Invitation Candidates 2012 CNRS-jobs competition

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Pier Stefano Corasaniti
Posts: 43
Joined: November 11 2004
Affiliation: LUTH, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon

Invitation Candidates 2012 CNRS-jobs competition

Post by Pier Stefano Corasaniti »

The cosmology group at the ‘‘Laboratoire Univers et Theories’’ (LUTH) of Paris Observatory invites candidates to the 2012 CNRS permanent-jobs competition who have a strong research background in cosmology, cosmic structure formation, cosmological simulations and cosmological data analysis to consider LUTH as host laboratory.

The group currently consists of three permanent researchers (J.-M. Alimi, P.S. Corasaniti and Y. Rasera) and five PhD students. Over the past few years the group has developed an active research program on several topics in cosmology, including theoretical modeling of dark energy, non-linear structure formation, cosmological parameter inference with CMB, large-scale structure and cosmic distance data, back-reaction models and primordial non-Gaussianity. A common effort is devoted to the realization of large volume very high-resolution numerical simulations of dark energy dominated scenarios, such as the Dark Energy Universe Simulation Series (DEUSS), at moment the largest simulation of non-standard LCDM cosmologies ( The group has access to several super-computing facilities and benefits from national and international collaborations. Group members are involved in the science support to a number of observational programs such as the XMM-XXL cluster survey and the EUCLID mission. In the upcoming years the group will expand his activities. Several doctoral and postdoctoral appointments will become available through the ERC-Starting Grant “Exploring Dark Energy through Cosmic Structures” (EDECS), PI: Pier-Stefano Corasaniti.

CNRS candidates who are interested in applying with LUTH are invited to take contact with J.-M. Alimi ([Log in to view email]), P.S. Corasaniti ([Log in to view email]) and Y. Rasera ([Log in to view email]).
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