
Announcements, suggestions for new forums, ideas, etc.
Anze Slosar
Posts: 183
Joined: September 24 2004
Affiliation: Brookhaven National Laboratory


Post by Anze Slosar »

Two suggestions:
  1. could we add a rule that says that people should post a link to a paper they want to discuss, i.e. the first link of a new article should be of the form:
  2. Could we either allow pseudoynms or explicitly prohibit them on the registration page?
Site Admin
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Joined: September 24 2004
Affiliation: Site Administrators

Re: suggestions

Post by CoffeePot »

We have added your suggestion 1 to the posting guidelines at the top of the arxiv groups.

The usage agreement (which you clicked "I agree") to already states that you should use your real name. Will see if we can change it elsewhere.

After note: arxiv title and information extraction is now automated. Posting guidelines now state that topic subjects should be just the relevant arxiv reference in the arxiv discussion forums.
Jochen Weller
Posts: 45
Joined: September 24 2004
Affiliation: Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

real name !

Post by Jochen Weller »

I agree that a real name shoul be enforced !
Site Admin
Posts: 145
Joined: September 24 2004
Affiliation: Site Administrators

Post by CoffeePot »

This forum aims at being informal but also informative and usefull.

In principle there is no need for anonymous posting since you should be able to argue openly about any issues discussed here.

Even if anonymous posting by registered readers would be feasible (the administrators would know who posted what though) and arguably useful in some particular situations, it looks like it mostly encourages irresponsible behavior.

After a bit of exchange, that is the conclusion we reached but we remain of course open to opposite arguments.
Anze Slosar
Posts: 183
Joined: September 24 2004
Affiliation: Brookhaven National Laboratory

Post by Anze Slosar »

Well, I was misunderstood... I was never proposing anonymous postings, I was just proposting that people should be allowed funny user names; after all, you can alwyas "reverse engineer" the true identity and besides, after a few posts eryone would know who is who... Anyway, I might be a bit childish in that respect, so I will just shut up.
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