Postdoctoral position in theoretical cosmology at IFT Madrid

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Matteo Fasiello
Posts: 2
Joined: November 22 2020
Affiliation: IFT Madrid

Postdoctoral position in theoretical cosmology at IFT Madrid

Post by Matteo Fasiello »

It is a pleasure to announce the opening of a postdoctoral position in theoretical cosmology at the IFT UAM-CSIC, Madrid. The selected candidate will join the Group of Dr. Matteo R. Fasiello.
The focus area will be early universe physics including inflation and cosmological gravitational wave backgrounds. Dr. Fasiello is actively involved also in the LISA Collaboration.

All candidates with general expertise in theoretical cosmology are encouraged to apply.

The appointment is for two years, subject to yearly performance review. The salary is commensurate with experience. The position comes with a dedicated travel budget. The funds associated with this position are bound to a very specific timeline, with September 1st 2023 as the ideal starting date. It is in principle possible to postpone it to late November 2023, but in that case one must seek the approval of the funding agency, a procedure whose success is not guaranteed.
The position may be later extended to a third year by relying on funding from a different grant.

The Instituto de Fisica Teorica ( houses a thriving Cosmology Group with several PhD students and a lively group of highly motivated postdocs. More broadly, the Institute offers a welcoming and vibrant research environment, with a wide range of experts in cosmology & gravitation, lattice & quantum field theory, nuclear theory, particle & astro-particle physics, quantum information theory, and string theory.

Candidates are invited to send (i) a curriculum vitae, (ii) a list of publications (if not included in the cv), (iii) a brief research statement to, ensuring the subject line includes "postdoc2023”. Candidates should make sure at least two letters of recommendation are sent to the same address by the deadline, ideally with a subject line including "postdoc2023 rec”.

The deadline for the applications is July 15th 2023. However, review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Candidates must have received their PhD by the start date.

The IFT is an equal opportunity institution, adhering with the principles of non-discrimination and gender balance. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender, sexual orientation, race, age, religion, functional diversity, or any other circumstance. Candidates from underrepresented and traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.
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