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CosmoMC: why this error \"MCMC.f90: Couldn''t start aft

Posted: May 16 2006
by Jie Ren
I had compiled the cfitsio, healpix, wmap3, camb, and cosmomc successfully. When I ran cosmomc using the default parameters (./cosmomc params.ini, without modifiying any files), an error occured after more than one hour: "MCMC.f90: Couldn't start after 1000 tries - check starting ranges". Thanks for any help.

[renphysics@nkstar2 cosmomc]$ more 102009.log
Sender: LSF System <lsfadmin@node152>
Subject: Job 102009: <cmb> Done

Job <cmb> was submitted from host <nkstar2> by user <renphysics>.
Job was executed on host(s) <node152>, in queue <student>, as user <renphysics>.
</nfs/s07r2p1/renphysics> was used as the home directory.
</nfs/s07r2p1/renphysics/cosmomc> was used as the working directory.
Started at Tue May 16 16:00:39 2006
Results reported at Tue May 16 17:13:24 2006

Your job looked like:

# LSBATCH: User input
#BSUB -q student
#BSUB -J cmb
#BSUB -o %J.log
#BSUB -c 180
./cosmomc params.ini


Successfully completed.

Resource usage summary:

CPU time : 5467.48 sec.
Max Memory : 2061 MB
Max Swap : 2215 MB

Max Processes : 7
Max Threads : 7

The output (if any) follows:

Random seeds: 19704, 14314 rand_inst: 0
WARNING: computing tensors with num_cls=3 (BB=0)
Computing tensors: F
Doing CMB lensing: F
lmax = 2100
Number of C_ls = 3
Varying 6 parameters ( 0 fast)
reading: params_CMB.covmat
starting Monte-Carlo
reading WMAP3 data
WARNING: obsolete interface to MAP2ALM:
cos_theta_cut (6th argument) currently a DP scalar with value
shoud now be replaced with a 2-element vector with values:
0.00000 0.00000
See documentation for details.
WARNING: obsolete interface to MAP2ALM:
cos_theta_cut (6th argument) currently a DP scalar with value
shoud now be replaced with a 2-element vector with values:
0.00000 0.00000
See documentation for details.
MCMC.f90: Couldn't start after 1000 tries - check starting ranges
[renphysics@nkstar2 cosmomc]$