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CosmoMC: Adding/changing derived parameters

Posted: May 25 2006
by Vimal Simha
I would like to add some derived parameters or perhaps redefine some of the existing ones. Could someone please tell me how I could do this?

Also where is the code for calculating the current derived parameters?


CosmoMC: Adding/changing derived parameters

Posted: May 25 2006
by Jun-Qing Xia

In ./source/params_CMB.f90, there is a subroutine :

subroutine WriteParams(P, mult, like)

You can add some derived parameters behind this:

Code: Select all

     fmt = trim(numcat('(2E16.7,',num_params))//'E16.7,7E16.7)'
     write (outfile_unit,fmt) mult,like, P%P, C%omv,P%Info%Theory%Age, C%omdm+C%omb, &
          P%Info%Theory%Sigma_8, C%zre,r10,C%H0
and do some tiny changes correspondingly.

Jun-Qing Xia

CosmoMC: Adding/changing derived parameters

Posted: May 26 2006
by Vimal Simha
Sorry if I was unclear in my question.
I was aware of the writeparams subroutine.

Also, is there a way to do this in getdist? without having to recompute the chains?