Bookmarks and journal clubs

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Bookmarks and journal clubs

Post by CoffeePot »

There are now new features to bookmark papers and organize them into journal clubs.

* Bookmark papers from Arxiv new

* View and manage bookmarks at

* Start and manage journal clubs at

* View and manage journal club papers on the club page. e.g. IoA Cosmology Journal Club

Journal clubs are essentially collections of the members' bookmarks. However club managers can also move journal club papers to the "old" or "ignored" section of the club.

When you have bookmarked a paper, if you are a member of a club there will be a link to optionally add the paper to the club list. It will then appear on the journal club page paper list. You can also add an optional one-line note.

To start a new journal club go to and give a name for the new club. Then enter a description and CosmoCoffee usernames of members. You can also add more than one manager. Managers can add users, and also move papers from the current list to the old list, or choose to ignore bookmarked papers.

Note you need to be logged in to use bookmark features (if you log in once on a computer, you should be automatically logged in in future, so this is quick and easy).

You can also view an anonymous list of all papers that have been bookmarked by CosmoCoffee members at
smriti inspire
Posts: 1
Joined: December 19 2016
Affiliation: IISER Mohali

Bookmarks and journal clubs

Post by smriti inspire »


We have recently started a new journal club group, but are unable to see the one-line notes with the papers in the journal club page.
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