Cobaya/Classy: can't drop theta_s_1e2 (100*theta_s)

Use of Cobaya. camb, CLASS, cosmomc, compilers, etc.
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Natalie Assmann
Posts: 2
Joined: May 09 2022
Affiliation: LMU Munich

Cobaya/Classy: can't drop theta_s_1e2 (100*theta_s)

Post by Natalie Assmann »

Dear all,

I am trying to not sample directly the cosmological parameters, but deriving them by sampled ones (lets just call them alpha_i). For most of the parameters this is not a big deal, but I got issues with '100*theta_s'.
I'm using Cobaya with classy. As input basis I use a info.yaml containing (among other things) the following part (this is directly taken from the class example on the Cobaya webpage):

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      min: 0.5
      max: 10
      dist: norm
      loc: 1.0416
      scale: 0.0004
    proposal: 0.0002
    latex: 100\theta_\mathrm{s}
    drop: true
    value: 'lambda theta_s_1e2: theta_s_1e2'
    derived: false

Now I want to add and override stuff from the info.yaml in a python file like this:
This is an example of one of the sampled alpha parameters:

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info["params"]["alpha1"] = {"prior": {"min": alpha_prior[0][0], "max": alpha_prior[0][1]}, "ref": ref_list[0], "proposal": 0.01, "drop": True, "latex": r"\alpha_1"}
And this is how I would like to derive the '100*theta_s' parameter:

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info["params"]["theta_s_1e2"] = {"value": lambda alpha1, ... : some function depending on alpha , "min": 0.5, "max": 10, "latex": r"100\theta_\mathrm{s}", "proposal": 0.0002, "drop": True}
The Problem with this is that classy then takes "theta_s_1e2" as a direkt input parameter (additional to 100*theta_s) and is not able to drop it (as I understood one can only drop sampled parameters). It raises the following error message:

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File "classy.pyx", line 366, in classy.Class.compute
Error in Class: Class did not read input parameter(s): theta_s_1e2

Since "theta_s_1e2" is exactly the same value as "100*theta_s" it would be nice to just directly define the "100*theta_s" instead of taking this step in between. But this is not possible since "100*theta_s" is not a valid python variable name.

Is there any way around this problem?

Please let me know if you need any additional information to answer my question.
Thanks in advance!

Natalie Assmann
Posts: 2
Joined: May 09 2022
Affiliation: LMU Munich

Re: Cobaya/Classy: can't drop theta_s_1e2 (100*theta_s)

Post by Natalie Assmann »

Hi guys,
this problem could be resolved and maybe there will be a corresponding PR to the devel repo of CLASS by the guy who helped me out.

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