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syntax error in WMAP_5yr_options.F90 file

Posted: March 27 2008
by Ruth Lazkoz

I am trying to install cosmomc in ubuntu. After installing cfitsio at /usr/local/lib, and downloading the likelihood software and data
and extracting them I modified the l
Makefile found in the directory likelihood_v3 as follows

I changed it to have


and then commented out the default options and changed them to

## NAG
F90 = gfortran
FFLAGS = -g -O2 [tex](WMAPFLAGS)
INCS = -I. -I[/tex](CFITSIO)/include -I/usr/lib/include
LIBS = -L. -L$(CFITSIO)/lib -L/usr/lib/lib -llapack -lcfitsio

Then I changed made some lines in WMAP_5yr_options.F90 look as follows:

character(len=*) ,parameter :: WMAP_data_dir = '/home/ruth/likelihood_v3/data/'


character(len=*), parameter :: gibbs_sigma_filename = '/home/ruth/likelihood_v3/data/lowlT/gibbs/sigmaEllsHkeChu_r5_fwhm5_2uK_maskr5kq85p0_sim5yr_finalwinfuncs_nomonopole.fits'

When I type make I get two errors

character(len=*), parameter :: gibbs_sigma_filename = '/home/ruth/likelihood_v
Error: Constante de carácter sin terminar que comienza en (1)

When translated it means a character constant which is not ended starts at 1.

Then the second error is
print *, "gibbs_sigma_filename = ", trim(gibbs_sigma_filename)
Error: El argumento 'string' del intrínseco 'trim' en (1) debe ser CHARACTER

This one means the śtring' argument of the intrinsic 'trim' must be CHARACTER.

Help will be appreciated.


syntax error in WMAP_5yr_options.F90 file

Posted: March 27 2008
by Pascal Vaudrevange
Probably you should add the option

Code: Select all

to FFLAGS. gfortran has a default line-length of 132 characters even for free-form source-files, i.e. all characters after column 132 are truncated.