COBAYA+CLASS: Can't print/plot theta

Use of Cobaya. camb, CLASS, cosmomc, compilers, etc.
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Ali Rida Khalife
Posts: 18
Joined: October 31 2022
Affiliation: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

COBAYA+CLASS: Can't print/plot theta

Post by Ali Rida Khalife »

I did a run in COBAYA, putting a prior on H_0 rather than theta. That part of my yaml file looks like this:

Code: Select all

          #value: 'lambda theta_s_1e2: theta_s_1e2'
    derived: false
    latex: 100\theta_\mathrm{s}
     dist: norm
     loc: 73.2
     scale: 1.3
    dist: norm
    loc: 68
    scale: 1.3
   proposal: 1.3
   latex: H_0
Now I want to include theta in my triangular plots, but I think I did a mistake in setting derived: false, so now the parameter is not even included in the updated input file.
How can I include theta again?
I tried post-processing in several ways but non of them worked.
I'd really appreciate the help,
Jesus Torrado
Posts: 37
Joined: April 15 2013
Affiliation: RWTH Aachen

Re: COBAYA+CLASS: Can't print/plot theta

Post by Jesus Torrado »

Dear Ali,

Not trivial in the current version, unfortunately. I have added this feature in a different branch called "class_upd", where you can simply make, as expected:

Code: Select all

The branch will be merged soon in a new release, but you can just clone it, check out the branch ("git checkout class_upd") and test this now.
Jesus Torrado
Posts: 37
Joined: April 15 2013
Affiliation: RWTH Aachen

Re: COBAYA+CLASS: Can't print/plot theta

Post by Jesus Torrado »

It's in the master branch now.
Ali Rida Khalife
Posts: 18
Joined: October 31 2022
Affiliation: Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

Re: COBAYA+CLASS: Can't print/plot theta

Post by Ali Rida Khalife »

Thank you Jesus!
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