Compiling WMAP

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Mario Acero
Posts: 28
Joined: November 15 2006
Affiliation: Universidad del Atlantico

Compiling WMAP

Post by Mario Acero »

Hi all,

I would like not to make this question, because it is similar to one I have already made, but I cannot understant the problem I have now.
I want to install wmap_likelihoodcode_v2p2p2 on Linux, so I have modified the Makefile as follows:

Code: Select all


#			Non-test object files.
OBJS = read_archive_map.o \
       read_fits.o \
       WMAP_3yr_options.o \
       WMAP_3yr_util.o \
       WMAP_3yr_tt_pixlike.o \
       WMAP_3yr_tt_beam_and_ptsrc_corr.o \
       WMAP_3yr_teeebb_pixlike.o \
#			General Commands.
DIFF = diff -w
RM = rm -f

# See the CHANGES files for a description of these options

## SGI ProPack(Altix)/Intel -- gets the LAPACK functions from the system SCSL library.
F90    = ifort
#LIBS   = -L. -L$(CFITSIO)/lib -lcfitsio -lscs_mp
LIBS   = -L. -L$(CFITSIO) -lcfitsio -L/wrk04/acero/CosmoMC/lapack-3.1.0 -llapack_LINUX -lguide -lpthread -static

all: test

test: $(OBJS) test.o
	$(F90) $(FFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) test.o $(LIBS)

check: test
	./test | tee output.log
	$(DIFF) output.log output.std

%.o: %.f90
	$(F90) $(FFLAGS) $(INCS) -c -o $@ $<

%.o: %.F90
	$(F90) $(FFLAGS) $(INCS) -c -o $@ $<

	$(RM) *.o *.mod *.log *~

distclean: clean
	$(RM) test
Then, when I try to 'make' the test (using make), the following error message appears:
Multiple rules lines for `%.o'
Make: Don't know how to make read_archive_map.F90. Stop.
I think I have installed the required libraries, so I really don't understand.

Thanks for your comments and help,

Jason Dick
Posts: 11
Joined: November 08 2005
Affiliation: SISSA

Compiling WMAP

Post by Jason Dick »

It's a problem with the make rules. Try commenting out the lines:

Code: Select all

%.o: %.F90
   $(F90) $(FFLAGS) $(INCS) -c -o $@ $< that you only have one rule to make the .o files.
Mario Acero
Posts: 28
Joined: November 15 2006
Affiliation: Universidad del Atlantico

Compiling WMAP

Post by Mario Acero »

Well, I made a try with the suggestion given by Jason Dick.
However, it didn't work. The error message in that case is
f90 -O -DFASTERTT -DOPTIMIZE -DOPTIMIZE2 -g -I. -I/wrk04/acero/CosmoMC/cfitsio -c -o read_archive_map.o
f90 -O -DFASTERTT -DOPTIMIZE -DOPTIMIZE2 -g -I. -I/wrk04/acero/CosmoMC/cfitsio -c -o read_fits.o
Make: Don't know how to make WMAP_3yr_options.f90. Stop.
(The file 'WMAP_3yr_options.f90' doesn't exist, but there is the file 'WMAP_3yr_options.F90').
So, has someone another idea which could help me?

Thanks a lot,

Jason Dick
Posts: 11
Joined: November 08 2005
Affiliation: SISSA

Compiling WMAP

Post by Jason Dick »

Ah, rename the file so that it has a lower case f in the extension (and any others that have upper case f's).
Antony Lewis
Posts: 1976
Joined: September 23 2004
Affiliation: University of Sussex

Re: Compiling WMAP

Post by Antony Lewis »

Sometimes I think running "gmake" instead of "make" works.
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