Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the registration for the Cosmology School and conference to be held at ICTS Bangalore, India is now open. The event will be held between 1-12 May 2023.
The tremendous success of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations, by WMAP and Planck, have heralded an era in precision cosmology. The near future will see further advances with DESI, PFS, Euclid and LSST continuing the legacy of wide area surveys. We will also get data in X-ray from eROSITA, and 21 cm surveys such as CHIME and BINGO followed by SKA in the not so far future. Hand-in-hand, the next generation CMB S4, CMB-HD observations are on the cards.
The proposed program aims to :
Expose young researchers to the forefront of Cosmology research in the areas that are poised to dominate the field in the next decade.
Initiate, strengthen and extend collaborations between active early career scientists with the researchers from the top-most CMB and LSS research groups.
Develop the necessary skills to use publicly available data to do cutting edge cosmology research.
This program is aimed to be unique by its very different focus and methods. It will bring expert knowledge, through hands-on short projects, to early career researchers who are poised to grasp complex details of multi-messenger cosmology. The key idea is to provide the very valuable `insider insight’ which is crucial when working with large survey data. We will also have a strong focus on presenting complex ideas effectively by various talks students will have to give during the two weeks period.
This program is divided in two parts which require separate registrations:
1) School (1 - 8 May 2023)
2) Workshop (9 - 12 May 2023)
The website for the school, along with the list of lecturers and some basic information, and the registration form, is at
Please forward this information to interested members of the community.
Largest Cosmological Surveys & Big Data Science: School + Workshop at ICTS, Bangalore, India - May 1-12, 2023
- Posts: 8
- Joined: December 23 2005
- Affiliation: IUCAA, Pune, India