CosmoMC:"updating proposal density Proposal matrix has negative or zero eigenvalues"

Use of Cobaya. camb, CLASS, cosmomc, compilers, etc.
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xian yong shen
Posts: 2
Joined: June 07 2012
Affiliation: shanghai nomorl university

CosmoMC:\"updating proposal density Proposal matrix has

Post by xian yong shen » June 08 2012

Hi, Antony!

I added some extra parameters, and I have modified CAMB and COSMOMC accordingly and it seems to be working fine. Now the issue is that after running thousands trials it would stop with a error like:
"Likelihood: 677.0 Current Like: 525.4670
4117 rejecting. ratio: 1.3602138E
Chain 1 MPI communicating
updating proposal density
Proposal matrix has negative or zero eigenvalues
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 97594784) - process 0

Note: I have changed params.ini like this
"propose_matrix =
estimate_propose_matrix = F
" in order to use numerical Hessian to estimate a propose matrix

I want to know how to cause this error and how fix it.


Sheng Li
Posts: 57
Joined: May 26 2009
Affiliation: University of Sussex

CosmoMC:\"updating proposal density Proposal matrix has

Post by Sheng Li » June 10 2012

rejection ratio > 1 ?? Maybe this is suspicious.

As for your second question,
you may use '-O0 -g debug -check all ' options while compiling.

To see what happens near the parameter spaces which have caused your program stopped, you can follow this.

you need covmat which is generated from getdist and is located in 'outdir= blabla' or the folder you specified.
Then point "propose_matrix = YOUR_COVMAT", and leave the other parameters in your previous ini-file unchanged.
Rerun cosmomc to generate outputs, and perhaps you will see stop errors with details.

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