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CAMB: run with MPI

Posted: June 27 2005
by gongbo zhao
Dear all:
I am trying to do some loops of parameters in CAMB and run it with MPI on a INTEL-8 like supercomputer. In Makefile,I set
F90C = efc
FFLAGS = -openmp -ip -O2 -Vaxlib -W0 -WB -fpp2 and run with 256 CPUs.
However the result is not correct in that CAMB has repeated the computation for 256 times with the same parameter. On the other hand , I have tested my code on a COMPAQ machine with the Makefile:
F90C = f90
FFLAGS = -omp -O4 -arch host -math_library fast -tune host -fpe1

and found the result correct. Any suggestions on that ? Thanks in advance.

Gongbo Zhao