflation). In principle, cosmic inflation can exist without grand unification and supersymmetry, but then it must have happened at the Planck scale.
Cold dark matter need not consist of gravitinos or other supersymmetric particles, although most astrophysicists have preferred this idea. The original work by Primack and Pagels, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48 (1982) 223, suggested that CDM consists of gravitinos. In principle, CDM could consist of non-standard axions or other exotic particles, but there is no real theoretical framework for such particles if one excludes both grand unification and supersymmetry.
Most models which regard leptons and quarks as composite particles, such as the Rishon model of Harari, Phys. Lett. B 86 (1979) 83, require grand unification.
So can we forget about supersymmetry, supergravitation, superstring theory, M-theory, grand unification, 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles, cosmic strings, cosmic inflation, cold dark matter, and composite models of leptons and quarks? My view is that we can.
In my recent preprint I argued that the quantization of electric charge requires neither grand unification nor compactified dimensions, it can be explained by quantum electromagnetodynamics, a generalization of quantum electrodynamics which includes Dirac magnetic monopoles and the Salam magnetic photon.
In the same preprint I argued that a generalization of general relativity which can explain spin requires no supersymmetry, Cartan's torsion is sufficient, Einstein-Cartan theory.
Moreover I argued in this preprint that the electric-magnetic duality of quantum electromagnetodynamics is analogous to the mass-spin duality of Einstein-Cartan theory.
So my bold statement is this: Forget about supersymmetry, supergravitation, superstring theory, M-theory, grand unification, 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles, cosmic strings, cosmic inflation, cold dark matter, and composite models of leptons and quarks. Instead care for Dirac magnetic monopoles, the Salam magnetic photon, and Cartan's torsion. By the way, an effect of Salam's magnetic photon may have already been observed by August Kundt in 1885.
[1103.0953] Search for Supersymmetry in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in Events with Two Photons and Missing Transverse Energy
Authors: | CMS Collaboration |
Abstract: | A search for supersymmetry in the context of general gauge-mediated (GGM) breaking with the lightest neutralino as the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle and the gravitino as the lightest is presented. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 36 inverse picobarns recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The search is performed using events containing two or more isolated photons, at least one hadronic jet, and significant missing transverse energy. No excess of events at high missing transverse energy is observed. Upper limits on the signal cross section for GGM supersymmetry between 0.3 and 1.1 pb at the 95% confidence level are determined for a range of squark, gluino, and neutralino masses, excluding supersymmetry parameter space that was inaccessible to previous experiments. |
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