I am attempting to run a minimization using CosmoMC action = 2. From the .log file, I can see that the minimization got to a point where it had found a minimum. The .log file lists the best-fit parameters and a $\chi^2$ breakdown, for each of the likelihoods included, for each walker. However, CosmoMC does not produce a .minimum file. The final lines of the .log file say:
Best-fit results:
Error creating file :
MpiStop: 5
Abort(-44192) on node 5 (rank 5 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -44192) - process 5
I have attempted to rerun the minimization code, and I have checked to make sure that I am telling CosmoMC to output the file in an appropriate directory and that I am not overwriting any existing files. With this problem, I have two questions:
1) Is there a way to fix this problem so that the .minimum files are created?
2) Can I just use the best-fit parameters that are outputted into the .log file?
Error Creating .minimum files using CosmoMC Action = 2
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- Joined: March 21 2018
- Affiliation: YITP Stony Brook University
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Re: Error Creating .minimum files using CosmoMC Action = 2
Sounds weird, disk full or permission issue? The log file probably does have most of the information you need.
- Posts: 6
- Joined: March 21 2018
- Affiliation: YITP Stony Brook University
Re: Error Creating .minimum files using CosmoMC Action = 2
Thanks! I will look into these options, and in the mean time, I will just use the results in the .log files