Dear Antony,
The physics of my model just affects the Neff, it is something like Neff + DeltaNeff, where this DeltaNeff can depend on two or only one parameter (within its appropriate range).
I am not sure, but I think when using only camb, I need to modify model.f90, results.f90 and camb.f90.
However, if I want to use cosmomc, these files are not used (as soon as I tested with some write(*,*) to check where the code was passing through), but instead I need to modify Calculator_CAMB.f90 and CosmologyParameterizations.f90 on the source directory.
On a first moment I did the modification using the following on Calculator_CAMB.f90:
Code: Select all
P%Num_Nu_Massless = CMB%nnu + 7.9e-5*CMB%nnu_darkmat !SIMONY
P%share_delta_neff = .true. !SIMONY .false.
if (CMB%omnuh2>0) then
call P%SetNeutrinoHierarchy(CMB%omnuh2, CMB%omnuh2_sterile, P%Num_Nu_Massless, &!SIMONY CMB%nnu, &
CosmoSettings%neutrino_hierarchy, CosmoSettings%num_massive_neutrinos)
end if
And on CosmologyParameterizations.f90
in different routines to include the new parameter (using the proper index according to params_CMB.paramnames, params_background.paramnames and params_astro.paramnames).
I ran the code and obtained my results.
The point is that I realize that I should (?) consider the modification on Neff also on CosmologyParameterizations.f90, which means:
Code: Select all
CMB%nnu_darkmat = Params(17)
CMB%nnu = Params(10) + 7.9e-5*CMB%nnu_darkmat
which I think would modify the constraints on cosmological parameters.
Could you or anyone confirm that this last modification is the correct one?
I would really appreciate your attention.