ICAP@IAP: Initiative in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics at the Institute for Astrophysics in Paris

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Benjamin Wandelt
Posts: 12
Joined: September 24 2004
Affiliation: IAP, UPMC, Sorbonne Universites, and Illinois

ICAP@IAP: Initiative in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

Post by Benjamin Wandelt »

Dear colleagues -

It is a great pleasure to announce the creation of the Initiative in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics at the Institute for Astrophysics in Paris (ICAP@IAP). Attached below you will find information about associated postdoctoral fellowships with an application deadline of December 20. We invite you to spread word of this announcement to potential candidates.

Kind regards,
Ben and Joe


Initiative in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

We invite applications for several postdoctoral positions and thesis fellowships that will become available starting in 2011 at the Initiative in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, newly established under the joint direction of Professors Joseph Silk and Benjamin Wandelt at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris: ICAP@IAP. Jointly funded by Wandelt's senior Excellence Chair awarded by France's Agence Nationale de Recherche and Silk's Advanced Grant awarded by the European Research Council, ICAP@IAP will serve as a collaborative space for path-breaking studies of the cosmic origin, dark matter and dark energy and the evolution of cosmic structures from their seeds until today. The initiative creates opportunities at IAP for astrophysicists and cosmologists in the early stages of their research careers to work with the directors, their collaborators, visitors, and colleagues for periods of 2 to 5 years. Successful candidates will enjoy the unparalleled research environment at IAP and in the Paris area, excellent computational resources locally and at national and international centers and broad opportunities to analyze or develop analysis approaches for the current and next generation of cosmological data sets. Generous travel and research funds will be available.

IAP is the leading institute in France for cosmology, gravitation, and astrophysics with more than 60 associated researchers, plus postdocs and PhD students, and an extensive international visitors program. IAP members participate in a wide range of cosmology research programs, including Planck, BOSS, CFHTLS, and the proposed EUCLID and COrE space missions.

Please apply by e-mail (subject: “ICAP@IAP”) to Ms Chantal Le Vaillant at [Log in to view email] and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to the same address by December 20, 2010. The application should include brief statements of research accomplishments and interests (not exceeding 2 pages each), a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of publications.

If you have already applied to either the "Excellence Chair" announcement (ANR, Wandelt: AAS Job Register 26991) or the Dark Matters Project announcement (ERC, Silk: AAS Job Register 27033) for IAP positions, there is no need to respond to this announcement.

Prof. Ben Wandelt
Prof. Joe Silk
Institute for Astrophysics (IAP)
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 06)
98 bis, boulevard Arago
75014 Paris

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