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Reproducing Fig 36 of Planck Collaboration VI 2018

Posted: February 17 2021
by Felipe Maldonado
Dear Dr. Lewis,

I'm attempting to reproduce and later, modify, Figure 36 of Planck Collaboration VI (2018). I understand that this figure was produced with this code which is publicly available on github. I'm trying to do this because I've produced some Fisher forecasts for $N_{\mathrm{eff}}$ and I'd like to visualize and compare.

I cloned and installed CosmoMC (although I don't think it's necessary to do so), and put the directory in my path on my .bashrc file. However, when I attempt to run, I get an error that I am guessing has to do with something in the pipeline not being found. The error message I get is the following:

Code: Select all

myname@mycomputer ~/Desktop/CosmoMC $ python batch3/outputs/ 
Match at T=0.794328234724, g=10.52749793104588 for match to g=10.685636748214073
max GeV 281.8382931264455
WARNING:root:setWithSubplotSize is deprecated, use set_with_subplot_size
WARNING:root:rcSizes is deprecated, use rc_sizes
WARNING:root:sampleAnalyser is deprecated, use sample_analyser
WARNING:root:samplesForRoot is deprecated, use samples_for_root
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "batch3/outputs/", line 178, in <module>
    samps = g.getSamples('nnu', dataroot)
  File "/home/felipe/Desktop/CosmoMC/python/", line 195, in getSamples
    return self.sampleAnalyser.samplesForRoot(self.getRoot(paramtag, datatag))
  File "/home/felipe/Desktop/CosmoMC/python/", line 191, in getRoot
    return self.getBatch().resolveName(paramtag, datatag, returnJobItem=returnJobItem)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'resolveName'
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
Felipe Maldonado

Re: Reproducing Fig 36 of Planck Collaboration VI 2018

Posted: February 18 2021
by Antony Lewis
Sounds like it can't find the chain files. Make sure you downloaded the relevant chain grid from the PLA and set up the config as described at

Re: Reproducing Fig 36 of Planck Collaboration VI 2018

Posted: February 18 2021
by Antony Lewis
Btw, I updated the script for py3 compatibility and made a more helpful error message on github master.

Re: Reproducing Fig 36 of Planck Collaboration VI 2018

Posted: February 19 2021
by Felipe Maldonado
Thank you very much.
