Postdoctoral positions in Cosmology at Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA)

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Patricio Vielva
Posts: 3
Joined: May 04 2005
Affiliation: Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria

Postdoctoral positions in Cosmology at Instituto de Fisica d

Post by Patricio Vielva »

We announce up to 3 postdoctoral positions at the Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA, ), to work within the Observational Cosmology and Instrumentation group. These postdoctoral positions have 1 + 1 year duration, starting on January the first 2011 or as soon as possible afterwards.

The postdoc researcher will be integrated in the activities being carried out in our group (see ). We are looking for two types of profiles: one focused on theory and data analysis in cosmology, mostly dealing with data analysis of the ESA Planck satellite and the QUIJOTE experiment on the topics in which our group is more largely involved; the other profile requires expertise in instrumental development for CMB experiments, specially radiometer arrays and interferometry. The annual gross salary is approximately 29,000 €.

The candidates should contact Dr. Diego Herranz (herranz [at], sending their CV, statement of research (1 or 2 pages) and two reference letters. A tentative deadline for submitting the applications is December 15th 2010, however later submissions will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found.
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