I encountered some errors while using CAMB to calculate the primordial bispectrum. I'd be really grateful if someone could help me.
To calculate the primordial bispectrum, I started by modifying the default params.ini on the following four lines:
do_primordial_bispectrum = T
bispectrum_slice_base_L = 2
But CAMB comes back with:
Code: Select all
(base) chaofan@chaofan:~/CAMB/fortran$ ./camb ../bispectrum/planck_2018.ini
Reion redshift = 7.680
Om_b h^2 = 0.022383
Om_c h^2 = 0.120108
Om_nu h^2 = 0.000645
Om_darkenergy = 0.684097
Om_K = 0.000000
Om_m (inc Om_u) = 0.315823
100 theta (CosmoMC) = 1.040896
N_eff (total) = 3.046000
1 nu, g= 1.0153 m_nu*c^2/k_B/T_nu0= 356.54 (m_nu= 0.060 eV)
Reion opt depth = 0.0543
Age of universe/GYr = 13.797
zstar = 1089.91
r_s(zstar)/Mpc = 144.40
100*theta = 1.041098
DA(zstar)/Gpc = 13.86965
zdrag = 1059.97
r_s(zdrag)/Mpc = 147.05
k_D(zstar) Mpc = 0.1409
100*theta_D = 0.160736
z_EQ (if v_nu=1) = 3405.08
k_EQ Mpc (if v_nu=1) = 0.010393
100*theta_EQ = 0.812803
100*theta_rs_EQ = 0.449131
tau_recomb/Mpc = 280.53 tau_now/Mpc = 14150.1
getting reduced local fnl bispectra
Error creating file : CESHI_
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
Error termination. Backtrace:
#0 0x7fdfcc801d4a
#1 0x7fdfcc802859
#2 0x7fdfcc803f87
#3 0x55805d7287f8
#4 0x55805d732ebb
#5 0x55805d732a73
#6 0x55805d72d5bc
#7 0x55805d6ed9aa
#8 0x55805d664079
#9 0x55805d667cde
#10 0x55805d6687d7
#11 0x55805d65a624
#12 0x7fdfcc43b082
#13 0x55805d65a73d
#14 0xffffffffffffffff