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cmbeasy 4.0 now available

Posted: June 20 2005
by Michael Doran

some major improvements make it worthwhile to release
cmbeasy v4.0:

* Much faster integration, see astro-ph/0503277
* Gauge invariant dark energy class now supports a general
dark energy fluid, i.e. you can specify the sound speed etc.
* Georg Robbers replaced the old lensing implementation
by new code resembling astro-ph/0502425
* Power spectrum normalization is now in CAMB conventions, i.e.
the amplitudes of the initial spectrum A_s and A_t can be chosen freely
and are identical to CAMB's. Of course, you can still WMAP normalize or apply
inflationary results to A_t and n_t...
* Power spectrum splines are now more densely sampled and therefore more robust
when interpolated
* The code is now gcc 4.0 compatible (runs also with earlier versions of gcc)
* Added MACOSX_PANTHER option to the Makefile. This gets rid of the isnan() bug
which was discussed on cosmocoffee some months ago. Thanks to Luis Beca!
* Some minor improvements for the gui: one can switch on/off wmap normalization and
choose the gauge. Increased stability of the gui.