I'm having two problems with CLASS in COBAYA that are similar to some that were mentioned here before but were not solved(viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3522&p=9650#p9650 and viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2665&p=7334#p7334)
1- CLASS is not parallizing properly.
This might be why it's running much slower than CAMB(I noticed this by setting Timing: True in the yaml file). I ran top on the node where I'm running the chains, and the %CPU never goes above 100%. I tried compiling CLASS by changing the optimization flags and the parallellization options in its makefile, but nothing changed. Also, it was mentioned on github that hmcode in CLASS is not parallelizing properly, so I switched to halofit, and still nothing happened. Did anyone face a similar problem and managed to solve it?
2- COBAYA crashes with a segmentation fault when using CLASS.
This happens irrespective of the cosmological model and it happens quite randomly(sometimes after 7 hrs, sometimes after 24...there doesn't seem to be a clear pattern). I tried to check if the last point reach by the chain produces any nans somewhere(as was previously reported github), but everything seemed normal. I included a
in cobaya/cobaya/theories/classy.py after line 579, but still didn't work.self.classy.struct_cleanup()
I'm using 80gb memory for each run, with 4 chains and 40 ppn(which I think is a lot).
Any help is really appreciated!