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CAMB sources(3) term

Posted: February 15 2017
by Abhishek Maniyar
Hello everyone,

There is a provision to output a power spectrum for another traces in CAMB modifying the sources(3) term in the output function in equations.f90 file. I am trying to reproduce the CIB power spectrum using this technique. The formula for the linear power spectrum I am trying to reproduce is given in eq. 39 of
I can output and see the values of redshifts CAMB is exploring for a given cosmology. Using these values, I have created a file of emissivity values [tex]j_\nu[/tex] for these redshifts and am reading them inside this output function to use them in the source term.
The source term should be [tex]\dfrac{a*b_{eff}*j_\nu}{\chi}[/tex].
Though, when I give this as an input, I don't get the required results and they are off by some orders of magnitude. So I am guessing maybe the my source term isn't correct and should be something different?
Can somebody please give some input on this issue? It would be really appreciated.
Thank you!

Re: CAMB sources(3) term

Posted: February 15 2017
by Antony Lewis
You probably at least want [tex]\Delta_c[/tex] (in CAMB clxc) to get the matter perturbation amplitude (CAMB integrates against the primordial curvature power spectrum).

[Using CAMB sources (or the devel branch on github) may of course be easier than hacking source(3) in standard CAMB]