Postdoctoral positions in the Planck group at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

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Francois Bouchet
Posts: 1
Joined: September 26 2004
Affiliation: IAP, CNRS, Paris, France

Postdoctoral positions in the Planck group at the Institut d

Post by Francois Bouchet »

Postdoctoral positions in the Planck group at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP)
Applications are accepted for a post-doctoral research position in Cosmology and CMB analysis at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris. The successful applicant will work with the Planck group at IAP and its collaborators, on the statistical characterization and interpretation of the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies measured by the Planck satellite.

More specifically, the successful applicant will work on one or both of the following topics: i) deriving and using the Likelihood of theoretical CMB power spectra given Planck data ii) deriving and using indicators of non-Gaussian statistics on Planck data, in particular in order to detect or constrain the existence of strings or other defects, FNL, lensing...

The Planck team at IAP is in charge of coordinating the data analysis for the HFI instrument of Planck, and leads several Planck scientific projects in the two topics above. The Planck team at IAP includes Francois Bouchet, K. Benabed, JF Cardoso, S. Colombi, E. Hivon, S. Prunet, A. Riazuelo, B. Wandelt, as well as about 8 software engineers, and several graduate students and postdoctorates. The position will naturally offer opportunities to collaborate with our partners within the Planck collaboration in France and abroad.

The position will begin as soon as possible, once a successful candidate has been selected. Screening of applications will begin on February 1st 2012 until the position is filled. Candidates should send their application by mail to Asja Prohic ( The material should include a curriculum vitae, a research statement, a list of publications, and 3 letters of recommendation.

The position is normally for two years and can possibly be extended for a third year.The total net annual income will be in the €23.000-38.000 range depending on experience.
Included Benefits:

The net annual income will be supplemented by extensive health care coverage through the French social security system. Support for scientific work (computers, travels, etc.) will be provided under the general Planck grant of the IAP team.
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