New CosmoCoffee membership rule

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New CosmoCoffee membership rule

Post by CoffeePot »

We make decisions about cosmocoffee membership, account activation and suspension according to our collective best judgement about the best interests of the professional cosmology community. This includes, but is not restricted to, a consideration of institutional affiliation and publications.
Sarah Bridle, Olivier Dore, Antony Lewis, Mike Nolta

New CosmoCoffee membership rule

Post by Guest »

I wonder how many nobel laureates did not work in academia. I do know that from att labs there were seven. Yes they would qualify by having submitted papers I hope but I wonder how many were submitted regarding the big bang. I do know that att doesn't want to waste stockholder money on pure research. I also know that att employees some very smart people.

New CosmoCoffee membership rule

Post by Guest »

Dear Sir,

I have an inactive account. You have not activated the account My email
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