I have the following questions:
1.- Every time I ran the minimizer I got a different chi2, the delta chi2 can be as high as 6, is that normal?
2.- I tried to change the best_of parameter but if I set it to a number >10 the minimization breaks before giving an output. Can this parameter help reduce the error bars in the chi2 results? How can I get it to work for a best_of >10 run?
3.- The output file that I get has a chi-sq at the beginning that doesn't match the sum of chi2__CMB+chi2__BAO that I find at the end of the file, where does the difference come from?
Here are some of the input .yaml file block settings I am using:
Code: Select all
method: bobyqa
ignore_prior: true
max_evals: 1e6d
best_of: 2
confidence_for_unbounded: 0.9999995
seed: null
override_scipy: null
rhoend: 0.05
covmat: null
covmat_params: null
version: null
fallback_covmat_scale: 4
halofit_version: mead
bbn_predictor: PArthENoPE_880.2_standard.dat
lens_potential_accuracy: 1
num_massive_neutrinos: 0
nnu: 3.044
- 20
- 100
planck_2018_lowl.TT: null
planck_2018_lowl.EE: null
planck_2018_highl_plik.TTTEEE: null
planck_2018_lensing.clik: null
bao.sdss_dr16_baoplus_lrg: null
bao.sdss_dr16_baoplus_lyauto: null
bao.sdss_dr16_baoplus_lyxqso: null
bao.sdss_dr16_baoplus_qso: null
bao.sdss_dr16_baoplus_elg: null