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CAMB source - issues

Posted: March 04 2008
by Abhirup Datta
Hi Antony

I have been able to compile the CAMB_source code. But while I am running it .. firstly it gave segmentation fault. but now there is another kind of error which I have no clue about ..

I am attaching the message from the code .. and also a copy of the input parameters I have been using ..

-----------------ERROR MSG---------------------------------
bash-3.00$ ./camb params.ini
1 delta_z = 8.518692634129368E-005
max_eta_k changed to 20000.0000000000
Age of universe/GYr = 13.747
max_eta_k changed to 20000.0000000000
Om_b h^2 = 0.02233
Om_c h^2 = 0.10428
Om_nu h^2 = 0.00000
Om_Lambda = 0.76344
Om_K = 0.00000
Reion redshift = 11.387
Reion opt depth = 0.0914
1 z= 10.0: T_b = -0.014mK; tau21 = 0.010
tau_recomb/Mpc = 289.24 tau_now/Mpc = 14605.2
z = 10.00 tau = 4782.7 chi = 9822.5 tau_min = 4782.6 tau_max = 4782.9
Reion redshift = 11.387
Reion opt depth = 0.0914
1 z= 10.0: T_b = -0.014mK; tau21 = 0.010
z= 10.000: tau_21cm = 0.010; T_b = -0.014mK
tau_recomb/Mpc = 289.20 tau_now/Mpc = 14605.2
z = 10.00 tau = 4782.7 chi = 9822.5 tau_min = 0.0 tau_max =14605.2
Error in dverk, x = 0.560606494824609 xend= 4782.72557183312

---------------params.ini -------------------
#Parameters for CAMB with 21cm, lensing and number counts

#output_root is prefixed to output file names
output_root = RESULTS/EOR1

#for 21cm C_l with sharp window use get_transfer=T, transfer_21cm_cl=T
#for broad window and other sources use get_scalar_cls=T
get_scalar_cls = T
get_transfer = T
get_vector_cls = F
get_tensor_cls = F

want_CMB = F

#Whether transfer functions are 21cm (monopole and velocity), or standard
Do21cm = T

#l_max_scalar = 10000
#for 21cm k_eta_max_scalar need to be at least 5000; for lensing is re-set automatically
#k_eta_max_scalar = 20000
l_max_scalar = 10000
k_eta_max_scalar = 20000

# 0: linear, 1: non-linear matter power (HALOFIT), 2: non-linear C_l (HALOFIT approx)
#Or compile with NONLINEAR = nonlinear_PT to use perturbation theory, e.g. for 21cm non-linear approx
do_nonlinear = 0

#only use limber approx if you don't want cross-correlation
limber_windows = F

#Whether number counts spectra include lensing effect
DoRedshiftLensing = F

#output 21cm spectra in mK (rather than dimensionless)
use_mK = T

#Terms to include in 21cm
line_basic = T
line_distortions = T
line_extra = F
line_phot_quadrupole = F
line_phot_dipole = F
line_reionization = F

#Number of z-windows to use for sources. assumed Gaussian - edit Window_f_a in modules.f90.
num_redshiftwindows = 1

#Set of indexed parameters for each window function

#Redshift of the window for C_l

redshift(1) =10
# 21cm, counts or lensing
redshift_kind(1) = 21cm
# if 21cm, width of T_b window in Mhz
redshift_sigma_Mhz(1) = 0.001

#if not 21cm, width in z
#redshift_sigma(1) = 1

#for counts, the bias
#redshift_bias(1) = 4.5

massless_neutrinos = 3.04
massive_neutrinos = 0
nu_mass_eigenstates = 1
nu_mass_degeneracies = 1
#nu_mass_fractions = .4285714286 .5714285714
nu_mass_fractions = 1
#massive_nu_approx: 0 - integrate distribution function
# 1 - switch to series in velocity weight once non-relativistic
# 2 - use fast approximate scheme (CMB only- accurate for light neutrinos)
massive_nu_approx = 2

#Settings for transfer functions/matter power spectrum/21cm sharp-z power spectrum
transfer_high_precision = T
transfer_kmax = 20000
transfer_k_per_logint = 0
transfer_num_redshifts = 1
transfer_redshift(1) = 10

#Whether to compute 21cm C_l from transfer functions for sharp redshift window
#using only monopole source and redshift distortions
transfer_21cm_cl = T

#Whether to turn off small-scale late time radiation hierarchies (save time,v. accurate)
# not tested with redshift window functions
do_late_rad_trunction = F

RECFAST_fudge = 1.14

#if do_lensing then scalar_output_file contains additional columns of l^4 C_l^{pp} and l^3 C_l^{pT}
#where p is the projected potential. Output lensed CMB Cls (without tensors) are in lensed_output_file below.
do_lensing = F

#Maximum multipole and k*eta.
# Note that C_ls near l_max are inaccurate (about 5%), go to 50 more than you need
# Lensed power spectra are computed to l_max_scalar-250 where accurate at %-level
# For high accuracy lensed spectra set l_max_scalar = (l you need) + 500
# To get accurate lensed BB need to have l_max_scalar>2000, k_eta_max_scalar > 10000
# Otherwise k_eta_max_scalar=2*l_max_scalar usually suffices
# Tensor settings should be less than or equal to the above
l_max_tensor = 10000
k_eta_max_tensor = 20000

#Main cosmological parameters, neutrino masses are assumed degenerate
# If use_phyical set phyiscal densities in baryone, CDM and neutrinos + Omega_k
use_physical = T
ombh2 = 0.223253E-01
omch2 = 0.104284E+00
omk = 0
omnuh2 = 0
hubble = 0.731586E+02
#effective equation of state parameter for dark energy, assumed constant
w = -1
#constant comoving sound speed of the dark energy (1=quintessence)
cs2_lam = 1

#if use_physical = F set parameters as here
#omega_baryon = 0.0462
#omega_cdm = 0.2538
#omega_lambda = 0.7
#omega_neutrino = 0

#massless_neutrinos is the effective number (for QED + non-instantaneous decoupling)
temp_cmb = 2.726
helium_fraction = 0.24

#Reionization (assumed sharp), ignored unless reionization = T
reionization = T
re_use_optical_depth = T
re_optical_depth = 0.912305E-01
#If re_use_optical_depth = F then use following, otherwise ignored
#re_redshift = 10
#re_ionization_frac = .1

#Initial power spectrum, amplitude, spectral index and running
initial_power_num = 1
scalar_amp(1) = 2.0424e-009
scalar_spectral_index(1) = 0.954663E+00
scalar_nrun(1) = 0
tensor_spectral_index(1) = 0
#ratio is that of the initial tens/scal power spectrum amplitudes
initial_ratio(1) = 0.1
#note vector modes use the scalar settings above

#Initial scalar perturbation mode (adiabatic=1, CDM iso=2, Baryon iso=3,
# neutrino density iso =4, neutrino velocity iso = 5)
initial_condition = 1
#If above is zero, use modes in the following (totally correlated) proportions
#Note: we assume all modes have the same initial power spectrum
#initial_vector = -1 0 0 0 0

#For vector modes: 0 for regular (neutrino vorticity mode), 1 for magnetic
vector_mode = 0

COBE_normalize = F
##CMB_outputscale scales the output Cls
#To get MuK^2 set realistic initial amplitude (e.g. scalar_amp(1) = 2.3e-9 above) and
#otherwise for dimensionless transfer functions set scalar_amp(1)=1 and use
CMB_outputscale = 1
#CMB_outputscale = 7.4311e12

#Transfer function settings, transfer_kmax=0.5 is enough for sigma_8
transfer_filename(1) = transfer_1.dat
#Matter power spectrum output against k/h in units of h^3 Mpc^{-3}
transfer_matterpower(1) = matterpower_1.dat
#21cm C_l for sharp window
transfer_cl_filename(1) = transfer_cl_1.dat

#Output files not produced if blank. make camb_fits to use use the FITS setting.
scalar_output_file = scalCls.dat
vector_output_file = vecCls.dat
tensor_output_file = tensCls.dat
total_output_file = totCls.dat
lensed_output_file = lensedCls.dat
FITS_filename = scalCls.fits

##Optional parameters to control the computation speed,accuracy and feedback

#If feedback_level > 0 print out useful information computed about the model
feedback_level = 1

# 1: curved correlation function, 2: flat correlation function, 3: inaccurate harmonic method
lensing_method = 1
accurate_BB =T

#Recombination calculation: 1: RECFAST, 2: RECFAST+astro-ph/0501672 corrections
recombination = 1

#Whether you are bothered about polarization.
accurate_polarization = T

#Whether you are bothered about percent accuracy on EE from reionization
accurate_reionization = T

#whether or not to include neutrinos in the tensor evolution equations
do_tensor_neutrinos = F

#if true, get accurate gas temperature evolution given recombination model including
#approximate perturbed recombination; also affects baryons for k >~ 300/Mpc.
evolve_delta_xe = T

#Computation parameters
#if number_of_threads=0 assigned automatically
number_of_threads = 0

#Default scalar accuracy is about 0.3% (except lensed BB).
#For 0.1%-level try accuracy_boost=2, l_accuracy_boost=2.

#Increase accuracy_boost to decrease time steps, use more k values, etc.
#Decrease to speed up at cost of worse accuracy. Suggest 0.8 to 3.
accuracy_boost = 1

#Larger to keep more terms in the hierarchy evolution.
l_accuracy_boost = 1

#Increase to use more C_l values for interpolation.
#Increasing a bit will improve the polarization accuracy at l up to 200 -
#interpolation errors may be up to 3%
#Decrease to speed up non-flat models a bit
l_sample_boost = 1

Now what I am really confused is about the fact that the message reads out reionization redshift to be about 11, irrespective of the fact whether I am using a redshift of 50 or 10 .. Is this a bug ?


Re: CAMB source - issues

Posted: March 04 2008
by Antony Lewis
Firstly you are using an incredibly high k_max (20000). There's really not much point going above about 1000 as the (neglected) line width will be dominant there anyway.

Secondly your delta_z is too small. For sharp window functions set get_scalar_cls = F and just use transfer_21cm_cl = T (which gets the C_l from the transfer functions with an infinitely sharp window in z).

Re: CAMB source - issues

Posted: March 04 2008
by Antony Lewis
CAMB sources was updated today with a few changes that may help with seg faults and compile errors in gfortran/g95.