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CAMB:Transfer function for large wave number range

Posted: August 03 2017
by Omid Sameie
Using CAMB to get matter power spectrum for wide range of wave number (k=1e-4-500)
I get this message:
Error result Dverk error -3: the subroutine was unable to satisfy the error requirement with a particular step-size that is less than or * equal to hmin, which may mean that tol is too small--- but most likely you've messed up the y array indexing; compiling with bounds checking may (or may not) help find the problem.

I was able to avoid this error by modifying cmbmain.f90 as follows:
if (CP%Transfer%high_precision) atol=atol/10000
goes to
if (CP%Transfer%high_precision) atol=atol/100
Hope this helps others.

CAMB:Transfer function for large wave number range

Posted: August 07 2017
by Erick Almaraz
Hello Omid.

Why are you solving the equations for such large k's? I mean, what kind of information are you expecting to see (large k's are in the non linear regime where the perturbed approach is no longer valid)?

