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Problems with using getdist plots and launching the GetDistGUI

Posted: January 14 2022
by Forrest Lee
Hi, everyone,
I have installed CosmoMC (the latest version cloned from Github, including getdist inside) and it successfully generated MCMC chains for a test. The generated files consist of [test.ranges, test.likelihoods, test.paramnames, test.inputparams, test_1.txt,, ……test_8.txt,]. Then I ran getdist by the command "./getdist distparams.ini" , it produced some files [,,, test.margestats, test.likestats, test.covmat, test.corr]. However when I tried to make plots by "python", I got the following error [ No module named 'getdist.chain_grid']

Code: Select all

[test@single outout]$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    import getdist.plots as plots, os
  File "/home/myname/CosmoMC-master/python/getdist/", line 27, in <module>
    from getdist.chain_grid import is_grid_object, get_chain_root_files, ChainDirGrid, load_supported_grid
  File "/opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/python3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shiboken2/files.dir/shibokensupport/", line 142, in _import
    return original_import(name, *args, **kwargs)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'getdist.chain_grid'
Again, when I try to lunch the GetDistGUI by "python", it display the same error [No module named 'getdist.chain_grid']

Code: Select all

(py39forge) [test@single python]$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/myname/CosmoMC-master/python/", line 12, in <module>
  File "/home/myname/CosmoMC-master/python/getdist/", line 337, in getdist_gui
    from getdist.gui.mainwindow import run_gui
  File "/home/myname/CosmoMC-master/python/getdist/gui/", line 40, in <module>
    from getdist import plots, IniFile, chains
  File "/home/myname/CosmoMC-master/python/getdist/", line 27, in <module>
    from getdist.chain_grid import is_grid_object, get_chain_root_files, ChainDirGrid, load_supported_grid
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'getdist.chain_grid'
I wonder what happend to the getdist.chain_grid module. Could you give me some clue to fix this problem?

Re: Problems with using getdist plots and launching the GetDistGUI

Posted: January 14 2022
by Antony Lewis
Check getdist folder is in your python path, that does actually exist in your getdist folder, and that you don't have any old version of getdist pip installed.

You can also ignore the cosmomc getdist version (remove from path), and just install getdist from pip.

Re: Problems with using getdist plots and launching the GetDistGUI

Posted: January 14 2022
by Forrest Lee
Problem solved. The CosmoMC package at Github ommited the "" file under the path CosmoMC/python/getdist/. People who clones the CosmoMC codes from Github should note that.

btw, "" can be found at .

Thanks for your attention.

Re: Problems with using getdist plots and launching the GetDistGUI

Posted: January 14 2022
by Forrest Lee
Antony Lewis wrote:
January 14 2022
Check getdist folder is in your python path, that does actually exist in your getdist folder, and that you don't have any old version of getdist pip installed.

You can also ignore the cosmomc getdist version (remove from path), and just install getdist from pip.
Dear Prof. Lewis,

Thanks for your reply.
The CosmoMC package at Github ommited the "" file under the path CosmoMC/python/getdist/. My getdist works after adding "" to getdist path. It'd be great if you could supply "" for CosmoMC at Github.