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CAMB: Modified parameters for dynamic dark energy

Posted: December 09 2021
by Malena Talvitie
Dear all,

Starting from the dynamic dark energy definition w(a) = w_0 + (1-a)*w_a, where w_0 is the current value and w_a is the variation of the equation-of-state with scale factor a, I have been trying to modify the dark energy parameters of the initial (w_0, w_a) parametrisation. I want to use a pivot scale a_p and the related equation-of-state parameter w_p = w(a_p) to define the initial parameter w_a via the equation w_a = (w_p - w_0)/(1 - a_p). For a starter, I have defined the ´dark_energy_model: ppf´ in the .yaml file and have then also added the parameters w_p and a_p to the parameter list of the .yaml file, as shown here below:

Code: Select all

      min: -3
      max: 1
      dist: norm
      loc: -0.99
      scale: 0.02
    proposal: 0.02
    latex: w_{0,\mathrm{DE}}
      min: -3
      max: 2
      dist: norm
      loc: 0
      scale: 0.05
    proposal: 0.05
    latex: w_{p,\mathrm{DE}}
  ap: 0.8333  # fixed 1/1.2! 
    derived: 'lambda w, wp, ap: (wp-w)/(1-ap)'
    min: -3
    max: 2
    latex: w_\mathrm{a}
    derived: 'lambda w, wa: w+wa'
    min: -6
    max: 0
    latex: w_\mathrm{e}

I assumed that this would be enough to incorporate the new parameters into the calculation but it was not successful.

Then I read from the CAMB Input parameter model that "To add a new parameter, add it to the CAMBparams type in model.f90, then edit the _fields_ list in the CAMBparams class in to add the new parameter in the corresponding location of the member list. After rebuilding the python version you can then access the parameter by using params.new_parameter_name where params is a CAMBparams instance." So I tried changing both the model.f90 and file, as described above together with the modified .yaml file but was still unsuccessful.

Can you please advise me how this should be done?
Do I need to make further changes in some file like the DarkEnergyInterface.f90, DarkEnergyPPF.f90, or

Thank you very much in advance,
Marianne Talvitie

Re: Cobaya: Modified parameters for dynamic dark energy

Posted: December 09 2021
by Antony Lewis
If you are just changing the parameterization rather than the physical parameterization the yaml approach should work. What exactly goes wrong? The min/max entries of the derived parameters may not work.

Re: CAMB: Modified parameters for dynamic dark energy

Posted: December 09 2021
by Malena Talvitie
Thank you so much for picking up my question.

After changes only in the .yaml file, i.e., defining the new parameters w_p, a_p and giving the equation to w_a, like this:
min: -3
max: 2
dist: norm
loc: 0
scale: 0.05
proposal: 0.05
latex: w_{p,\mathrm{DE}}
ap: 0.8333 # fixed 1/1.2!
derived: 'lambda w, wp, ap: (wp-w)/(1-ap)'
min: -3
max: 2
latex: w_\mathrm{a}

and then running, the run gets terminated and the output contains this info:
[0 : model] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'wp', 'ap'}.
[2 : model] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'wp', 'ap'}.
[3 : model] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'ap', 'wp'}.
[1 : model] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'wp', 'ap'}.
[1 : exception handler] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'wp', 'ap'}.
[3 : exception handler] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'ap', 'wp'}.
[0 : exception handler] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'wp', 'ap'}.
[2 : exception handler] *ERROR* Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'wp', 'ap'}.
[1 : exception handler] ---------------------------------------


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cobaya2021/bin/cobaya-run", line 11, in <module>
load_entry_point('cobaya==3.1.0', 'console_scripts', 'cobaya-run')()
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 216, in run_script
run(info, **arguments.__dict__)
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 139, in run
stop_at_error=info.get("stop_at_error", False)) as model:
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 159, in __init__
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 688, in _set_dependencies_and_providers
cobaya.log.LoggedError: Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'ap', 'wp'}.

[0 : exception handler] ---------------------------------------

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cobaya2021/bin/cobaya-run", line 11, in <module>
load_entry_point('cobaya==3.1.0', 'console_scripts', 'cobaya-run')()
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 216, in run_script
run(info, **arguments.__dict__)
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 139, in run
stop_at_error=info.get("stop_at_error", False)) as model:
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 159, in __init__
File "/cobaya2021/cobaya/", line 688, in _set_dependencies_and_providers
cobaya.log.LoggedError: Could not find anything to use input parameter(s) {'wp', 'ap'}.

srun: error: r03c32: tasks 0-3: Exited with exit code 1

Re: CAMB: Modified parameters for dynamic dark energy

Posted: December 09 2021
by Antony Lewis
Try using "value" rather than "derived" for w, wa.

Re: CAMB: Modified parameters for dynamic dark energy

Posted: December 09 2021
by Malena Talvitie
Thank you so much, I will do that!

Kindest regards,
Marianne Talvitie