Two post-doctoral positions at Louvain University

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Christophe Ringeval
Posts: 17
Joined: November 07 2004
Affiliation: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Group, CP3, Louvain University

Two post-doctoral positions at Louvain University

Post by Christophe Ringeval »

The Centre for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) at "Université catholique de Louvain" (Belgium) invites applications for at two postdoctoral openings in theoretical physics starting Fall 2012. Applicants interested in:

-Theoretical cosmology and early universe models (inflation, topological defects...), modified gravity and string cosmology, CMB physics;

-Non-perturbative gauge dynamics, non-commutative geometry and quantum gravity;

-Phenomenology of the standard model and beyond, mechanisms of spontaneous symmetry breaking, QCD at colliders, flavor physics and CP-violation;

are particularly encouraged to apply.

Appointments are for two years and can be extended up to three years depending upon
performance and funding.

The deadline for applications is the 15th of December 2011, and the usual material should be uploaded at:
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