Default | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Antony Lewis | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,math,cs | cosm[oi](?!c.ray), inflat, CMB, dark (energy|matter), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak (gravitational )?lens, universe, multiverse, WMAP, gibbs samp, MCMC, Markov chain monte, torsion, anthropic, Importance Sampling, radford, recombin, doomsday, 21.?cm,Redshift Distortion,bispectr, dark energy survey, BBN, BAO\b, lensing,Hubble constant |
Anze Slosar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physics | cosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, halo, dark matter, quasar, large scale, cosmic, string |
Sarah Bridle | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, WMAP, universe, accelerated phase of expansion, dark matter, galaxy classification, galaxy morpholog, virtual observatory, MOND, reioni, 6dF, luminosity function, galaxy velocit, peculiar velocit, lens, mass-to-light, photometric redshift, redshift bin, LCDM |
Jochen Weller | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, topology, cluster, halo, nbody, hydro, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich, SZ, lensing |
Benjamin Wandelt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21, halo, Bayes, void |
David Fonseca Mota | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physics | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, large scale structure, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, mond, teves, mass-varying neutrino, varying mass, alpha, gravity, spherical collapse, brans-dicke, varying, fine structure constant, primordial, magnetic, Lorentz invariance, Lorentz symmetry, Lorentz, quasi-spherical, chameleon, bonnet, fifth force, equivalence principle,gauss-bonnet, casimir, PVLAS, elko, anisotro |
subha majumdar | astro-ph | cosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, survey, cluster, baryon, dark matter, scaling,
group |
Nikhil Padmanabhan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, power spectrum, 21 cm, reionization, recombination |
Adam Amara | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing |
Fergus Simpson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, holog, gravit, multiverse, bao, photomet, acoustic, planet, Cosm[oi], exoplanet, habitab |
Neal Dalal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, universe, WMAP, halo |
Levon Pogosian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified |
Constantinos Skordis | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, Planck, nucleosyn, MOND, baryog,
Immirzi, black hole, entropy, dS, deSitter, AdS, CFT, hologr, perturb, loop, quantu, axion |
Graca Rocha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Non-Gaussianity, Statistics |
Phil Marshall | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmolog, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, lens, lensing, microlensing, gravitational, Bayes, elliptical, fundamental plane, cluster, galaxy, SNAP, JDEM, LSST, Euclid, Pan-STARRS, PS1, DES, SKA, ACS, early-type, late-type, AGN, supermassive, dwarf, satellite, CDM, dark matter, quasar, AGN, supernova |
Andrew Liddle | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ariel Sanchez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK, large-scale structure, LSS, baryon acoustic oscillations, BAO, redshift space distortions, RSD, clustering, power spectrum, bispectrum |
Martín Makler | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quartess |
Håkon Dahle | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, strong lens, universe, galaxy, cluster |
Oystein Elgaroy | hist-ph,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph | ^.? |
Vesa Muhonen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, curvature, perturbation, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, Planck, MCMC, Bayes, relativity |
Janne Högdahl | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity |
Samuel Leach | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physics | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SDSS, 2dF, bayesian |
Anais Rassat | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, integrated, sachs, wolfe, ISW, BAO, baryon, acoustic, oscillation, magnification, lens, wiggles, forecast, perturb, inhomogeneous, code, source |
Mustafa Amin | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | vector dark matter, dark photon, ultralight, fuzzy, axions, baryogenesis, antimatter, asymmetry,oscillons, solitons, inflation, cosmology, modified, inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,waves,gravitation,deflection, preheating, reheating, indirect detection, galactic center, phase transition, topological defects, oscillatons, stochastic, gauge fields, spectral distortion |
Katie Mack | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion, anthropic, cosmic string, 21cm, MWA, PBH, 21 cm, reioniz, reionis, black hole, supermassive, SMBH, quasistar, dark star, wimp, neutralino, microlensing |
Christophe Ringeval | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, gaussian, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, DGP, defect |
Anthony Brookfield | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, wormhole, blackhole |
Antonio C. C. Guimaraes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, dark matter, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic, shear, convergence, matter power, WMAP, magnification, lens, LSS, QSO, survey, gravitational, virtual, simulation, parameter, Lyman, Ly-alpha, forest, Gauss, galax, cluster, quasar, halo, Bayes, likelihood, Fisher, SZ, large scale structure, information, chaplygin, concordance, SDSS, Plank, arc, ring, DES, JDEM, LSST, SNIa, SNe, cosmic expansion, kinematic |
Anslyn John | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Rayleigh-Taylor, isocurvature, baryonic dark matter, galaxy formation, warm-hot intergalactic medium, baryon, magnetar |
Niayesh Afshordi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, accretion disk, accretion disc, turbulence, baryonic wiggle, CDM, cluster, reionization, SZ, ISW, black hole, modified gravity, Horava, cuscuton, neutron star, hudson, incompressible, navier |
gongbo zhao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
David Parkinson | astro-ph, hep-ph, hep-th, gr-qc, physics | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, SN[a|e], Supernova, Bayesian, Gaussianity, elections |
Alexandra Abate | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, WMAP, universe, accelerated phase of expansion, dark matter, galaxy classification, galaxy morpholog, virtual observatory, MOND, reioni, 6dF, luminosity function, galaxy velocit, peculiar velocit, lens, mass-to-light, photometric redshift, redshift bin, LCDM, spherical collapse, nonlinear, igm, intergalactic medium, photo-z, bao, baryon acoustic oscillation, neutrino |
Mauricio Ortiz Calvao | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jason McEwen | astro-ph,math,stat,cs | bianchi, bubble, strings, textures, defects, CMB, microwave background, wavelet, needlet, sphere, isw, sachs-wolfe, topology, void, voids, weak lensing, WMAP, Planck, compressed, sensing, sparse, sparsity, optimization, optimisation, compressive, interferometry, wiaux, vielva, lopez-caniego, herrnaz, barreiro, martinez-gonzalez, cruz, hobson, lasenby, rocha, mortlock, challinor, bridges, jaffe, wandelt, huffenberger, gorski, sanz, lewis, feroz, lasenby, peiris, feeney, leistedt, starck, puy, fadili, vandergheynst, mcewen, shuman, kennedy, khalid, reinecke, sutter, kitching, cropper, ringeval, gribonval, jasche, elsner, offringa, junklewitz, yatawatta, spergel, marinucci, townsend, hurley |
mattia vaccari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Boud Roukema | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Syksy Rasanen | astro-ph, gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, universe, WMAP, back reaction, backreaction, back-reaction |
Oliver Zahn | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lens, reionization |
Tess Jaffe | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | magnet,ISM,MIM,turbulen,cosmic-?ray,polari,wmap,dust,synch,h-?\?alpha,interstellar medium, (an)?isotrop,supernova,cosmic ray,radio |
David Mulryne | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, loop, brane, black |
joanne cohn | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,cluster,lyman,lens,halo,semi-analytic,semianalytic,galaxy formation,-globular,reioni,shear, 21cm,galaxy group,
quasar,qso,Sunyaev, SZ |
Ted Baltz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter, supersym, gamma ray, cerenkov, cosmic ray, positron, gravitational lens, microlens, M87, M31, neutrino |
Mike Boylan-Kolchin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph,math.PR | dwarf spheroid, ultrafaint, Milky Way, NFW, galaxy formation, dark matter, subhalo, self-interacting, LCDM, globular, reioniz, ELVIS, FIRE, uvlf, faint end, age of the u, tension, sound horiz, massive galax, challenge |
Clara Rojas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | inflat,phase-integral |
nick wright | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | planetary nebula, |
Matt Dobbs | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | sunyaev, CMB, bolometer, polarization |
Michael Sanford | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string |
jonathan swift | astro-ph | starform, molecul, molecular outfl, T-Taur, protost, preprotost |
Martin Sahlén | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, cluster, neutrino, multiverse, isotropic, void, reion, high-redshift, dark age, inference, gravit[ya], wfirst, Euclid, ska, JWST, 4most, fine-tun, philosoph |
D. V. Ahluwalia-Khalilova | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter,neutrinos,gravitationally induced phases, equivalence principle, stabilized Poincare-Heisenberg algebra,Lorentz,CPT,Wigner,Elko,dark energy |
renbin yan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy (redshift )?survey, starburst, "E+A", "K+A", "e+a", "k+a", post-starburst, AGN, elliptical, OII, correlation function, cluster, -open cluster, - globular cluster, halo, merger, stellar population(s)? (synth)?, star formation, luminosity function, early-type, LINER, Seyfert, red[ -]sequence, RCS |
Donghui Jeong | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, power spectrum, bispectrum, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Gaussian |
Alexia Schulz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, galaxy cluster,SZ, baryon oscillation |
Anand Sengupta | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | LIGO, LISA, gravitational wave, inspiral, binar[iy], cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
J. S. Bagla (jasjeet) | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sergei Popov | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | neutron stars, magnetar, accretion |
Linda Smith | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | super star clusters, starburst galaxies, M82, NGC 1569, galactic winds, interacting galaxies, evolutionary synthesis, spectral synthesis, young star clusters |
Darryl Leiter | astro-ph,gr-qc | Galactic Black Hole Candidates, Active Galactic Nuclei, Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (MECO) |
Ruth Murray-Clay | astro-ph | planet, -planetary nebula, protoplanet, Kuiper, disk, T Tauri |
Sanaz Vafaei | astro-ph | Weak lensing, Cosmology, Large scale structure, redshift surveys, WMAP, cosmic background, Shear, Photometric Redshift, Dark matter, Dark energy, CFHTLS |
Richard Massey | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, weak lens, universe |
Marusa Bradac | astro-ph | strong lens, lens, reionization |
Nathan Miller | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Juan Carlos Hidalgo | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th, physics | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, jet, weak lens, universe, WMAP, inflation, black hole, gamma ray burst, GRB, shock, powerspectrum, Gaussian[ity], gravit, MOND, void, perturbation, BAO, LSS, [p]reheating, bispectr[um],spectr,variance,non-linear |
Brad Hagan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter, matter power, weak lens, universe, cD, cluster, substructure, subhalo, BCG, halo, CDM, n-body, redshift, N-body, merge, cooper |
Jim Emerson | astro-ph | survey |
Douglas Bundy | gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, loop, quantum, gravity, discrete, spin, foam |
Aswin Kumar Bala | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,math-ph,math.DG,math.AT,math.AG,math.SG | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP,de sitter,lecture,summer, school,notes,black (hole|holes|string|strings|rings|ring),gauss bonnet,kaluza klein, reisner , nordstrom, string cosmology, moduli,time dependent (solutions| backgrounds),singularities, conifold,singular, matrix (big bang | theory),ale,quiver,instanton,eguchi,symplectic quotient,kahler,calabi,yau,ricci flat,complex manifold,symplectic,quotient,toric,hyper-kahler, |
Andrew Wetzel | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift)? survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, halo, clustering, galaxy cluster |
Martin White | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, Seljak, Sunyaev, Weinberg, SZ\s, shear, forest, Ly(-)?a, Lyman(-)?alpha, cluster, virtual observ, 21cm, SDSS, 2dF, WMAP, DEEP2 |
Anthony Gonzalez | astro-ph | dark (matter|energy), galaxy cluster, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lensing, Euclid, Bullet Cluster, clusters of galaxies, reionization, galaxy evolution, gravitational arcs, submillimeter galaxies, fundamental plane, halo occupation distribution, galaxy group, intracluster light, south pole telescope, star formation history
baryon fraction, fgas |
Mike Hudson | astro-ph | cosm[oi](?!c.ray)(?!c.string),
dark (matter|energy),
big bang,
microwave background,
matter power,
galaxy (redshift )?survey,
weak lens,
peculiar velo,
photometric redshift,
M(\.|ichael) (J\.)? Hudson,
S(\.|imon) (D\. M.)? White,
van Waerbeke,
J(\.|ames) (E\.)? Taylor,
S(\.|haun) Cole,
de Lucia,
van den Bosch,
H(\.|oujon) Mo,
R(\.|ussell) J\. Smith,
L(\.|aura) Parker,
C(\.|hung)-P(\.|ei) Ma,
van Dokkum,
Conroy |
deepak jain | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmology inflation CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial,, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Oliver Czoske | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], cluster, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Thomas Kitching | astro-ph,gr-qc,pop-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, shear, weak |
James Overduin | physics.hist-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | space-time-matter,wesson,kaluza-klein,(mach's|equivalence) principle,olbers,gravity probe b,frame-dragging,lense-thirring,dimension[as],vacuum,lambda,quintes,dark (energy|matter),(constant|coincidence) problem,cosmological (constant|coincidence),invariant,(extragalactic|cosmic|diffuse|radio|microwave|infrared|IR|optical|ultraviolet|UV|x-ray|gamma-ray) background,unified field |
Sima. Ghassemi | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, brane, cosmology, gravity |
Shahram Khosravi | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,brane |
Andrey Kravtsov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, large-scale structure, halo, galaxy formation, clusters |
dan hooper | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP |
Edd Edmondson | astro-ph,math.ST, | matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens |
alan duffy | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,galaxies,numerical,21cm |
adam moss | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,domain |
Biswajit Pandey | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, LSS,galaxy distribution,dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bradford Benson | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SZ, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich |
Lisa Hall | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, uplifting, stabil |
Brian Metzger | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | neutron star, accretion, GRB, gamma-ray burst, black hole, magnetar, SGR1806-20, soft gamma-ray repeater, jet, MHD, magnetohydrodynamics |
ben hoyle | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, distance duality, |
Innocenza Busa | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Star,atmospheres,chromosheres,activity,magnetic,paschen |
Isabella Pagano | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | coronae, flares,UV,chromosphere,magnetic, activity,exoplanets |
John Taylor | gr-qc | singularit, direction, junction condition |
Douglas Clowe | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, lens, cluster, evol, bullet |
Risa Wechsler | astro-ph | galax, halo, cosm[oi], cluster, inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SDSS, DEEP, EGS, COMBO, LSST, DES, CMB, microwave background |
Hunter Monroe | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | nonsingular |
James G Cresswell | astro-ph, gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic topology |
Laila Alabidi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black hole[s], brane, dbi, tensor (fraction)?, scalar (field)?, eternal |
Sudeep Das | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing, strong lens |
Aseem Paranjape | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph,cs.LG | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, non(-| )gaussianity, quintess(ence), matter power,galaxies, galaxy bias, galaxy (redshift )?survey, galaxy evolution, weak lens, universe, WMAP, GRB, BAO, collaps(e|ing),back(-)?reaction(s)?, structure formation, (in)?homogene(ous|ity),Gauss-Bonnet, Lovelock,landscape,horizon,simulations,dark matter,halo (bias), void(s)?, semi(-)?classical, gravit(y|ation), excursion set, reionization,stars,star formation,stellar, machine learning, neural (network) |
Leonard Cottrell | gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph,astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, bounce, DSR, LQC |
Anja von der Linden | astro-ph | cluster, lensing, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), galax, LSST |
Brian Gerke | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galax[yi], galaxy cluster, clusters of galaxies, group, cluster |
Henk van Elst | gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, Weyl curvature, BKL, orthonormal frame, scale-invariant, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, averaging in cosmology |
Jostein R. Kristiansen | astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, neutrin, sterile, matter power, BAO, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck |
Angel Torres Rodriguez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SKA, ISW, HI |
Carlo Nicola Colacino | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Gravitational Waves |
Ghazal Geshnizjani | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, DGP, bounce, blackhole, modified gravity, massive gravity, null energy condition, cuscuton, horava |
Bob McElrath | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ex | neutrino |
Carlos Alexandre Wuensche | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph.EP | cosmology, CMB, cosmic microwave, anisotrop, dark matter, dark energy, big bang, power spectr, redshift survey, radioastronomy, radio, lensing, non-gaussian, Sunyaev-Zeldovich, ARCADE, astrobio, habitability, SETI, fast radio bursts, frb, 21 cm, 21cm, intensity mapping, ARCADE, COBE, Planck ,WMAP, BINGO, SKA, LOFAR, EUCLID, James Webb |
Filippo Vernizzi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, CDM, cluster, reionization, 21, ISW, primordial black hole, modified gravity, back reaction, backreaction, back-reaction, gaussian, neutrino, weak lens, |
Massimo Pietroni | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravit |
Kotub Uddin | astro-ph, gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | f(r) gravity, modified, modified gravity, gravity, Palatini, cosm[ol], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ), universe, WMAP, brane[worlds],ISW, Brans, Dicke, Scalar-tensor, perturb[ation], Gauss, Bonnet, thermo, Ricci ,
Reimann, geometry, constraint, chameleon. chameleonic, thin-shell. |
Jennifer Carson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | TeV, HESS, H.E.S.S., blazars, GLAST, STACEE, MAGIC, VERITAS, AGN jets |
Massimiliano Lattanzi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutri |
Piers Francis Horner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Sunya |
Ian Sullivan | astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, reioniz, first (star|galax),infrared,mwa,lofar,ska,holograph, |
Damien Easson | hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, acceler, brane world, string gas, brane gas, modif, brane, entrop, weinberg, linde, trodden, brandenberger, carroll, kallosh, witten, polchinski, easson, vafa, steinhardt, burgess, cline, khoury, turok, kofman, pope, gibbons, krauss, shiu,hawking,nayeri,silverstein,kachru,mcallister,copeland,hawking,candelas,tolley,kinney, baumann,easther,tolley, vikman, starobinsky, strominger, verlinde |
Pawel Bielewicz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cristiano Sabiu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, correlation |
Georg Robbers | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, monte, gravit, coupled |
Sanjeev Seahra | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | braneworld |
Han Jiaxin | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th, | halo,large scale structure,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ian Huston | astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, perturb, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, DBI, gauss, brane, throat, non-(g|G)auss, f_nl |
Carlos Vera | astro-ph,CoRR,hep-th,nlin | cosm, gal, dark, universe |
Sam Dolan | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph | dirac,kerr,schw,black,quasi,teukol,wave |
Jernej Kamenik | hep-ph,hep-ex,hep-lat | m |
Hu Zhan | astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens |
Randall Smith | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial,galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ISM, X-ray |
Ying Zu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,baryon |
Ilian Iliev | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reionization, structure formation |
Kaisa Henttunen | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, scalar, tensor, gravit, relativity,spherical symmetr, schwarzschild,curvature,birkhoff |
Jonathan Zwart | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cluster, sz, galaxy cluster, Sunyaev, Zel'dovich, zeldovich, high( |-)redshift cluster, cluster survey, optical, infra-red, X-ray, AMI, VSA, SZA, SPT, spitzer, UKIDSS, WFCAM, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
John Middleditch | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | pulsar, supernova, GRB, glitch, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Leah Simon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy (redshift )?survey, quasar, agn, black hole, smbh, galaxy mass |
Chia-Hsun Chuang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | BAO, baryon acoustic, inhomoge, LTB |
preshanth jagannathan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmology, inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintessence, matter power, galaxy redshift survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, review, Gravity waves, GW |
Joerg Dietrich | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, lens, cluster, evol, stream, cmb, microwa |
Satej Khedekar | astro-ph, gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, topology, clusters |
Juerg Diemand | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter |
Gaurang Mahajan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,physics | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, WMAP, casimir, quantum gravity, decoherence, wigner, planck,classicality |
Federico Urban | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, axion, anomal, ultra[l-]. primordial, magnet, universe, Planck, baryog, leptog, electroweak, topolog[yi], uhecr, cosmic rays, neutrino, hubble, disruption, gravitational wave, modified gravity, pulsar, cross-correlation, interferomet, -solar, -proceeding, -conference, -lecture, -talk, -collaboration, -holo, -flavo |
Michael Smith | astro-ph, nucl-ex, nucl-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, nucleosynthesis, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kanan K. Datta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21 cm,reionization |
Luiz Felippe S Rodrigues | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter, primordial, subhalos, SAM, semi-analytic models, |
Claudia Scoccola | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Song Huang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
galactic, AGN, large scale structure, SDSS, sky survey |
David Lee | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | QSO, quasar, AGN, accretion, gravitational lens, micro, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, gravity, alternative, galaxy, (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, MOND, TEVES, black hole |
ANAIS GONZALEZ IGLESIAS | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing, |
Shaun Thomas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, f(R), |
Mike Lerchster | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe |
Richard Shaw | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | russell, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, 21 cm |
William Holzapfel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ACBAR, BIMA, CBI, ACT, SPT, APEX |
Mario Radovich | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
William Hartley | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster, correlation function, n-body, simulation, galax, infrared |
Umut Yildiz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )? survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dolf Michielsen | astro-ph | dwarf |
Mario Acero | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrinos, sterile neutrinos, light particles |
Gustavo Niz | hep-th,gr-qc | singulari, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big (bang|crunch), microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP, branew, kaluza, perturba, string, gravit |
Michael Schneider | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|ages), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, cosmic shear, universe, WMAP, galaxies, modified gravity, photo-z, photometric redshift, lens, nucle[uoa], intrinsic alignment, fine structure constant, planet, orbit |
Massimo Meneghetti | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lens |
Lixin Xu | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosmology, inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Brent Nelson | hep-ph,hep-th | Ovrut, Langacker, Cvetic, Gaillard, Hitoshi Murayama, Yasunori
Nomura, Luty, Arkani-Hamed, Peskin, ^Kane$, James Wells, Lawrence
Hall, Pierce, Raby, Dienes, Verlinde, Shiu, Cremades, Binetruy,
Dudas, Lykken, Acharya, Gukov, Douglas, Dine, Scott Thomas, Everett,
Pran Nath, Northeastern, Baer, Tata, Hinchliffe, Paige, Tait,
Allanach, Quevedo, Webber, ^Ross$, Lukas, Nilles, Oleg Lebedev,
^Abel$, Munoz, Casas, Schellekens, Blumenhagen, Stiebeger, Ibanez,
Antoniadis, heterotic, E6, G2, orbifold, orientifold |
Guido D'Amico | astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, non(-)Gauss, primordial, quintess, matter power, neutralino, neutrino, weak lens, universe, WMAP, anomaly, axion, LHC, (baryo|lepto)genesis, Planck, cluster, gravity |
Danny Jacobs | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,SKA, squa, Mileu |
Evan Bierman | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | CMB polarization |
Herve Dole | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, infrared, CIB, EBL, extragalactic, background, LSS |
Nelson Nunes | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, loop quantum, chameleon, chaplygin, nucleosynthesis, brane, kklt, introduction, lectures, varying constants, fine structure, n-body |
Koichi Hirano | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, universe, WMAP |
Carolyn Sealfon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bayesian, halo mass function |
Fabio Noviello | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ),survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, astrostatistics, wavelets, curvelets, sparse methods, compressed sensing, strings |
Patrick Valageas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, clustering |
Jean-Francois Cardoso | astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, WMAP, Planck, component separation, MCMC |
Andrew Pontzen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bianchi, DLA, lyman |
Rachel McInnes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lens, gravit, Blanco, Pan-STARRS, |
Prakash Sarkar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Harshal Bhadkamkar | astro-ph, gr-qc | magnetars, X-Ray Binaries, Accretion discs, precession, Star Formation, Pulsar, Neutron Star |
Damiano Caprioli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmic rays, magnetic field, supernov, SNR, AGN, pulsar |
Chris Byrnes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background |
Juntai Shen | astro-ph | galaxy, spiral, spirals, bars, bar, warp, warps |
Ivan Zhogin | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], absolute parallelism, gravitation, GP-B, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, CMB, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe |
Stuart Lynn | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,BAO, baryon Acoustic oscillations, halo model, |
Mimi Zhang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Nbody simulation, numerical simulation, galactic dynamics, collisionless, loss cone, binary supermassive black hole, supermassive black hole, |
Jens Niemeyer | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|radiation), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, landscape, anthropic, entrop, tunnel, SKA, HETDEX, Lyman, N-body, axion, black hole, boson, Bose, scalar, ultra-light |
Carmelo Evoli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, recombination, reionization |
Malcolm Fairbairn | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP |
Deepak Vaid | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, LQG, |
Magda Todorovic | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | CMB, spining dust, anomalous dust |
Txitxo Benitez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, dark energy, cluster lensing, dark matter, MOND |
Gabriel Altay | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reion, 21 |
Roland Diehl | astro-ph,hep-ph | nucleosynthesis, cosm[oi], supernova, massive, gamma, radioacti, nuclear, galaxy |
Thomas Reiprich | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy cluster |
anya chaudhuri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,cluster,sunyaev |
basudeb dasgupta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | neutrino |
Jeremy Sanders | astro-ph | x-ray, cluster, Chandra, XMM, AGN, back hole, Abell, feedback, jet, active galactic nuclei, accretion, quasar, group, AGN, cosmology |
wayne christiansen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quasars, spacetime foam, radio source |
Matt Lake | hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, primordial black hole[s], PBH[s], cosmic string[s], cosmic necklace[s], conifold, throat, (p,q) string[s], cycloop[s] |
T. P. Waterhouse | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP |
Matt George | astro-ph | .* |
Jerry Jensen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,supernov |
Jordi Miralda | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quas, reioniz, planet, |
Adam Christopherson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, quintess, gaussian, DBI, k-inflation, scalar field, cosmology, big bang, cadabra, entropy, multi-field, vorticity, DBI-inflation, modified gravity, perturbation, perturbations, cosmological, magnetic, particle |
Cesar S. Lopez-Monsalvo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | quantum gravity, black hole entropy, gravitational waves |
Le Fevre | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, galaxy evolution, galaxy formation |
Magdalena Chapman | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, universe, polarization, relic gravitational waves |
Moritz Mcgarrie | hep-th | Dimensional Transmutation pseudopotentials dirac delta |
Michael Busha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, n-body, citation, galax |
Hao-Yi Wu | astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, |
Tom Abel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, stars |
Masamune Oguri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, (weak|strong) lens, universe, WMAP, quasar, dark halo |
Patrick Nolan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | GLAST,gamma |
Don Ellison | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, shock, superno, Fermi, particle accel |
Till Sawala | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dwarf (sphl|ell|irr), dSph, missing satellite, tidal dwarf, dark matter, chemical evolution, local group, kinematics, radial velocities, star formation, feedback, stellar winds, population synthesis, globular cluster, VLT flames, dart, gadget, |
Marcelo Alvarez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, reionization |
Daniel John | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Manda Banerji | astro-ph | cosm[oi], galaxy (redshift )?survey, photometric redshift, DES, Euclid, galaxy evolution, galaxy formation, AGN, morphology, quasar, VISTA, luminosity function, stellar mass, SED, SMG |
Eduardo S. Cypriano | astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bob Wagoner | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | cosm[oi], black hole, neutron star,CMB, grav, dark (matter|energy), big bang,quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey,universe |
Jeff Scargle | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, X-ray, gamma-ray, statistics |
Elizabeth Hays | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | gamma, TeV, pulsar, pulsar wind nebula, supernova remnant |
David J. Thompson | astro-ph | gamma ray, GLAST, EGRET, pulsar, blazar, AGILE, gamma-ray, Fermi, LAT |
Steve Ritz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex, hep-th,gr-qc | GLAST, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Steve Allen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, X-ray, cluster |
Elliott Bloom | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, quintess, matter power, universe |
David Turton | hep-th, gr-qc | String, Black, Hole, |
Charles Dermer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | blazars, gamma ray bursts, GRBs, gamma rays |
Francis Bernardeau | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,grav |
Amol Upadhye | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ex | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, landscape, modified gravit, Steinhardt, W(ayne|.) Hu, Khoury, Mota, Dedeo, gammev, chameleon, ekpyro, cyclic model |
Dejan Stojkovic | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | black holes, cosm[oi], extra dimensions, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Florian Pacaud | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, X-ray, quintess, matter power, (galaxy)? cluster survey, universe, WMAP, weak lens, primordial |
Igor Moskalenko | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | gamma, cosmic, WIMP, dark matter |
Caroline van Breukelen | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster |
Julie McEnery | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy), Fermi, FERMI, gamma-ray, GLAST |
Tony Tyson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy), weak lens, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey |
Samuel Farrens | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy clusters, large scale structure, dark matter |
Markus Ackermann | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,hep-ex | gamma, GLAST, neutrino, SNR, supernova, remnant |
Sean Bailly | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,lithium,stau,NLSP |
Yuuiti Sendouda | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP, grav, string, black, extra dimension, brane |
Sante Carloni | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, alternative gravity, scalar tensor, higher order gravity, non linear gravity |
david gherson | hep-ph, astro-ph, hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, extra, supersymmetry |
Conrad M. Hutcheson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy formation |
Adam Mantz | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy cluster, X-ray, cluster, halo, baryon acoustic, statistic, regression, neutrino, markov |
Anthony Smith | astro-ph | galaxy (redshift )?survey, luminosity (function|density), surface brightness, UKIDSS, UKIRT, VISTA, SDSS, Sloan, WFCAM, infrared, stellar mass, star formation (rate|history), galax, Bayes, redshift, astro-ph, ADS, extragalactic, astrogrid, virtual observatory, Herschel, HerMES, source extract, sub.?millimet, sub.?mm, FIR(?!\w), star forming, IR(?!\w), spica, smg, (U?)LIRG, point source, source detection, SPIRE |
Hoda Ghodsi | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], universe, non-standard, model |
Edward Thomson | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, commutat, gravit, Einstein, topolog, schr |
Bruno Henriques | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy, satellite, analytic, simulations, N-body |
Zanard M | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP |
Mathieu Langer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, magnet, Planck, ISW |
Leon Baruah | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, first stars, high redshift, cluster |
Qiping Su | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | inflat, CMB, dark (energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens,WMAP |
David Paneque | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, AGN, blazar, black hole, gamma-ray, IACT |
Dale Kocevski | astro-ph | cluster, AGN, X-ray, environment, large scale structure, large-scale structure |
Jean-Luc Starck | astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
César Terrero-Escalante | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP |
Eric Lerner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, WMAP |
Anastasios Avgoustidis | hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, string, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
James Graham | astro-ph | adaptive optics, instrumentation, star formation, planet detection, coronagraph, polarization |
Lotta Mether | hep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, leptogen, baryogen |
Pieter Miedema | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,
structure formation |
Guido Walter Pettinari | astro-ph | boltzmann, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cosmic(?!= ray), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, S.-C. Su, pitrou, lesgourgues, huang, lewis |
Kyle Watters | astro-ph | pulsar, GLAST, Fermi, FGST, gamma, psr, KIPAC, ATNF, CSIRO, Stanford |
jonathan duke | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | microlensing, Andromeda, M31, lensing, gravitational lensing, |
Ilsang Yoon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Bayesian, galaxy evolution, galaxy formation, morphol |
Hugo Looyestijn | hep-ph,hep-th | moduli,stabili,flux,compactification,instantons |
Andre Fuzfa | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, mond, modified gravity, tensor-scalar |
Sandrine Pires | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, wavelet, multiscale, multi-scale, multi-resolution, multiresolution, lensing, gravitation |
Arnaud Woiselle | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity |
Alexandre Refregier | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing, photo-z |
Ben Metcalf | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], gravitational lensing, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21 cm, lens, broad line, 21, lensing |
Timothy Clemson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy) |
Alexander B Fry | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, LCDM, sunyaev, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich, SZ, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lensing, universe, WMAP, LAE, Lyman, Ly-alpha, LSS, LIGO, LISA, gravitational wave, Weak lensing, galaxy (redshift )?survey, structure formation, photometric redshift, LSST, BAO, numerical relativity, 21cm, reionization, EOR, PCA, MWA, radio & cosmology |
Brian Fields | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, nucleosynthesis |
Omar Zanusso | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | renorm, functional, asymptotic safety, quantum gravity,heat kernel, conformal gravity, cosm[oi], inflat, big bang, quintess,RG |
Piero Ullio | astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, gamma-ray, cosmic-ray, LHC, Fermi |
Marco Nardecchia | hep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qc | dark matter, supersymmetry |
Joaquin Vieira | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, universe, WMAP |
Laurie Riguccini | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy evolution, cosmology, infrared galaxies, K-correction, SED, galaxies, Spitzer, MIPS, Herschel |
Cyril Pitrou | astro-ph, gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Bianchi, gaussian, |
Tim Garrett | physics | cloud, eco, climat, atmos |
Karl Andersson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy cluster, cluster[s] of galaxies, XMM, Chandra, dark (matter|energy), |
Matt Hilton | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,
galaxy clusters, star formation |
Ozlem Celik | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | pulsar, Crab, Fermi, VERITAS, Glast, PWN, SNR, pulsed, VHE, gamma-ray, GeV, TeV |
Robyn Sanderson | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, (dwarf)? galaxy (redshift )?(survey)?, weak lens, universe, WMAP, kinemat, proper motion, gravit[ya], phase space, halo (potential)?, Milky Way, M31, (large|small) Magellanic Cloud, infall, merg, action, tidal (stream|tail|debris), caustic, dynamic[as], non[- ]gaussianity |
Andrew A. West | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | a |
John Bochanski | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | low mass stars, M dwarfs, Milky Way, Galactic structure, Galactic Kinematics |
Alessandra Silvestri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Henry James Pearce | astro-ph | galaxy formation,galaxy evolution,massive galaxies,high redhsift,pure luminosity evolution,passive,primordial,galaxy (redshift )?survey |
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, WMAP, astroparticle, higgs, BICEP, effective field theory, (p)reheating, (rel)axion, neutrino |
Chris Orban | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi] |
Andrew Tolley | hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qc | cosmological, inflat, quintess, brane, supergravit, supersymm, string, AdS, effective field theory, effective theory, EFT, decoupling, holog, Weinberg, de Sitter, gaussianity, conformal, scaling, renorm, Witten, Arkani, Dvali, Burgess, Maldacena, perturbation, SUGRA, ghost, BKL, kasner, singularit, bispectrum, trispectrum, isocurvature, anisotrop, gravit, tunnel, stochastic, horizon, entropy, Creminelli, Nicolis, soliton, massive gravity, bigravity, bimetric, DGP, Gabadadze, higher spin, curvaton, Seery, dark energy, decoupling, goldstone, stueckelberg, Higgs, Rham, Hinterbichler, Hassan, Rosen, gravitational |
Eric Emsellem | astro-ph | galax, dynam, spect, bar, simulation, red sequence, disk, disc, bulge, spheroid, triaxial, merger, galac, centre, center, black hole, nucleus, nuclei, AGN, spiral, globular, cluster |
Mark Wyman | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,string, degrav, magnet |
Claudia de Rham | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, massive gravity, gravity, extra, Kaluza-Klein, dimension, braneworld, inflation, black hole, degravitation, DGP, space, pulsar, Dvali, Durrer, Tolley, Burgess, Maggiore, Wyman, Geshnizjani, Afshordi, Gabadadze, Deffayet, Khoury, bubble, Rattazzi, Arkani, Maggiore, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, Burrage, Seery, Nicolis, Goldstone, Classicalizing, Classicalization |
Carlo Giocoli (cgiocoli) | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Merger Tree |
Stuart Littlefair | astro-ph | planet, disk, T-Tauri, star, rotation, exoplanet, magnetars, X-Ray Binaries, Accretion discs, pulsars, brown dwarf, cataclysmic, low mass stars, M dwarfs |
Albert Bosma | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galax[yi] |
Richard Alexander | astro-ph | star formation, planet formation, protoplanetary, disc, disk, accretion, Galactic Centre, circumstellar, pre-main-sequence, black hole |
richard smart | astro-ph | astrometry,parallaxes, brown dwarfs |
Saurav Dhital | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | low mass stars, M dwarfs, Milky Way, Galactic structure, Galactic Kinematics, binary star, star formation |
Biman Nath | astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, universe, AGN, intergalactic medium, wind, outflow, radio galaxy, cosmic ray, reionization, cluster, population III, DLA, black hole |
Daniel Francisco Boriero | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrino |
Giorgio Savini | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, weak lens, universe, WMAP, magnetic field, SZ effect, re-ionization |
Dhiraj Kumar Hazra | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lukas Hollenstein | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, magnet |
Simon Fiorucci | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | dark matter, xenon, TPC, germanium, WIMP, FERMI-LAT, PAMELA, EDELWEISS, CDMS, LUX, DAMA, positron excess |
Norbert Werner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, galaxy, weak lens, universe, Chandra, XMM-Newton, X-ray, AGN |
Tapan Naskar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Inflation, coupled dark energy, pantom tachyon, type II singularity. |
Samvel Ter-Antonyan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmic ray, dark (matter|energy), big bang, galaxy survey, universe, WMAP, high energy neutrino |
David Sutton | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, weak lens, universe, WMAP, map-making, power spectrum |
Paul Ricker | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy), galaxy cluster?s, cluster?s of galaxies, AGN, bubble?s, common envelope, [Tt]ype Ia |
Moumita Kar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], polarization,inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Marco Baumgartl | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph, hep-ph | gravi, BSFT, tachyon, topolog |
Thomas Sotiriou | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, universe, modified gravity, f(R) gravity, quantum gravity, gravit |
Sheng Li | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph,physics,math,nlin,cs,stat | cosm(o|ic),flat,CMB,WMAP,PLANCK,microwave background,dependen(t|ce),primordial,matter power,reheat,entrop(y|ic),adiabatic,(|iso).?curvat(|ure|on),inflat,axion,dilaton,tachyon(|ic),instanton,soliton,insulator,attract(or|ive|ion),spectator,inhomoge,modulate,isotrop,gaussian,perturbat(ion|ive),density,tensor-to-scalar,magnetic,monopole,Lagrang(e|ian),Hamilton(ian),topolog(y|ic),(|non-)canonic(|al),(|non-)linear,(|non-)gaussian,vacu(um|a),brane,bayes(ian),mod(uli),mssm,susy,Yang-Mills,YM,holographic,symmetr(y|ic),gravit(y|on),theor(y|em),singularit(y|ies),quintess,baryon,no-go,formalism,reioniz(e|ation),conformal,(in|co)varian(t|ce),WIMP,cyclic,gauge,tun(e|ing),normal(|isation),dual,fl(uid|ow),equivalen(t|ce),throat,EFT,CFT,higgs,string,cosmic,simulation,MCMC,sampling,parameter,algorithm,likelihood,FFT,primality,division,multiplicity,Sitter,Friedmann,Hubble,DBI,Dirac,Einstein,Dirichlet,Born,Lorentz,Lifshitz,Ho[ur]ava,Ricci,Minkowski,Riemann,Cartan,Polyakov,Witten,Weinberg,Guth,Steinhardt,Linde,Kolb,Padmanabhan,Mukhanov,Hawking,Verlinde,(D.|David )Lyth,(A.|Andrew )Liddle,(D.|David )Wands,(D.|David )Seery,(A.|Antony )Lewis,(D.|Donough )Regan,(power).?spectrum,dark (matter|energy),big bang,(backward|covariant|in-in|N).?formalism,(multi|single|two|double|single|N).?field,(slow|fast).?roll,(scalar|inflat).?potential,(scale|warp).?factor,(|weak|gravitational).?lensing,(partial).?differential equation,machine.?learning,data mining,big data,prime number, |
Masatoshi Shoji | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, baryon |
melissa enoch | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | star form, protostar, perseus, serpens, ophiuchus, molecular cloud, yso, core mass, mass function, mass spectrum, accretion, spitzer, -AGN, -black hole, -pulsar, -gamma ray burst |
Vitaly Vanchurin | hep-th,gr-qc | hydrodynamics, string fluid, cosmic strings, filaments, EFT, multiverse, eternal inflation, entropy problem, measure problem, firewalls, gravitational waves, non-gaussianities, 21 cm, confinement, vector inflation, conformal |
Tomás E. Tecce | astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, luminosity (function|density), cluster, AGN, environment, ram pressure, large scale structure, large-scale structure, (disk|disc|galaxy) formation, subhaloes, subhalos |
Michael Drinkwater | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, UCD, dwarf galax, tidal dwarf, cluster, galax, IFU, integral field, 2D spectr, 3D spectr, star form, kinematic, metal, chemi, abundance, globular, star cluster, star formation |
Michael Salem | hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph.CO | multiverse, landscape, anthropic, inflat, primordial, bubble, dark energy, cosmological constant, vacuum energy, de Sitter, holog, ghost, dark matter, arrow of time, density perturbations, non-Gaussianity, non-Gaussianities, inflaton, |
Luigi Costamante | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, X-ray, quasar, blazar, gamma, TeV, EBL |
Molly Swanson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ex | galaxy (redshift )?survey, halo model, matter power, large-scale structure, conditional (mass|luminosity) function, stochastic(ity| bias), redshift space distortion, peculiar velo, neutrino mass, baryon(ic)? acoustic, baryon(ic)? oscil, halo bias, halo mass, Dark Energy Survey, LSST, Pan(-)?STARRS, WMAP, (Big)?BOSS, dark (matter|energy), cosmolog, SDSS, bias, Bertschinger, Bridle, Eisenstein, Finkbeiner, W(.|ayne) Hu, B(.|huvnesh) Jain, Lahav, W(. J.|ill J.) Percival, Sheth, Stubbs, Tegmark, Scoccimarro, Van den Bosch, (D. H.|avid H.) Weinberg, M(.|artin) White |
Matteo Maturi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmo, inflat, CMB, dark, big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, weak lens, universe, WMAP, filter |
Cecile Faure | astro-ph | cosmo,lens, quasar, QSO, weak lens, strong lens,galaxy |
Eric Jensen | astro-ph | planet, exoplanet, extrasolar, tranet, transit, ALMA, circumbinary, circumstellar, protoplanetary, TESS, Kepler, Tauri, YSO, orbit, misalign, Kozai, Lidov, convect, lithium, GAIA, -transition, align, -cosmolog, -extragalactic, -supernova |
Keith S Cover | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | WMAP |
Pierre-Philippe Dechant | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|spinor), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP, chameleon, bianchi, taub-nut, elko spinor, de sitter relativity |
Torsten Ensslin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, information, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jack Hewitt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | SNR, shock, cosmic rays |
Graham Smith | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy cluster |
Pablo Arnalte-Mur | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, BAO, baryon acous, photo-z, photometric redshift, cluster, bias |
Joseph Elliston | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity, non-Gaussia, trispectr, tri-spectr, Gaussia, curva, axion, bispectr, bi-spectr, perturb, isocurvat, adiabat, multifield, multi-field, galileon, planck |
Anjali Tripathi | astro-ph | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, MCMC, galaxy (evolution), Bayesian, galaxy(model), semi-analytic |
Dave Goldberg | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | inflat, lens, relativity |
Heidi Virtanen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, leptog, baryog, neutrino, extra dimensio, warped, supers, SUSY |
Brian Keating | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, |
Christian Luebbe | gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph | big bang, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, singular |
Stephen Feeney | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, universe, WMAP, planck, likelihood, gauss, bayes, machine learning, neural net, black hole, neutron star, hubble, gravitational wave, LIGO |
Hajar Vakili | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,supernova,SN Ia, sn survey |
Fotini Economou | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | neutrino, UHECR, cosmic ray, Auger, ANITA, ICECUBE, ARIANNA, ultra high energy, (iron|proton|charged) nuclei, Larmor, UHE, GZK, Denis Allard, Eli Waxman, Pierre Auger, ultra-high, astroparticle, astro-particle, gamma ray, HESS, CTA, MAGIC, blazar, VERITAS, Fermi (GLAST| LAT), Fermiacceleration, Kumiko Kotera, Telescope Array, ARA, gamma-ray, cosmic-ray, Dmitri Semikoz, Christoph Pfrommer, Neronov, Gabici, cosmic-ray, Jim Hinton, Felix Aharonian, Kohta Murase, HAWC, Andrew Taylor, transient, flare, David Waters, NEMO, Michael Unger, Glennys Farrar, Louis Anchordoqui, starburst, AGN, Active gal, blazar, radio galax, multimessenger, multi-messenger |
Emily Hall | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, general relativity, halo, galaxy cluster |
Judith Racusin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, grb |
Peter den Hartog | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | pulsar, AXP, SGR, Fermi, magnetar, hartog, QED, polarization, -fermion |
Adam Hawken | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, flexion, baryon acoustic oscillation, BAO, PLANCK, photo-z |
Iris Gebauer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy), galaxy, ism, cosmic ray, galactic wind |
Prina Patel | astro-ph | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, |
federica bianco | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | kbo, outer solar system, solar system, supernovae, dark matter |
Justin Vandenbroucke | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, blazar, IceCube, Fermi, neutrino, LAT, Chandra, Swift |
Alex Drlica-Wagner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy), dwarf, cosm[oi], primordial, quintess, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe |
Ole Host | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ex | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, halo(es|s), cluster,dimuon |
Simona Bekeraitė | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, planet, neural, schroedin, |
Volodymyr Marchenko | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, AGN, GRB, Hypernova, cosmic rays |
Sabine Kraml | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th | supersymmetry, dark matter |
rishi khatri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, x-ray, lmxb, hmxb, cxb, ridge, iron line, 6.4KeV |
Dennis Simon | gr-qc,astro-ph.CO,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, |
Tamara Davis | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, supernova |
Catherine Heymans | astro-ph | dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens |
Dario Bettoni | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy,redshift, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large scale structure, scalar tensor theories, gravity, general relativity, modified gravity |
Stephanie Jouvel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, simul |
Angus Prain | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph | superoscillations, induced, emergent, analogue, time, spectral geom, inflat, vacuum |
Anders Basbøll | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, MSSM, flat |
Peter Thomas | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster of g, galaxy cluster, galaxy form, formation of gal, semi-anal, |
Devin Crichton | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SZ, Sunyaev, Planck, Bayes, ACT, SPT, APEX |
Matteo Barnabe | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, universe |
Guilhem Lavaux | astro-ph | peculiar velocit(y|ies), kSZ, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cosmological microwave background, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, voids, local universe, SZE, sunyaev zel'dovich effect, SPH |
Aurora Meroni | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ex | neutri, Supernovae, baryog, leptog, neutrinoless, CP , double beta decay, T' model, tetrahe, lepton number violation,lepto |
Alessandro Lovato | nucl-th,astro-ph,cond-mat,hep-ph | compact, neutron star, equation of state, afdmc, fhnc,lp potential, uIX |
giorgio arcadi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, baryogen, leptogen |
Stefan Funk | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | gamma-rays, cosmic-rays, fermi, h.e.s.s., hess |
Jon Loveday | astro-ph | galaxy (redshift )?survey, luminosity function, mass function, correlation function, galaxy clustering, SDSS, GAMA, VISTA, kids |
Jean-Luc Lehners | hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ekpy, cyclic, gauss, hologra, |
Jonathan Frazer | astro-ph.CO, gr-qc, hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, Liddle, Bousso, Susskind, Arkani-Hamed, Dvali, eternal, tunnel, Randall, Freivogel, McAllister, Maldacena, Wands, Seery, Mulryne, landscape, string, gaussianity |
Giulio D'Odorico | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, renormalization group, RG, ERG, asymptotic saf, Steven Weinberg, Sean Carroll, Martin Reuter |
Daniel G. Figueroa | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gaussianity, reheating, preheating, gravitational wave |
Miguel Zumalacárregui | gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, MCMC, CMB, BAO, void, LTB, inhomogeneous, entropic, scalar, modified gravit, dark (matter|energy), teves, disformal, anomal[yo], baryon acoustic, primordial, quintess, matter power, superluminal, lorentz, perturbat, cosmic(?!= ray), -compactifi |
Francois-Xavier Dupe | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ISW |
Francesca Vidotto | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | big bounce, loop (quantum)? (gravity|cosmology), spinfoam |
Sean February | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, inhomogeneous, LTB, void |
Alan Zablocki | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,neutrino mass,neutrinos,clustering,galaxy clustering, |
Rakhi R | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP |
Marit Sandstad | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), universe, modified grav, massive grav, nonlocal, |
Stephen Serjeant | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing, cluster, SDSS, Sloan, galax, galac, AGN, QSO, redshift, star formation rate, BCG |
Dominic Galliano | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, trispectrum, bispectrum, spectrum, gaussianity, large scale structure, galax, grav, supernov |
Daniel Kelson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, stellar populations |
William Watson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Large scale structure, LSS, galaxy formation, structure formation |
Hilding Neilson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | stars, stellar dynamics, supernova, stellar evolution, globular cluster, open cluster, pulsation, mass loss, planets, magellanic cloud, pulsar, neutron star, stellar wind, convection, circumstellar medium, x-ray binary, GRB, AGB, RR Lyrae, Cepheid, polarization, distance scale |
Maciej Bilicki | astro-ph.CO,gr-qc,astro-ph.IM | cosm[oi], CMB, galaxy (redshift )?survey, spherical model, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Colin Hill | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Atacama |
Mafalda Dias | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, holo |
David Cherney | hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-ph | higher spin, sigma model, black hole |
David Jacobs | hep-th, hep-ph, nucl-th, cond-mat, physics, quant-ph, physics.atom-ph | C.P. Burgess, compact composite object, "macros", "proton radius", positronium, "quantum defect", "quantum defects", Rydberg, macro dark matter, strongly-interacting dark matter, "time delay", |
St Klemer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | inflat, CMB, microwave background, quintess, WMAP, Planck, p?reheating, initial cond, non-gauss, gaussian, nbody, fnl |
Christoph Beh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Lyman, Ly, Forest, HETDEX, survey, dark matter, nyx, mare |
Jan F. Engels | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, Planck, neutrino, lyman, outflow, absorption |
Hana Schumcher | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
yetli rosas-guevara | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,galaxy formation,black holes |
Nickolas Fotopoulos | astro-ph,gr-qc | GRB, gravita, LIGO, gamma-ray burst |
Wolfram Schmidt | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosmology, cosmological, intergalactic medium, IGM, cluster, intracluster medium, ICM, galaxy, galaxies, interstellar medium, ISM, star formation, feedback, outflow, black hole, SMBH, fluid, hydrodynamics, hydrodynamical, turbulent, turbulence, MHD, magnetic, magneto, dynamo, reconnection, plasma |
Harald Braun | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy, star formation, turbulence, hydrodynamics |
Jan Niklas Grieb | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmology, inflation, CMB, WMAP, Planck, bispect, trispect, camb(!=ridge), cmbfast, cosmomc, (non|non-)?gaussian, p?reheating, early universe, adiabatic, isocurvature, particle production, microwave background, shellard, fergusson, neyrinck, (log-|log)normal, correlation function, BAO, acoustic oscillation(s)?, reconstruction, gravitational instabilit(y|ies), (large-scale|large scale) structure, structure formation, LSS, galaxy survey, power spectrum, parameter estimation, covariance, BOSS, halo bias, dark energy, non-linear (transformation|evolution), (redshift-space|redshift space) distortions, RSD, leclercq, Michael Wilson, Lagrangian (perturbation) theory, LPT, mildly (non-linear|nonlinear), BICEP(2)?, (primordial)? gravitational waves |
Adrienne Erickcek | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, WMAP, Sunyaev-Zeldovich, reheat, WIMP, kinetic decoup, ultracompact, microhalo, minihalo, free stream, chameleon, massive grav, Hubble |
Thorsten Battefeld | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bounce |
Prajval Shastri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | active galax, AGN, quasar, radio galaxy, Seyfert, LINER, Fanaroff Riley, black hole, primordial black hole, galaxy scaling relation, SDSS, Sloan (Digital|Survey), accretion, radio loud, radio quiet, radio jet, FERMI, dark (matter|energy), gravitational lensing, big bang, microwave background, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jon Emery | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gauss, perturb, perturbation, bispectrum, trispectrum |
Alberto Bermeo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy clusters |
Gemma Jayne Anderson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gauss, |
Tomasz Kacprzak | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, shear measurement, |
Emma Woodfield | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,stat | reionization, LOFAR, SKA, ASKAP, square kilometre array, low frequency array, radio foreground, EoR, 21cm, mwa, Gmrt, edges, dare, reionisation, Quasar, HERA,21-cm, 21 cm, intensity mapping, metal poor stars, dark ages, population III, star formation, JWST |
Yao-Yuan Mao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), halo, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Geraint Pratten | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, Keldysh, Schwinger, universe, WMAP, Planck, Polarisation, Polarization, Gravitational Waves, Stochastic, early universe, In-In, effective field theory, bianchi, dynamical systems, G3, G2, tetrad, inhomogeneous, anisotropic, modified gravity, trispectrum, bispectrum, graviton; Minkowski Functional; MFs; non-gaussianity; gaussianity; topology; magnetic fields; black hole; IMR; postNewtonian; PN; post-Newtonian; post Newtonian; numerical relativity; |
Erik Shirokoff | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, WMAP |
Elsa Ramos | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, ALMA, CAMB, LensPix, CMBfast, clusters of galaxies, point-sources, polarization, SZE, dark energy, foregrounds, filters |
Catherine Watkinson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | reionization, 21cm, cosmology, statistics, first stars |
Gary Mamon | astro-ph | dark matter, galaxy (redshift )?survey, (orbital|velocity) anisotropy, mass profile, mergers, compact groups, deprojection, backsplash |
Chunshan Lin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Fabio Iocco | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Henry Joy McCracken | astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
warintorn sreethawong | hep-ph,hep-th | dark matter |
Suprit Singh | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph | hawking,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Michel Piat | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, planck |
Maurizio Tomasi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck |
Jacopo Chevallard | astro-ph | dust attenuation, IMF, spectral synthesis |
Laura Wolz | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, radio, intensity mapping, redshift, interferometry |
Barnaby Rowe | astro-ph,gr-qc | weak grav, lens, gravitational, lensing, PSF, shape measure, flexion, dark (matter|energy), Bayes, profile, halo, simulat, cosm[oi], photometric redshift, photo-z, sub-structure, substructure, image analysis, sampling, Nyquist, microwave background, inflat, CMB, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, planck, sunyaev, WMAP |
Michael Hirsch | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,,physics.optics,stat | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,deconv,conv,deblurring,spatially-varying,PSF |
Azadeh Moradinezhad | astro-ph, hep-th, hep-ph, gr-qc | cosmology, inflation, reionization, CMB, Planck, modified gravity, 21cm measurment, dark matter, dark energy, cosmological perturbation, cosmological, universe, cosmic, WMAP, Weak lensing, simulations, string cosmology, big bang, contracting, DBI, ekpyrotic, superluminal, Primordial, black holes, lorantz violation,non-Gaussianity |
Christian Byrnes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial |
Joseph Lanoux | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy cluster, agn, radio halo, radio relics, x-ray |
Abraham Harte | gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Brendan Griffen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | globular cluster, dwarf galax, ionisation, ionization, cosmological simulation, SPH, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, WMAP, missing satellite, ionisation, arepo, smooth particle, Milky Way, Milky-way, neutrino, interstellar medium, ISM |
Doreen Wackeroth (dow) | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,LHC,QCD,top,NLO,radiative corrections,SUSY,MSSM,electroweak,Tevatron |
Christopher S Redino | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SUSY |
Christopher Redino | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SUSY |
Alexander Moreno Briceno | hep-ph,hep-th,hep-ex | supersymmetry, mssm, nmssm, Higgs boson,
cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kristina Krylova | hep-th,hep-ph,hep-ex,qr-qc,astro-ph | CMS, |
Tula Bernal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, mond, modified gravity, alternative, burst |
Cathy Bernaciak | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | higher order, qcd, NLO, NNLO, electroweak, mssm, cmssm, standard model, parton shower, powheg, wzgrad, supersymmetry, |
Carlo Rovelli | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | loop,quantum gravity, spinfoam, spin, spin network,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Avto Kharchilava | hep-ex, hep-ph, hep-th, astro-ph,hep-ph | SUSY, Higgs, QCD, Electroweak, Standard Model, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Giulio Fabbian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Robert Cameron | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Fermi |
Farbod Kamiab | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Neutron star, pulsar, magnetar |
Kellen Murphy | astro-ph | dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, lens, tomog |
Rebecca Santana | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, lens, strong lens, tomog, power spectrum, cluster, cdm, gravitational lens, lcdm, merge, -open, -globular, universe, evol, bullet |
Brett Ragozzine | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cluster, cdm, dark matter, -globular, gravitational lens, lcdm, merge, -open |
Chad Greene | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc, hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, epoch of, |
Mina Rohanizadegan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,galactic nuclei,AGN,cluster |
James E Taylor | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | halo, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, weak lens, local(?!iz), nearby, detection, dwarf, substructure, galax, group, cluster, CDM, Hudson, S(\.|imon) (D\. M.)? White, Hoekstra, Navarro, Huchra, Faber, Davis, van Waerbeke, Mellier, Balogh, McNamara, Fich, J(\.|ames) (E\.)? Taylor, Afshordi, Harris, Moore, S(\.|haun) Cole, Seljak, Mandelbaum, de Lucia, Yee, Carlberg, van den Bosch, Dekel, McCracken, Mamon, Sunyaev, SZ |
Anson Wong | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity |
Stephen Ro | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, hydrodynamics, galaxy group, ram pressure, bow shock |
Robert Henderson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, jet, AGN, outflow, X-ray, Chandra, ALMA, LOFAR |
Rose Lerner | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP |
Maxime Trebitsch | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,math-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black hole, gravit, astrophysic, backreaction, astroph |
Ross O'Connell | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi](?!c.ray), inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, Planck, acoustic, compactification, igm, Lyman, firewall, clustering, perturb |
Stephanie Wutschik | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | black hole, agn, active galactic nucle |
Alex Leithes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb, gravitational waves, power spectrum, spectral index, shape dynamics, inhomogeneous, LTB,
Lemaitre, Tolman, Bondi |
Alexander Leithes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb |
Gregory Paciga | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy), big bang, quintess, reioniz |
Ilana MacDonald | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | gravitational wave, gravity, black hole, hybrid waveform, post-Newtonian, numerical relativity, general relativity |
Sergei Ossokine | gr-qc,astro-ph,math-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, general relativity, gravitation, black holes, neutron stars |
Harald Pfeiffer | gr-qc | of |
M.A. Miville-Deschenes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | turbulence, magnetic field, instability, formation, cloud, CMB, polarii(s|z)ation, microwave, primordial, matter power, Planck, WMAP, 21 cm, dust |
Valerie de Lapparent | astro-ph | distance, scale, ladder, redshift, photom, spect, baryon, matter, dark,matter, power, spectr, galax, galac, cluster, luminosit, correlat,shape, size, bulge, disk, morholog, elliptical, spiral, lenticular, dwarf, selection, survey, catalog, formation, numeric, simulat, feedback, gas, evolution, stellar, spectrophot, structur, dust |
Sundar Srinivasan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | AGB, asymptotic giant branch, evolved stars, circumstellar dust, stellar population synthesis, SPS, radiative transfer models |
Boris Leistedt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial non, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, WMAP, wavelet, curvelet, large scale structure, N-body, gaussian, quasar(s), photometr(ic|y), Planck, void, 3d |
chistophe pichon | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe,Galaxy,dynamics |
Jacqueline Bergeron | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | big bang, microwave background, cosm, AGN, early universe |
Nikos Prantzos | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxies, Milky Way, star formation |
Damien Le Borgne | astro-ph | galaxy (redshift )?survey, galaxy (formation|evolution), star-formation, redshift |
Rocca-Volmerange Brigitte | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Gaia, Herschel, galaxy evolution, radio galaxies |
Emma Ryan-Weber | astro-ph | Intergalactic, high-redshift |
Matthew Lehnert | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy evolution |
Sinziana Paduroiu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter, neutrino, structure formation, galaxy, cosmology |
Michel Zamojski | astro-ph | galaxy |
frederic courbin | astro-ph | a |
Daniel Schaerer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy (redshift )?survey, lensing, galaxies, primordial, population,
starburst, infrared, ALMA |
Malte Tewes | astro-ph | cosm[oi], lens, quasar, deconv, qso, delay, Hubble |
Dessauges Miroslava | astro-ph | redshift, formation, evolution, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, galax, population, infrared, molecul, ALMA, line, millim, damped, DLA, sub-DLA, lyman, emission, absorption |
panos sklias | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Galactic evolution, high (z|redshift), star formation (rate|history), (dusty|faint|distant|submillim|primordial) galax, starburst, SFR, SED , lensing, reionization, multi-wavelength, infrared, submm, UV slope, (U?)LIRG, (Hy|H)LIRG |
Alexander Belikov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, (modified|quantum) gravity, DGP |
Mariana Cunha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck |
Tim Tugendhat | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large-scale structure |
Yohan Dubois | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, gala, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kenny Lau | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, planck |
Antje Putze | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic ray |
Nicolas Bouche | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, feedback, galaxy evolution |
Takashi Moriya | astro-ph | supernovae |
Jing Luan | astro-ph | circumplanetary disk, debris disk, protoplanetary disk, transitional disk |
David Riethmiller | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | feedback, cooling, elliptical, hydro |
Signe Riemer-Sorensen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | ^.? |
Sarah Sweet | astro-ph | UCD, dwarf galax, tidal dwarf, cluster, galax, group, IFU, integral field, 2D spectr, 3D spectr, star form, star-form, kinematic, metal, chemi, abundance, telescop, observator, atmospher, instrument, integral field, integral-field, spectroscop, |
Conor O'Neill | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neural network, ANN, photom redshift estim |
Holger Baumgardt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dwarf, Dwarf, dark matter, globular, star cluster, star formation, SMBH, IMBH, intermediate mass, hypervelocity, black hole, M31, supermassive, UCD, Sagittarius, bulge, segue, ultra-compact dwarfs,
the |
Joel Pfeffer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | nbody, (N|.)-body, (cosmological|hydrodynamical) simulation, subhalo, cosmological(-zoom| zoom| context), (galaxy|star) form, galaxy (mergers|collisions), (globular|star|stellar|open|young massive) cluster, nuclear (star)?cluster, cluster formation(| efficiency), multiple( | stellar) population, (initial|cluster) mass function, intermediate( |-)age clusters, molecular cloud, (disc|disk|early-type|S0|lenticular|dwarf|satellite) galax, UCD, ultra(|.)compact dwarf, dwarf (elliptical|spheroidal), dSph, ultra(.)diffuse galax, (stellar|tidal) stream, ram pressure, super(|.)massive black hole, SMBH, intermediate(.)mass black hole, IMBH, Milky Way dis(c|k), Local Group, stellar halo, Galactic Bulge, galactic structure, Virgo cluster, Disk of Satellites, EAGLE, COLIBRE, E-MOSAICS, Gaia, JWST, James Webb |
Gareth Murphy | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | weibel, plasma, simulation, star formation, gamma ray bursts, magnetohydrodynamics, supernovae |
Eric Greenwood | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Black Holes, gravitational collapse, modified gravity, topological defects |
Bryan Gillis | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter, gravitational lens, (weak|strong) grav, shear, magnification, galaxy (group|cluster), photo(metric|-z|z), tidal stripping, stripping |
smriti mahajan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxies, clusters, dwarf galaxies, star formation, AGN, evolution, |
Shihong Liao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitational (wave|radiation), cosmic string, LIGO, LISA |
Liao Shihong | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravitational (wave|radiation), cosmic string, Planck, LIGO, LISA, gravity wave,halo,large scale structure, cluster, filament, sheet, wall, void, 21cm, Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect, sz effect, GADGET-2, weak lensing, modified gravity, N-body simulation, cosmology |
Pieter G Miedema | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP |
Victoria Nemanashi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Galaxies |
Sebastian Seehars | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, (21-cm|21 cm), neutral hydrogen, intensity mapping |
Dimitar Vlaykov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, math.NA,nlin.CD | MHD, turbulen, hydro, chao, dynam, LES, SGS, subgrid, cosmo, CMB, non-gauss, magn, simulat, |
Tom Hassall | astro-ph | pulsar, neutron star, LOFAR, transient, magnetar |
Yusra AlSayyad | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | QSO, quasar, machine, database, absorption line, IGM, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, extinction |
Markus Roellig | astro-ph | ISM, PDR, photodissociation, chemistry, star formation, CII, OI, line, clumpy, interstellar matter |
Erick Almaraz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Walter Santos | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster, group |
Lyndsay Old | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi],galaxy cluster,groups, mass, velocity dispersion, galaxies, clusters, dynamics, CMB, dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, X-ray,universe, WMAP |
Andrew Matas | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, massive gravity, gravity, extra, Kaluza-Klein, dimension, braneworld, inflation, black hole, degravitation, DGP, space, pulsar, Dvali, Durrer, Tolley, Burgess, Maggiore, Wyman, Geshnizjani, Afshordi, Gabadadze, Deffayet, Khoury, bubble, Rattazzi, Arkani, Maggiore, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, Burrage, Seery, Nicolis, Goldstone, Classicalizing, Classicalization |
Andrew A Matas | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, massive gravity, gravity, extra, Kaluza-Klein, dimension, braneworld, inflation, black hole, degravitation, DGP, space, pulsar, Dvali, Durrer, Tolley, Burgess, Maggiore, Wyman, Geshnizjani, Afshordi, Gabadadze, Deffayet, Khoury, bubble, Rattazzi, Arkani, Maggiore, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, Burrage, Seery, Nicolis, Goldstone, Classicalizing, Classicalization |
Avery Broderick | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | jet, accretion, gamma, black hole, neutron star, white dwarf, hydrodynamic, magnetic, Faraday, VLBI, |
Jeff Cooke | astro-ph | high redshift supernova, type IIn, pair-instability, super-luminous supernova, population III, lyman break galax, lyman alpha emit, wide-field survey, high redshift merg, high redshift interact,damped lyman alpha systems, mgII systems, HeII |
Santiago Casas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large scale structure |
Ian Parrish | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cluster, hole, wind, accretion, jet, conduction, instability |
Hugh Dickinson | astro-ph | gamma-ray |
Farnier Christian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,stat | cosm[oi],dark (matter|energy),binary,gamma |
Elena Moretti | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,GRB, polarization |
David Gerdes | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, photometric, photo-z, supernov, cluster, baryon, BAO |
Chris Thompson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | high energy astrophysics |
lotfi boubekeur | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial. |
Martin Bourne | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | AGN, SMBH, black hole, accretion, simulation, galaxy, Active Galactic Nuclei, feedback, feeding, quasar, galactic, supernova, super nova, supermassive |
Thibault Garel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lyman-alpha, high-redshift, semi-analytic, LBG, LAE, LLS, reionisation |
Thomas Armstrong | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | gamma, CTA, Cherenkov, dark (matter|energy), VHE, Fermi, H.E.S.S., HESS, V.E.R.I.T.A.S., veritas, magic, |
Aurel Schneider | astro-ph | cosm[oi], warm dark matter, CMB, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, simulation |
Niall MacCrann | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, strong lens, modified gravity |
Alex Merson | astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lensing, semi-analytic, GALFORM, mock, galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, clustering, correlation function, power spectrum, Millennium, baryonic acoustic oscillation, initial mass function, IMF |
Charles Field | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | accretion disk, accretion, turbulence, Eddington limit, neutron star, black hole, AGN, quintess, matter power, reionization,clusters, ISW,modified gravity,CMB, dark (matter|energy) |
Juan Carlos Degollado | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | general relativity, black holes,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Pouria Khalaj | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | multiple stellar populations,multiple populations,MSP,nbody,n-body,globular cluster,GC,OB stars,star cluster,open cluster,Fornax,mass function,star formation,binary fraction,IMBH,gas expulsion,FRMS,AGB,herschel,gaia,dendrogram,PPV,mass segregation,clustering,IMBH |
Adam Clarke | astro-ph | AMR |
Scott Balfour | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | star formation,triggered, HII regions SPH,O Stars,B stars,ionisation |
Hazel Martindale | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, HI |
Shaun Hotchkiss | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Evan O'Connor | astro-ph,nucl-th | supernova, neutrino, black hole, massive star |
Juha Jäykkä | hep-th,math-ph, | hopf(?!= algebra), ginzburg, abrikosov, skyrme, faddeev, babaev, knot, hopfion, vort(ex|ices), (s|baby.s)kyrmion, soliton, topological |
J. Michael Boteler, PhD | gr-qc, astro-ph, hep-ex, hep-th | > hep-th > arXiv:1211.4848 |
Ira *Wolfson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
dimitri skliros | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | string, brane, quantum, perturbative, classical, non-perturbative, cosm[oi] |
Mark Neyrinck | astro-ph.CO,astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitation, lensing, entropy, information, dark-matter halo |
Maria Archidiacono | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], neutrino, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jeff Mangum | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy, star formation, starburst, planet, calibration |
Nalin Vutisalchavakul | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | star formation, galactic,ism, molecular cloud |
Simon Saunders | quant-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, constant, anthropic, Botzmann |
Josef Pradler | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, BBN, nucleosyn, lithium, neutrino |
Alexander Eggemeier | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), vacuum, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, aniso, baryon, BAO, phase, correlation, stat, PLANCK, bispectrum, galaxy bias |
Sam Cusworth | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, modified, Large scale structure, LSS, galaxy formation, structure formation, gravity, spherical collapse, Lorentz, chameleon, fifth force, equivalence principle, "galaxy cluster", correlation function, n-body, simulation |
Leith Godfrey | astro-ph | AGN, quasar, radio-mode, SKA, radio galax[yi] |
Mikkel Stockmann | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, BAO, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK, homogeneity, isotropy, superstructure, cosm[oi] simulation, cosm[oi] perturbation, Hubble, redshift, filament, neutrino, voids, velocity anisotropy, Jeans, dynamical friction, violent relaxation, quiescent, compact, NIR, submillimeter, SMG, lyman |
Caroline Van Borm | astro-ph | primordial, primeval, black hole, seed, collaps, supermassive, super mass, population III, pop III |
Selma de Mink | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | first stars, pop III stars, reionization, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Petr Tinyakov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic ray, FERMI, magnetic field, modified gravity, black hole, gravitational wave |
Jesus Torrado | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, orbifold |
Eduardo J. Ruiz | astro-ph.CO | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster |
Arya Farahi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Field Theory, Inflation, Computational |
Abhiram Kidambi | hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph,hep-ph,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, brane, black, grav, higg, stand |
Efrain Torres | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | preheating, reheating, black hole, primordial black holes, PBH, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
ChungChi Lee | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmology, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cosimo Bambi | gr-qc,astro-ph | black hole, jet, qpo |
Claudia Antolini | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck |
Natalya Lyskova | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, clusters |
Eugene Churazov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black hole, galaxy cluster |
Gert Huetsi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, N-body, X-ray, gamma-ray, AGN, cluster, BAO, baryon acoustic |
Alex Kolodzig | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, X-ray, Active Galactic Nuclei, AGN, baryon acoustic, BAO, eROSITA, clustering, Large scale structure, LSS, X-ray luminosity function, XLF, supermassive black hole, SMBH |
Massimo Gaspari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy, cluster, group, black holes, ICM, IGM, ISM, simulations |
Philipp Wullstein | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP |
Christian Wagner | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrino, large scale, halo, simulation |
Xun Shi | astro-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Behnam Javanmardi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, supernova |
Elliot Nelson | cs.LG,stat.ML,cs.NE,cs.RO,cs.AI,cs.MA,cs.CV,cs.CL,cs.CE,cs.HC,cs.IT,quant-ph | OpenAI, DeepMind,
Hinton, Bengio, LeCun, Schmidhuber
Sutskever, Goodfellow, Olah,
Christiano, Amodei, Critch, Hadfield-Menell,
David Ha,
Yarin Gal,
C. Jess Riedel, C. J. Riedel, Cotler, Vidal, Tegmark, Seth Lloyd, Scott Aaronson, Stoudenmire, Sean M. Carroll, Don N. Page, Arkani-Hamed, Juan Maldacena, Juan M. Maldacena, Susskind, Silverstein, Steven Weinberg, Frank Wilczek,
Suddhasattwa Brahma, Shandera |
Seyed Mohammad Hoseini Ra | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | globular cluster, segregation, open cluster, star cluster |
Vanessa Smer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, dark energy, WMAP |
Simon Birrrer | astro-ph, astro-co | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing |
Andrina Nicola | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, covariance, Bryonic acoustic oscillations, large scale, gravitational waves, ligo, shear, lensing, bessel |
Claudio Bruderer | astro-ph | cosmolog, cosm, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, strong lens, wide-field, image simulation, correlation function, magnification |
Michele Maggiore | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | cosmo, dark energy, massive gravity, -cosmic ray,
degravitation, DGP, Dvali, Gabadadze, De Rham, Tolley, Arkani, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, non-local, nonlocal, Maggiore |
Paola Rodriguez Hidalgo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy (redshift )?survey, galaxy (redshift )?survey, quasar, agn, black hole, smbh, galaxy mass, active galactic (nuclei|nucleus), qso, Hubble, x-ray, cChandra, XMM, AGN, feedback, outflow, jet, winds, accretion, AGN, XMM, radio, quasar absorption lines, CIV, MgII, OVI, NV, FeII |
Max Gronke | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark energy, screening mechanism, modified gravity, galaxy (redshift )?survey, radiativ(e)?, symmetron, chameleon, NFW halo, cluster of galaxies, (N|$N$)[ -]body, simulat(ion|ing)?(s)?, bullet (cluster)?, lyman(-)?(\alpha|alpha)?, Ly(-)?(a|\alpha|alpha|$\alpha$), Ly.?alpha, equivalent width, LAE, LBG, (era of)? reionization, EoR, monte carlo, HETDEX, MUSE, IMF, dark ages, galileon, galax(y|ies), high redshift, Green Pea(s)?,
clumpy, ISM, CGM, hydrogen, neutral hydrogen, interstellar medium, circumgalactic, hydrogen, "HI ", escape fraction,
DCBH, CR7, direct collapse black hole,
Mota, Winther, Llinares, Dijkstra, Weller, Kuffmeier, ramses, Teyssier, Yan-Chuan Cai, Rhoads, Verhamme, Laursen, Prochaska, Ouchi, Haehnelt, Hayes, Östlin, Haiman, Vanzella, Cantalupo |
Mike Curtis | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy formation, arepo, hydro, simulation, AGN, feedback |
Jia-Long Johnny Yeh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | CMB, polarization, big bang, microwave background, universe, string |
Gansukh Tumurtushaa | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cosmic microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Benjamin Joachimi | astro-ph,stat,hep-ph | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, intrinsic alignment, galaxy alignment, |
Mohammad Hoseinirad | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | star cluster, globular cluster, segregation, mass function, size scale, halo, mond, nfw, filament, gravitational instability, molecular cloud, ambipolar, instability, clump, planet, accretion, phantom, gandalf, gizmo, SIDM, magnetic field, SFR, SFE, TNG |
Niels Oppermann | astro-ph,, gr-qc | reconstruct, bayes, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Shinya Miyake | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, molecular, atomic, reionization, HII region, PDR, photodissociation region, radiative transfer, monte carlo, interstellar medium, high redshift, early universe, Pop III, |
Duy Cuong Nguyen | astro-ph | spectroscopy |
stephane colombi | astro-ph | cosmology, dark matter, galaxy |
Ryan Everett | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravity waves |
Rhys Morris | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | planetary nebula PN AGB |
Marc Manera | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], void, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Chad Finley | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,hep-ex | IceCube,PINGU |
Tom Kuiper | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | radio, comput, instrum, lightning, protostar, corona, IPM, electrostatic |
Curt Cutler | astro-ph,gr-qc, hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, gravitational waves, black holes |
Sandrine Codis | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe |
Andrew Fowlie | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | susy, supersymmetry, lhc, dark matter, dm, wimp, bayes |
Paulo Santos | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | tower scalar fields, quantum gravity |
Mark Hertzberg | hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc | inflaton, inflation, CMB, dark matter, dark energy, quantum gravity, string theory, primordial, modified gravity, matter power, axion, effective field theory, spin 2, cosmological constant, hierarchy problem, cosmic strings, black hole, general relativity, many worlds, anthropic, hawking, reheating, horndeski |
David M. Hernandez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | symplectic, integration, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mariusz Dabrowski | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zachary Kenton | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph.CO | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, fold, string, gravity, effective, brane, |
akshay singh | physics | mos2 |
Alexander Westphal | hep-th,hep-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, PLANCK, string, gravitational wave, LIGO, curvat, AdS, dS, de Sitter, strange metal, non-Fermi liquid, hologra, quantum gra, flux, black hole, generalized geom, (non|non-)geom, Calabi-Yau, F-theory, M-theory, matrix theory, Lifshitz, landscape, compactif, heterotic, manifold, 3-fold, 4-fold, (three |three-)fold, (four |four-)fold, K3, brane, 3-brane, 4-brane, 5-brane, D-brane, D3-brane, D4-brane, D5-brane, NS5-brane, M2-brane, M5-brane, FRW, tunnel, entropy, entangle, axion, ALP, Shandera, LoVerde, Jason Kumar, Ashtekar, Bojowald, Fasiello, Andrew S. Friedman, Byrnes, David Wands, Khoury, Creminelli, Senatore, Clifford Cheung, Daniel Green, Baumann, Flauger, Zaldarriaga, Liam Fitzpatrick, Liam McAllister, Austin Joyce, Matthew Lewandowski, Kamionkowski, Seljak, Loeb, Seery, Giddings, Sloth, Richard Holman, R. Holman, Shirley Ho, Kleban, Dubovsky, Kendrick Smith, Hinterbichler, Trodden, Neil Barnaby, Lorenzo Sorbo, Jessica L. Cook, Marco Peloso, Agar wall, Kazuya Koyama, Komatsu, Lyth, Liddle, Firouzjahi, Takahiro Tanaka, Urakawa, Xian Gao, Riotto, Gary Shiu, Cooray, D'Amico, Hiranya Peiris, Federico R. Urban, Sonia Paban, Linde, Kallosh, Vilenkin, Mukhanov, Guth, Tolley, David Tong, Turok, Xingang Chen, Brandenberger, Henry Tye, Shamit Kachru, Kinney, Erickcek, Pajer, Hirata, Verde, Huterer, Bean, Matarrese, Dodelson, Spergel, Sasaki, Glenn Starkman, Kinney, Donghui Jeong, Easther, Adshead, Wayne Hu, Brian Greene, Scott Watson, Mark G. Jackson, Thorsten Battefeld, Edward W. Kolb, Juan Maldacena, Juan M. Maldacena, Susskind, Arkani-Hamed, Silverstein, Steven Weinberg, Witten, Diederik Roest, David Marsh, Hawking, Strominger, Seiberg, Polchinski, Bousso, T. Banks, Tom Banks, Don N. Page, Marolf, Lisa Randall, Andreas Albrecht, Sean M. Carroll, Aguirre, Matthew C. Johnson, Burgess, Tegmark, Lawrence Krauss, Srednicki, Woodard, Barrow, Peebles, Van Raamsdonk, Hertog, Hartle, Kaloper, Rummel, Francisco G. Pedro, Conlon, Cicoli, Quevedo, Dimopoulos, Bart Horn, Xi Dong, Harlow, Maltz, Montero, Valenzuela, Ibanez, Uranga, Marchesano, Hebecker, Weigand, Roest, Grimm, Skliros, Reece |
Sophia Goldberg | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb, gravitational waves, power spectrum, spectral index, shape dynamics, large scale structure, backreaction, post-newtonian |
Subodh Patil | hep-th, astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ophélia Fabre | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe |
Kaloian Lozanov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reheating, preheating, Higgs, gauge, loop, magnetogen, proca, baryogenesis, equation of state, equation-of-state, chiral, gravitational waves, de Sitter |
Mikael Toresen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Lyman-alpha,Radiative Transfer,Wouthysen-Field,21cm |
Bruno Moraes | astro-ph | [ ] |
Tomo Goto | astro-ph | AKARI, NTHU, reionization, re-ionization, LAE, Goto |
ali reza | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | quark stars,neutron stars,compact object |
Viraj Sanghai | gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, math-ph, physics.hist-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb, gravitational waves, power spectrum, spectral index, shape dynamics, black hole, inhomogeneity, inhomogeneous, modified gravity, post newtonian,
general relativity, FLRW, Friedmann Lemaitre Robertson Walker, backreaction, weak lensing, gravitational lensing, Post-Newtonian, Universe, junction |
Zu-Cheng Chen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,f(r),f(t) |
Klaus Doerbecker | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK |
Eirik Svanes | hep-th,hep-ph,math | heterotic,Green,Schwarz,Strominger,moduli,domain |
Christina Kreisch | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Carisa Miller | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, chameleon |
Raymond Fowler | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Standard Model, CPT, [vV]iolation, [lL]orentz, [hH]alo, [iI]nteraction, [lL]agrangian, scalar, stellar formation, kaon, [fF]unctional, UV completion, [eE]ntangle, [eE]ntropy |
Ivan de Martino | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, f(R), modified gravity |
Marius Berge Eide | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | reion, galaxy (formation|simulation), high-(redshift|z), dark ages, epoch of reionisation, reionization, Lyman, Lyman-(alpha|a), Ly(-a|a|$α$), Lyman alpha, polarisation, polarization, Lyα, 21 cm, dijkstra, gronke, mas-ribas, kakiichi, vrbanec, ciardi, lazeyras, graziani, busch, stuecker, hayes, Glatzle,bias, tensions, QSO, emissivity, forest, Helium, madau, riemer-sorensen, madau, 21, radiative transfer, gaia, phase space, McKinnon, Karpov, Glatzle, herenz |
Sander Bus | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, forest, reionization, EoR, cosmic dawn, dark ages, reionisation |
ritaban chatterjee | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | agn, quasar, blazar, active, nuclei, time variability, x-ray binary, black hole, supermassive, jet,accretion, accretion disk, disk |
Daniel Schubring | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z |
Johannes Lohmann | nlin, cond-mat,cs.AI, stat.ML, q-bio.CB, q-bio.MN | reservoir computing, boolean network, deep learning |
Jennifer Y H Chan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], reionization, SKA, magnetic fields, primordial |
Ridwan Barbhuiyan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | galaxy (redshift )?survey, halo, correlation function, galaxy clustering, SDSS, GAMA, VISTA, kids, groups, cluster, bias, dark matter |
Anton Lukyanenko | math | Heisenberg group, Carnot, LeDonne, Le Donne, Capogna, Bonk, Magnani, Merenkov, Wenger |
William Jennings | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, radio |
Michelle Lochner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bayesian |
Pedro Carrilho | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quantum gravity, Higgs, black hole, perturbation, relativ, isocurvature, magnetogenesis |
Charalambos Pittordis | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, escape fraction, reionization, quasar, black holes, formation of black holes, z-dropout, high-z, high-redshift, strong lensing, strong gravitational lensing, strong grav lens, gravity, modified gravity, GAIA, Gaia, gaia, wide binaries, wide binary, MOND, MONDian, modified newtonian, binaries, stellar binaries, dynamics, modified GR, gravitational, weak field gravity, weak gravity, luminosity functions, luminosity function, bayesian, baye's statistics, statistic, neutron binary, gravitational waves, neutron stars, neutron binaries, neutron star, gravitational wave, kilonova, kilonovae |
Isaac Waldstein | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravity, general relativity |
Ellis Owen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic ray, gamma, black hole, neutron star, reionization, recombination, clumping, AGN, jets |
Kari Helgason | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CIB, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cross-correlation, primordial, first stars, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, infrared background, CXB |
Aniket Agrawal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large, |
Patricia Larsen | astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, alignments |
Julian van Eyken | astro-ph | exoplanet, extrasolar, planet, protoplanet, radial velocity, transit, microlens, kepler, KOI, substellar |
Sohyun Park | gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Brajesh Gupt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck |
Sonke Hee | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph | CMB, planck, dark energy, "DE", quintess, WMAP, Bayes, microwave background, hobson, lasenby, feroz, handley, multinest, polychord, cosmomc, inflat, big bang, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, cosm[oi] |
Maturi Matteo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, strong lensing, planck, universe, WMAP, principal component, pca |
Elizabeth Gould | gr-qc, quant-ph, astro-ph.CO, hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Amanda Moffett | astro-ph | galaxy, group, environment, structure, evolution, counterrotation, early type, Elliptical, S0, RESOLVE, GAMA |
Andreas Brunthaler | astro-ph | maser, supernova, local group, milky way, the |
Kelly Malone | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | grb, burst, cherenkov, cerenkov, gamma, gamma ray, cosmic ray, HAWC |
giridhar kulkarni | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion monodromy, natural inflat |
Alessandro Di Marco | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, early universe CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, string theory, supersimmetry, supergravity, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Klaus M. Sattler | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK,BICEP,KECK |
Andres A. Plazas Malagon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ccd, survey, instr |
suvodip mukherjee | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitational wave, cosmological parameters, axion, dark matter, dark energy, halo, structure formation, reionization, 21 cm, hemispherical asymmetry, power spectrum, large scale structure, BAO, effective field theory, galaxy formation, zeldovich |
Daniela Carrasco | astro-ph | high redshift galaxy, reionization, luminosity function, random forest |
Kayla Redmond | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Carina Negreanu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | modified gravity, infla, gravity, |
Lizzie Gibney | hep-ex,astro-ph,cond-mat,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,physics | CMB, dark (matter|energy), inflat, big bang, microwave background, primordial, weirdness, unexpected, ALMA, amino acid, superconductivity, 2D, quantum biology |
amadeus witzemann | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], 21cm, intensity mapping, HI, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, refregier, paranjape, seehars, sheth, clarkson, weltman, murugan, Bull |
Luke Hart | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Valentina Salvatelli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
suhail dhawan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, supernova |
Tariq Blecher | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | vlbi,mm-vlbi,troposphere,simulat,dark |
Charles Hellaby | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph | szekeres,lemaitre,tolman,krasinski,bolejko,sussman,lake,ellis,maartens,clarkson,horizon,rasanen,yoo,nakao |
Ira Georg | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | Szekeres (model|metric), exact solution, Killing vector, LRS, Dunsby, Ellis, Clarkson |
Nicolás Bernal | hep-ph,astro-ph | dark matter |
Kyle Sheppard | astro-ph | dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, weak lens, universe, WMAP, exoplanet, planet, kepler, atmosphere |
Sukannya Bhattacharya | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, cosmomc, PLANCK |
Murad Tovmasyan | cond-mat, quant-ph, math-ph | topology, phase transition, topological order, topological phases, order parameter, dynamical order, dynamical phase transitions, thermalization, relaxation, quench, dynamical phases, dynamical phase transitions, localization, many-body localization, MBL |
Lavinia Heisenberg | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, massive gravity |
Przemyslaw Malkiewicz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | singularity, quantum gravity, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, universe, WMAP |
MingJian Zhang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmology, CMB, WMAP, supernovae, BAO, dark energy |
Shailee Varsha Imrith | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | inflation, delta N formalism, curvature perturbations, CMB, Primordial non-Gaussianity, non-Gaussianity, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, primordial black holes, ultracompact minihalos, schwarzschild |
Mahmood Roshan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | MOG, modified gravity, MOND, Jeans, Toomre, gravitational instability, |
Sarah Bosman | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dawn, reioni, quasar, metal absor, Lyman, forest, LAE, intergalactic medium, 1215, C IV, QSO, Mg II, EoR, LBG, first star, Pop III, escape fraction, DLA, AGN, early gala, IGM, CGM, galaxy form, intervening, circumgalactic, Ly, high-redshift, luminosity function, metagalactic, cosmic dawn, cosmic time, 21cm, Population III |
Jessie Durk | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | inhom, brans, scalar-tensor, ΛCDM, lattice, discrete, black hole |
Abdulla Al Mamon | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, parametrization, data analysis |
Marek Rogatko | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black holes, |
Luke Hindson | astro-ph | star formation,radio,far-ir,HII,SNR,supernova,ISM,triggering,non-thermal,thermal,massive stars,high-mass,formation,massive,bubbles,bubbles,clouds,cosmic rays,dust extinction,evolution,HII regions,kinematics and dynamics,molecules,supernova remnants,Galaxy formation,dwarf,dwarf galaxy,evolution,interactions,starburst,star formation,ISM,Infrared,Radio continuum,Radio line,Submillimeter,,molecular cloud,triggered,feedback,SKA,molecular,radiocontinuum,ionised,low frequency |
Pablo Lemos | astro-ph, gr-qc, CoRR, stat | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, Hubble, tension, suspiciousness, likelihood-free, Machine learning, graph net, symbolic regression |
Kevin Tsang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cepheid, fourier |
dmitri semikoz | astro-ph,hep-ph | cosmic rays, astrophysical neutrinos, gamma-rays |
Husni Almoubayyed | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy redshift survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Darsh Kodwani | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, pulsars, AdS |
Pasha Bolokhov | hep-th, hep-ph,gr-qc, astro-ph | supersymmetry, confinement, soliton, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrius Popovas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | exoplanet, planetary science, atmosphere, comsmochemistry |
Jon Washere | nucl-ex,hep-ex,hep-ph,astro-ph | neutrino, neutrinoless, double-beta, double beta, beta decay, weak interaction, baryon asymmetry, CUORE, MAJORANA, GERDA, KamLAND, EXO, majoran, lepton violation, lepton number, |
Miguel Pato | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex | dark matter, big bang, cosmic ray, gamma ray, rotation curve |
joby pk | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrei Mesinger | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey,, universe, reionization |
Martin Topinka | astro-ph | gamma-ray burst, GRB, machine learning, classification, survey, afterglow |
Giovanni Marozzi2 | astro-ph,gr-qc, hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Raj Kunkolienkar | hep-th,gr-qc, astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, holography, AdS/CFT, AdS, dS, CFT, universe, WMAP |
Lucila Kraiselburd | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark, big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) |
Weikang Lin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gokhan Tur | cs.AI, cs.CL | deep learning, language understanding, dialog systems |
Jenny Martin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP |
V.H. Belvadi | astro-ph,hep-th,cond-mat,gr-qc,hep-ex,quant-ph,physics | RCB,HdC,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, diffract, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe |
Oscar Robles | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ex | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, BAO |
Evan Halstead | gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, quintess |
Giovanni Acquaviva | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, universe, Planck, black hole, quantum gravity, horizon |
Tao Yang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravitational-waves |
Shouvik Roychoudhury | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | neutri,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sunny Vagnozzi | hep-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ex | dark matter, inflation, small-scale, small scale, missing satellite, f\(, mimetic, Horndeski, wormhole, neutrino, scale-dependent bias, solar abundance problem, solar metallicity problem, inverted hierarchy, dissipative |
Guilherme Franzmann | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP |
evan mcdonough | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, goldstino, nilpotent, "supergravity inflation", anti-brane, reheating |
Carolina Queiroz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift survey), universe, WMAP, quasar, photometric redshift, non-gaussianity |
Mark Mirmelstein | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravit, modif, |
Rafael Christ de Castro L | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, f(R), spherical collapse |
Marcos Lima | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster, modified gravity, correlation, spectrum |
Ryo Namba | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitational waves, magnetic, non-gaussian, massive gravity, modified gravity, scalar-tensor, scalar-vector, vector-tensor |
Albin Nilsson | gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
A Korn | hep-ex,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, sensor,CCD |
Cora Uhlemann | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], large scale structure, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), gravitational dynamics, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe |
Luis Raul Abramo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, |
Pavel Motloch | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Thomas Clarke | gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | ^.? |
Mathew S Madhavacheril | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lewis Weinberger | astro-ph.CO, astro-ph.GA | cosm[oi], dark matter, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, reion |
Rupal Mittal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, star formation, brightest cluster galaxies, stellar population synthesis |
Hannah E. Ross | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], reioni, cosmic dawn, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, quasars, x-ray heating, age |
smriti inspire | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SDSS, clusters, GAMA, filaments, feedback, agn, star formation, large scale structure,lensing, black hole, abell |
Ankit Singh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,Ram pressure,RAMSES |
Juhi Tiwari | astro-ph | galaxies, galaxy evolution, solar evolution, dark energy, dark matter, metallicity, radio astronomy, gravitational lensing |
Tasha Gautam | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravitation, space, time, geometry, curvature,pulsar, black holes, binar |
Manvendra Pratap | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmology, inflat, gravity, black, emergent, MOND, EM Drive, Numerical relativity, quantum gravity |
Jose Juan Blanco-Pillado | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, topological defects, cosmic strings |
Avinash Singh | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | quintessence, tachyon, tachyonic ,scalar field, dark energy, dark matter, perturbation, structure formation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), cosm[oi], inflat,, big bang, microwave background, primordial, , matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Devika Shobhana | astro-ph | EMU,milky way, abundance, chemical tagging, galactic archaeology, metallicity, asteroseismology, stellar interiors, pulsation, pulsators, TESS, fast radio bursts, FRB, radio transients, pulsars, neutron star, supercluster,large scale structure,cluster,galaxy evoluion,galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, UV emission,coma supercluster,star formation,environments,survey |
Ashish K Meena | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | gravitational lensing, weak lensing, strong lensing, lensing, bending |
Prashansa Gupta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | planet, white dwarf, brown dwarf, gas giant, Gänsicke, mike, brown, fortney, radio, interferometry, spherical, harmonics, ooty, OWFA |
Hanyu Zhang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rohit gupta | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Quark Gluon Plasma, Heavy Ion Collision |
Katy Clough | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, weak lens, universe, numerical relativity, critical collapse |
Thomas Helfer | astro-ph,gr-qc | numerical, simulation, general relativity, axion, NR, black holes, BBH, ligo, cosmic strings, solitons, topological defects, oscillo, numerical general relativity, merger |
Daniel Cutting | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | phase transition, gravitational waves, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, electroweak, LISA |
Sourav Bhattacharya | gr-qc, hep-th, astro-ph, hep-ph | black holes, large scale structures, de Sitter, CMB, dark matter/energy, big bang, early universe |
Fernando Moucherek | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ali OVGUN | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,black hole, wormhole, hawking radiation |
Andrei Linde | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosmology, inflation, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe |
Sofie Marie Koksbang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Anthea L King | astro-ph | quasar, active galactic nuclei, broad, accretion, disk |
Luca Tortorelli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, MUSE |
Marc Murison (murison) | astro-ph | solar system, dynamics, celestial mechanics, chaos, N-body, three-body problem, white dwarf eclipsing binary |
Sten Delos | astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, (weak|strong) lens, (micro|mini)halo, BBN, density profile, subhalo, thermal history, reheat, prompt cusp, excursion set |
Louis Coates | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, N-Body, simulation, SKA, bispectrum, bi-spectrum |
Akanksha kapahtia | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, | reioinization ,21cm, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tirthankar Roy Choudhury | astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), reionization, reionisation, 21cm, 21 cm, 21-cm, neutral hydrogen, galaxy formation, IGM, intergalactic medium, lyman, dwarf spheroidal, direct collapse black hole, luminosity function, cosmological simulation, cosmology, intensity mapping, structure formation, large scale structure, cosmic dawn, SKA, Square Kilometre Array, cosmic dawn |
Robin Booth | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, weak lens, universe |
Mattia Mina | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), simulation, numerics, numerical, N-body, hydrodynamics, baryon, baryons, quantum hydrodynamics, big bang, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe |
Chris Usher | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | (globular|star|stellar|open) cluster, abundance, halo, metallicity, age, metal, stellar population, gala, archaeology, atmosphere, evolution |
Thomas Binnie | astro-ph, gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], cosmology, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, SKA, primordial, 21cm, Reionization, galaxy, galaxies, universe, WMAP, Planck |
Carlos Henrique Lima | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | higgs, composite, beyond, yang-mills, group, strong. |
Ruifeng Dong | gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, | black hole ,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Johannes Noller | astro-ph.CO,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, galile, Horn, symmet, general relativity |
Eline Maaike de Weerd | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, math-ph, math,, math.ST, | cosm[oi], bispectrum, power spectrum, galaxy, non-gauss, non-linear, bias, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), general rela, SKA, Euclid, DES, DESI, LSST, large scale structure, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativi, black hole, (quantum) field theory, spacetime, spacetimes |
Masaki Yamada | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|radiation), big bang, primordial, weak lens, universe, WMAP, baryo, landscape, axi, super, SUSY, gravitational wave, black hole, oscillon, ball, monopole, |
Nicolas Angelides | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, WIMP |
Mohammad Hossein Namjoo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, axion, universe, WMAP, dark energy |
Joshua Berger | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,hep-ex,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, LHC, axion, SUSY, super, composit |
Louis Clavelli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,supersymmetry |
Lucas Lombriser | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe |
Lucas Porth | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-t | LSS, weak lens, RSD, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, WMAP |
Jake Litterer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, (gravitational) wave |
Steve Goldman | astro-ph.SR | circumstellar, maser, agb, asymptotic giant branch, lmc, smc, mass loss, period |
Eric David Kramer | hep-ph,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | CMB, dark (matter|disk), microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, kinematic, GAIA, interstellar gas, Milky Way, dark disk, rotation curve, MOND, LSB, tully-fisher, axion, (direct|indirect) detection, WIMP, LSP |
Adelie Gorce | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | CMB, microwave background, 21cm, population III, first stars, Lofar, SKA, reionization, 21 cm, EoR, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, cosmic dawn, reionisation, kSZ effect |
Laurel Stephenson Haskins | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, SUSY, supersymmetr, WIMP, SIMP, axion, hierarchy, natural, domain wall |
Rajesh Mondal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Antonino Troja | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, DES, PLANCK, bispectr, trispectr |
Mickael Rigault | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), Type Ia, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lukas Hergt | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, initial cond |
Erik Lentz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion, |
goodness of fit, deep photometric |
MAGELLANIC, MEMBERSHIP, MILKY, Globular CLUSTER, PYTHON, tHIRD QUADRANT, TRILEGAL, goodness of fit, deep photometric |
William Reach | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | comet, infrared, dust, infrared, zodiacal, supernova remnant, dark gas |
VinÃcius Terra | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
India Friswell | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | weak lens |
Eduardo Jubini de MerÃci | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[o], component separation, foreground removal, neutral hydrogen, 21 cm, 21-cm, intensity mapping, BAO, baryonic acoustic oscillation, map-making, map making, pipeline, 1/f noise, time series, time ordered data, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, quintess, universe |
Rees Williams | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark matter, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, survey, weak lens |
Stefano Cristiani | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reionization, quasar, QSO, early Universe, evolution of galaxies, high-redshift, evolution, DLA, Lyman Limit, Deuterium, BBN, intergalactic, absorption lines, damp, forest, column density, gunn peterson, metal, Lyman, dark age, IGM, CIV, first stars, power spectrum, UV background, escape fraction, EoR, Lyman break, LAE, proximity effect, CGM, LyC, NAL, Hennawi, Prochaska, Madau, Haehnelt, Maiolino, Ferrara, Venemans, Becker, Murphy, Steidel, Rauch, Worseck, Rorai, Viel, Giallongo, Fiore, Cooke, Molaro, McQuinn, Martins, Dave, Romeel, Pettini, Puchwein, Fontanot, De Lucia, Miralda-Escude, Noterdaeme, Petitjean, Srianand, BAL(-di), Xiaohui, Aloisio, Vanzella, Meara, Rudie, Ellison, Haardt, Cantalupo, Fumagalli, Garzilli, Theuns, Schaye, Kulkarni, Bouche, Cooksey, Grazian, Schaerer, Bosman, Ellis, Irsic, Zafar, Banados, Cristiani, Croton, CUBES |
fabio fontanot | astro-ph | galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, imf, quasar, luminosity function, black hole, reionization, Early-Type, galaxy (redshift )?survey, LCDM, massive galax, star formation, globular, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), substructure |
Leo Girardi | astro-ph | star, evolution, structure, Milky |
Emil Noordeh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | AGN, galaxy evolution, galaxy clusters, cluster, survey, spectroscopic survey, quasar, black hole, SMBH, super massive black hole |
Jerome Quintin | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Baomin Gu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | gravitational wave, supermassive black hole, brane, extra dimension, fifth dimension, cosmic censorship, inflation, bounce, primordial, entropy perturbation, isocurvature perturbation, non-gaussianity, nongaussianity |
Josh Kable | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Benedikt Eggemeier | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion |
Kunihito Ioka | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | black hole, neutron star, GRB, gamma-ray burst, accretion, jet, gravitational wave, cosmic ray, neutrino, transient, fast radio burst, magnetar, soft gamma-ray repeater, dark matter, first star, Pop III, high-redshift |
Kazuya Takahashi | astro-ph | a |
Hayato Motohashi | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, gravit, black hole, modified gravity, dark (matter|energy), primordial, quintess, constant-roll |
Subhajit Ghosh | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mohammad Safarzadeh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | warm dark matter, Biermann, diffuse galax, gas rich, far infrared, escape fraction, 21 cm, r-process, neutron star merger, turbulence |
Fazlu Rahman P P | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,foregrounds,dust, synchrotron,gravitational waves,AME,SZ,Gaussianity,free-free,CIB |
Zhengyi Wang | astro-ph.CO,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Viraf M. Mehta | hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrew Saydjari | cond-mat | josephson junctions, InAs, InGaAs, Shabani, |
Logan Fox | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alex Laguë | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Emma Clarke | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zhongxu Zhai | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dominique Fouchez | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep=th | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, supernova[e] |
Maria Benito | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Louis J C Coates | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, N-Body, Large Scale Structure, simulation |
Pascale Berner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
ehsan sadri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Boyle Latham | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nima Khosravi 1 | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Abdolali Banihashemi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kayla J Redmond | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hugo Camacho | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vincent Comeau | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mesbah Alsarraj | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dominik Zürcher | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ben Mawdsley | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Michael Wiechers | hep-th,math-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Sommerfeld, equation of state, relativity, covariance, principle of, thermodynamic, quantum statistic, thermal, relativistic, nonrelativistic, nucleosynthesis, geometr, space, time, temperature, density, entropy, enthalpy, ergodic, non-equilibrium, out of equilibirum, nonequilibrium, transport equation, Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann--Maxwell equation, Maxwell--Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann, Maxwell, Dyson--Schwinger equation, Schwinger--Dyson equation, kinetic equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, freeze-in, relativistic degrees of freedom, nonrelativistic degrees of freedom, non-relativistic degrees of freedom, quark-gluon, quantum chromodynamic, phase transition, zeroth order phase transition, first order phase transition, second order phase transition, Fermi--Dirac statistics, Dirac--Fermi statistics |
Michael Wiechers1 | hep-th,math-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Sommerfeld, equation of state, relativity, covariance, principle of, thermodynamic, quantum statistic, thermal, relativistic, nonrelativistic, nucleosynthesis, geometr, space, time, temperature, density, entropy, enthalpy, ergodic, non-equilibrium, out of equilibirum, nonequilibrium, transport equation, Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann--Maxwell equation, Maxwell--Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann, Maxwell, Dyson--Schwinger equation, Schwinger--Dyson equation, kinetic equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, freeze-in, relativistic degrees of freedom, nonrelativistic degrees of freedom, non-relativistic degrees of freedom, quark-gluon, quantum chromodynamic, phase transition, zeroth order phase transition, first order phase transition, second order phase transition, Fermi--Dirac statistics, Dirac--Fermi statistics |
Alex Zucca A Z | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Heliudson Bernardo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string theory, string cosmology, string inflation, landscape, weak gravity conjecture, holography for cosmology, holographic cosmology |
Matteo Rizzato | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflate, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, bispectrum, weak lensing, Euclid, LSST, DES |
Dan Pryer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sara Motalebi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zhaoyi Zhou | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Omar Alaryani | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Williams Ribeiro | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Chloe Gowling | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
James Mertens | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mariana Jaber | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ian Hothi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, quasars, population III, first stars, Lofar, SKA, radio, epoch of reionisation, foreground reduction, 21 cm, EoR, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, Foreground, Global 21 cm, cosmic dawn, reionization |
Andrew Gow | astro-ph.CO,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | primordial black hole, PBH, stochastic inflat, binar, gravitational wave, inflat, cosmo, dark matter |
Victor Chan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Thomas Montandon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Chen Heinrich | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Christoph Behrens | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mona Dentler | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,neutrino |
Vinicius Terra | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bao-Min Gu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, higher dimension, brane |
Mohd Kamran | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflate, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintets, matter power, galaxy (redshift )? survey, weak lens, the universe, WMAP |
Kareem Marzouk | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | Cosmology,inflation,CMB,microwave background,dark matter,dark energy,multifield,manyfield,string,inflationary,primordial,lensing |
zahra safari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Joe Smidt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hasti Khoraminezhad | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Amel Keddachi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
JOSE BLANCO-PILLADO | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, cosmic strings, topological defects |
Beatrice Moser | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Wendi Guo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | brane, modified gravity, extra dimension, GW, black hole |
Wenbin Feng | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
jing chen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | brane, extra dimension, quasi-normal mode, gravitational wave |
Taotao Sui | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Qin Tan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
jing chen199 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yuxiao Liu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zheng-Quan Cui | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
jing chen314 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | brane, quasi-normal modes, extra dimension, gravitational wave |
chen yang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
zhu chunchun | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Si-Jiang Yang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, galaxy (redshift ),survey, weak lens, universe, Black Hole Physics, Gravitational Wave. |
Junjie Wan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | Brane,Extra dimension,Black hole,Cosmology |
Xuehao Zhang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zichao Lin | hep-th,gr-qc | braneworld, extra dimension, modified gravity, black hole, gravitational wave |
Michel Aguena | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Paola RodriguezH | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | AGN, quasar, outflow, galaxy (redshift )? survey |
Chandra Shekhar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alexander F Mayer | astro-ph,gr-qc,quant-ph,physics | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mohsen Khorasani | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Shuhei Fukuhara | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Xiuhui Tan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
kingsley gale-sides | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hussain Gohar7433 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tessa m Baker | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jia Lu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], type Ia Supernovae, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Paul Leslie McFadden | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Angela Chen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
David Ellis | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Otávio Alves | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dachun Qiang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Duke Deng | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jeff Kost | hep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Salome Mtchedlidze | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sayan Mandal | astro-ph.CO,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alberto Roper Pol | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Olga Avsajanishvili | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Luca Visinelli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Paula Soares | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, SKA, radio, epoch of reionisation, foreground reduction, 21 cm, EoR, Machine Learning, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, Foreground, Global 21 cm |
Nicolas Tessore | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Prabhakar Tiwari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Elizabeth Gutierrez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
stefano morisi | hep-ph | dark (matter|energy) |
Avantika Vaidya | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sarah Safi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jurek Bauer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vahid Kamali | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
George Alestas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gianpiero Mangano | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, Planck, neutrino cosmology |
Ofelia Pisanti | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Joe Kennedy | astro-co,gr-qc,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
gennaro miele | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Samuel Laliberte | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ayan MitraAM | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Asma Alaei | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nick Samaras | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Leonardo Duarte | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jerin Mohan N D | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
He Jia | astro-ph.CO | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ema Dimastrogiovanni | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP |
Cristhian GQ | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mus Ishak | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Junsong Cang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
bilguun bayarsaikhan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Souvik Ghose | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Pankaj Saha | astro-ph.CO, gr-qc, hep-ph, hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
masroor cp | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bowen Zhao | | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
srijita sinha | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hendrik Müller | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kevin Pardede | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Daniel Elkeles | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Adam Balcerzak | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Srivatsan Sridhar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Candrasyah Muhammad | gr-qc,hep-th,math-ph | inflat, CMB, dark energy, primordial, quintess, k-essence, cosmological model, scalar fields, |
suraj kumar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yong-hao Feng | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Itamar Allali | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lanlan Tian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
ahmad ghodsi | hep-th,gr-qc | AdS/CFT |
Eric D Kramer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | hubble tension, dark matter, axion, infrared divergences, entanglement entropy, Faddeev-Kulish, Schwartz, Laddha, Ashoke Sen, Strominger, Black Hole, Hawking radiation, horizon, direct detection, gaia, dynamics, kinematics, milky way, interstellar gas, information paradox, complexity, soft theorem, asymptotic |
Shambel Sahlu |, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Charlie Mace | 1998 | sidm, dark matter, lensing, subhalo, dwarf galaxy |
Dominik Zuercher | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dournac Fabien | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bhaskar Arya | astro-ph, astro-co, astro-ep, astro-cp, astro-he, astro-im, astro-sr, gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Arnab Paul | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Adrian Bayer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nazanin Saadat | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gabriela Arroyo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
milad solbi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Noah Glennon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Esteban Chalbaud | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Anton Chudaykin | astro-ph | CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe |
Jacob Litterer | astro-ph.CO,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quantum gravity, gravi |
Neil Shah | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
francisco bordin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Suvedha Suresh Naik | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, redshifted 21cm, SKA, Planck, EoR |
Shao-Jiang Wang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ken Robbins | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cornelius Rampf | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physics.flu-dyn | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Laurin Söding | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion |
Nazanin Saadat Mogh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hasitha Eranda | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hoang Nhan Luu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kumail Zaidi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
chien lin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Conrad Möckel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Francesca Lepori | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jiwon Park | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP |
Jeremy M Wachter | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Subhrata Dey | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sudipta Das M | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
vivian sabla | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mohamed Elhashash | Mr. | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mandar Karandikar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Terry Kovacs | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nathaniel Starkman | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Laurin Soeding | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
himanshu tiwari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
samanvith anjeri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Anchal Saxena | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Saurabh Kumar | 1988 | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Agniva Roychowdhury | astro-ph | AGN, quasar, jet, blazar, accretion, SMBH, black hole, disk, seyfert, radio-quiet, radio-loud, QSO, FR I, FR II, X-ray binary, XRB, tidal disruption event, TDE, BL Lacertae, BL Lac, FSRQ, broad-line, narrow-line, high-ionization, optically violent, broad absorption line, interferometry, GRMHD, magnetosphere, shocks, magnetohydrodynamic, plasma, reconnection |
Peter F Gilmartin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Martin de los Rios | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hongyi Zhang | astro-ph, gr-qc, hep-th, hep-ph, nucl-th | dark (matter|energy|photon), ultralight, axion, ALP, neutron star, supernova, white dwarf, black hole, oscillon, soliton, Proca, gravitational, structure formation, inflat, power spectrum, reheat, preheat, decoherence, parametric resonance |
Ruoyu Zhu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jaime Calderon F | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lawrence Kazantzidis | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jordan Sheely | hep-th,hep-ph,astro-ph.CO | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, WMAP, planck |
lu yin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
A. Turchaninova | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hwan Bae | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Simony Costa | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
CaixiaSkye Gao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Borna Salehian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sanjay Patil | Mr | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cosmo Comments | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
David Figuer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
María Pía Piccirilli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rafkat Galeev | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Adithya Dinesh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sara Vannah | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Suddhasattwa Brahma | hep-th,gr-qc, astro-ph | quantum, gravity, loop, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP |
Charlie Mpetha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Omar Darwish | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Chris SMeenk | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Fraser Kennedy | astro-ph,gr-qc,math-ph,stat | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Marios Kalomen | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sina Hooshangi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Matteo Puel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yun Li | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hassani Farbod | astro-ph,gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Erik Rosenberg | astro-ph, gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rajorshi S Chandra | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ananthu Krishnan A | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Thiago Mergulhão | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sebastian Hoof | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,axion,ALP |
Sandhya Jagannathan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alex Krolewski | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hua Zhai | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Wang ZhengYi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jiafeng Ding | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Chandrachud Bijay | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Marco M Bonici | Physics Department - University of Genova | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
alireza talebian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lloyd E Knox | | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe |
Mohsen khodadi | gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Geoff Chih-Fan Chen | UCD | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Satadru Bag | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
SatadruBag Bag | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Meir Shimon | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc | cosm, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe |
Filip Strubbe | | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Luca Ighina | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, AGN, QSO |
Guadalupe Canas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dominique Leroux | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrei Patrascu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Joseph P Johnson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Leon Weber | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Karia Dibert | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mr. Harshal Mittal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rishi Babu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Paul-Robert Chouha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vincenzo Salzano VS | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hana Izdihar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Saisandri Saini | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vladimir Yakimov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rachidi Boko | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Heather Prince | | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
kamran rasheed | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hana Nafisyahrin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tathagata Saha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Suman Sarkar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alvise A Raccanelli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
JAVIER RUBIO | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrius Tamosiunas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Shahbaz Alvi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ruchika Ruchika | Jamia Millia Islamia | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Aditi Krishak | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Darshan Beniwal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Marco Chianese | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th | dark matter, neutrino, IceCube, freeze-in, axion, primordial, universe, lensing |
Damiano Fiorillo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Isidro Gomez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Carreres Bastien | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bastien Carreres | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Chris Strandhagen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter, axion, wimp, neutrino |
akhil antony | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Harutyun Khachatryan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ninetta Saviano | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Joseph Kuruvilla | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zhenyuan Wang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bob Bai | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Antonio Marinelli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tanvi Karwal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Xiaolei Li | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Moritz Hütten | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Marina Manganaro | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Moritz Huetten | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vincenzo Vitale | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jack Lashner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
M. Campista | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rance Solomon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Daniele Montanino | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Antonio Marrone | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alessandro mirizzi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kimeel Sooknunan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, quasars, population III, first stars, Lofar, SKA, radio, epoch of reionisation, foreground reduction, 21 cm, EoR, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, Foreground, Global 21 cm, cosmic dawn, reionization |
Bahia Silakhal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Adrien La Posta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jonatan Vignatti | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lucia F de la Bella | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hannu Kurki-Suonio | astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, Euclid, Planck, WMAP |
RitabanChatterjee PU | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | blazar, active galactic nuclei, AGN, jet, accretion disk, time variability, power spectrum, X-ray binaries, Fermi, LAT, AstroSat, |
Alex Sobotka | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ajit math | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Biswajit Padhi | hep-th,hep-ph,astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Isabelle Tanseri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Himanish G | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kaustav Mitra | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, power spectr, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, strong lens, cosmological parameter, gaussian process, simulat, emulat, satellite galax, satellite kinematic, 2PCF, clustering, lensing, assembly bias, galaxy-halo connection, LSS, structure formation, dynamical friction, SZ, action, GAIA, review, lecture note, perturbation, assembly, bias, merger, subhalo, mass function, luminosity function, globular cluster, HOD, interloper, galactic dynamics, stellar dynamics, tidal, stream, substructure, gravitational collapse, caustic, neural network, python, David Hogg, David Spergel, Weinberg, Tinker, van den Bosch, galaxy formation, galactic, Daisuke Nagai, SDSS, DES, DESI, LSST, JWST, UDG, dwarf galax, Jeans model, anisotrop, velocity dispers, kinematic, dynamic, parameter estimat, BAO, redshift space distort, redshift-space distort, galaxy halo connection, halo mass, host, Planck |
Yo Toda | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rajendra Gupta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yann mambrini | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Junsup Shim | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
John Yevoli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mehdi Rezaei | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Robin Wen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Agne Semenaite | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens |
Bhavna Adwani | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lennart Balkenhol | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Julius Wons | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Eduardo Guendelman | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Beni Dav | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
TUMURTUSHAA GANSUKH | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Suratna K Das | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Md Ishaque Khan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
hareesh t | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Herman J Mosquera | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
David Leon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Haveesh Singirikonda | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Matthieu Schaller | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Albin Joseph | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
S. Desai | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Brandon Stevenson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Michaela G. Lawrence | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | dark energy |
Paul Shah | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
alexander bonilla | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Aparajita Sen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, weak lens, universe, WMAP,PLANCK, statistical anisotropy, component separation |
Sim Dlamini | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rahul Walia | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Shyam Sunder Balaji | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large scale structure, cosmological perturbation theory |
Yun Wang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Natalie Hogg | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Viviana Gammaldi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zhu-Yao Wang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Geoff Beck | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,locality |
Arun Kannawadi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kushal Lodha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Itziar Aldecoa | gr-qc, hep-th, astro-ph,hep-ph, astro-ph.CO | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, fifth forces |
Roisin O'Connor | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hao Jiao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, lensing, universe, WMAP, Planck, topological defects, cosmic string, JWST, dipole|dipolar. |
Cameron Brown | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Davide Pelliciari | | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Roberta Calabrese | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ravi Sharma | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jonathan Blazek | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ema SAE | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Joe Wraga | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background |
Chandrashekhar Murmu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Saif Ali | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Antonio Ambrosone | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Maria Berti | astro-ph.CO,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
M.H. Namjoo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hossein Moshafi 110 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rasmi Hajjar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Angelo G. Ferrari | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Thomas Flöss | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Camilla Maggio | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Utkarsh Kumar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Swagat Mishra | gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hans-Walter Rix | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Emanuele Fondi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ruiyang Zhao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jyoti Lakhera | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Charlie T. Mpetha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Trupti Vijay Patil | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ashok Saini | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ippocratis D. Saltas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Saboura Zamani | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Black holes, modified gravity, GR, Gravitational Lensing, Inflation, Gravitational Waves |
Ivana Batkovic | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nicolás Bernal | hep-ph, astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nicolò Dalmasso | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Maria Vincenzi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
suresh kumar p | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Xinyi Zhang | astro-ph,hep-ph,astro-CO | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
David Kniazevas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Thiago S Goncalves | astro-ph | galaxy, ISM, gas, quenching, starburst, redshift, galaxies, AGN |
alania spenza | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Francisco Maion | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Stuart Storm | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Margherita Lembo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Aline G. Favero | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Karthik Vinod | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jan J. Ostrowski | gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cooper Wang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sarah Libanore | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
DIego Balam | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nilanjandev Bhaumik | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Robert Runkel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Karsten Jedamzik1 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Irene Nandutu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
boryana hadzhiyska | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Teeraparb Chantavat1 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Teeraparb Chantavat2 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
d f jimenez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Matteo Blamart | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rishab Kumar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yu-Kuang Chu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tanveer Karim | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
elcio abdalla | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Arefe Abghari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bez Thomas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Elliot Y Davies | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hongbo Cai | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dipanshu G | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sahila Adel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sohini Dutta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Stephen Chen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
João Rebouças | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vanshaj Kerni | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, physics | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ruo.Cen. Wu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Michel Tytgat | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yu-Heng Lin | astro-ph | galaxy, Lya, high redshift, shock, supermassive black hole, dwarf galaxy, green pea, reionization, deep learning, machine learning, metallicity, blue compact dwarf, BCD, symbolic regression |
Omar Ramadan | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quintessence, EDE, early dark energy, hubble constant, hubble tension |
Sean Bruton | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | reioni, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lyman, LAE, euclid, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy) |
Gabriela Marques | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
José Ferreira | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Abdelrahman Zakaria | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Katie Short | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gonzalo Alonso | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ricardo Ferrel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tamari Meshveliani1 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Francisco Blanco | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mark Lovell | astro-ph | dark matter, galaxy formation |
Gulli Johannesson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | gamma, LAT, high-energy, cosmic rays, CRs, interstellar, ism |
Deepali Singh | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ads/cft, Ads, black holes, string, gravity, general relativity, |
Nicholas Sanders | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Bobby Scully | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Robertson Mathew | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gustavo Salinas | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Pierluca Carenza | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Oksana Iarygina | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Eike Müller | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | axion,ALP,pseudoscalar |
Eike Mueller | hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph | axion,ALP,pseudoscalar |
Bo Sundborg | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | De Sitter, dS, hologr, cosm[oi], inflat, conform, black hole, CMB |
Fawad Hassan | hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, universe |
mikica kocic | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
M.C. David Marsh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess |
Jan Burgee | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gunnlaugur Bjornsson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Helena Garcia | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrea Boccia | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, higgs, black holes |
Pulkit Ojha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Abha Vishwakarma | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zhuangfei Wang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dr. Rajib Saha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Arman Çam | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Serena Giardiello | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Liang Jing | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yulin Jiao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yordan Ignatov | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Linus Thummel | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reionization, EoR, topology, percolation, SOC, self-organized criticality |
Bayron Orjuela | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Aviv Padawer-Blatt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Malena Talvitie | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lech Piotrowski | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Caterina Umilta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Aryana Haghjoo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Pasquale Caterino | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Wendy Crumrine | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrius Tamo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tharcio Cerqueira | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
glenn d starkman | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tal Abadi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Forrest Lee | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
maria benito castaño | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Moorits Mihkel Muru | astro-ph | large-scale |
Juan Cruz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rahul Shah | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nikki Arendse | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, strong lens, universe |
Ricardo Landim | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Javier Subils | hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph, | hologra, QCD, neutron stars, inflat, string |
Simone Paradiso | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Masroor Pookkillath | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Saswata Dasgupta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nicola, Bartolo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Stefano Camera | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Pedro Villalba | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jun Wang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rahul Priyadarshan R | astro-ph,gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Carlo Del Vecchyo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rakshak Adhikari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sibanda B | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ahmad Moursy | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yue Nan | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Blessing Musiimenta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Natalie Assmann | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
souvik ghose83 | gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jeffrey Morais | hep-th,math-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
william dAdoumerg | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Justin Cardona | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sourav Pal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jose Bermejo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Priyanka Adhikary | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cristian Viglione | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alex Cassem | gr-qc, hep-th, math-ph, hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, swampland, strings, heterotic, hartle-hawking, homology, holography, |
Karim M | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jared Shapiro | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Raagini Patki | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Diogo Souza | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Uendert Andrade | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cliff Schwartz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
qile zhang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
xin tang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
DHARMENDRA KUMAR | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
alex woodfinden | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Leon Noble | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Anay A | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Fabio Noviello2 | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Litebird |
fernando UEMA | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Adam Ormondroyd | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nicholas DePorzio | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Christian Capanelli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tang Xin | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jovan Antich | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Joshua Benabou | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
vahid kamali2 | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andreas Nygaard | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, machine learning, artificial intelligence, neural network, decaying dark matter |
Nicolas Esser | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | dark matter, primordial black hole, black hole, universe, ultra-faint dwarf galaxy, ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, ultra faint dwarf galaxy, ultra faint dwarf galaxies, bondi accretion, UFD, PBH, cosmology, accretion, bondi, DM, cosmological perturbations, WIMP, neutron star, gravitational wave, GW, inflation, inflaton, compact object, compact objects, dark matter capture, accretion, black hole accretion, reheating, phase transition, FOPT, first order phase transition, BH, SGWB, stochastic gravitational wave background, bubble, star formation, adiabatic contraction, protostar, protostellar cloud, protostellar clouds, protostars, orbit, dwarf galaxy, dwarf galaxies, asteroid-mass, SMBH, supermassive black hole, feedback, initial mass function, stellar evolution, clump, CMB, microwave background, IMF, white dwarf, white dwarfs, white dwarves, neutron stars, axion, axions, axion mini cluster, axion minicluster, ultra faint dwarf, ultra-faint dwarf |
Jessica Pilling | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yashraj Patil | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Cihad Kıbrıs | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Junhyuk Son | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Joe Bhangal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Carina Norregaard | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sunanda Dey | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jordan Krywonos | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Xavier Pritchard | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ali Rida Khalife | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mattia Cielo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, inflation |
Pat Hall | astro-ph | quasar, AGN |
Nikos Samaras | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Anne M Green | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alex Merino | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lanyang Yi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Florian J Niedermann | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kishan Deka | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Erik Weiss | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jose Luis Bernal | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Behnood Bandi | astro-ph | Clustering, 4MOST, Luminosity function, angular clustering, extra-galactic surveys, stellar mass function, Wide-Area VISTA Extragalactic Survey, Loveday, correlation function, two-point clustering, angular correlation function, correlation function, |
Simony S. Costa | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Simony S. da Costa | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Roland Triay | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sanket Dave | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Margionet D | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mohammad Ahmadi | hep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zhou bingchen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Carlos Sánchez | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Guillaume Payeur | hep-th,hep-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Amirah Aljazaeri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Luis Escamilla | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rui Hu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sebastjan Rosa | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Parisa Ameri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Premvijay Velmani | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tavoos Bhat | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hidde T Jense | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sebastian Belkner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Aruna Harikant | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Umang Kumar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Eirik Gjerlow | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
mahdi najafi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vidhya Ganesan MSK | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nils Albin Nilsson | gr-qc, hep-th, astro-ph | symmetry, Lorentz |
Nicolas Ess | astro-ph.GA,astro-ph.CO,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc | X-ray cavities, TNG, Xray, cavities, bubble, AGN, cluster, SMBH, supermassive black hole, feedback, numerical simulation, IllustrisTNG, cosmological simulation, JWST |
Fangyi Guo | hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
John Wick | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kunhao Zhong | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jessica Santiago | astro-ph,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Maxwell Maltz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
hmd map | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Deepak Negi | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sanjay Yadav | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Dwaipayan Chanda | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yunan Xie | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jose Lozano | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Davood Sadatian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Helen Shao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
yvaine wei | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Junxian Li | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lyan Xia | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
John Smith | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Batia Fs | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jiachen Bai | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Simona Dačeva | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Neha Joshi | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Julia Pasiecznik | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
M Postolak | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, bounce, cyclic, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hong-Yi Zhang | astro-ph, gr-qc, hep-th, hep-ph, nucl-th | dark (matter|energy|photon), ultralight, axion, ALP, neutron star, supernova, white dwarf, black hole, oscillon, soliton, Proca, gravitational, structure formation, inflat, power spectrum, reheat, preheat, decoherence, parametric resonance |
Ian DSouza | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Sam Philipsborn | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
David Attard | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ciaran Dunleavy | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
rasa cereskaite | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Robyn Munoz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, numerical relativity, Weyl, PBH, LSS, perturbation, gravit, shear, cosmic |
Theo Steele | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
safinaz salem | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Luca Suter | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Arun Rana | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Analog Gravity, Quantum Cosmological simulator |
Marcos Muniz | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rajeev K Jain | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Susmita Das | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Subir Sarkar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Anže Slosar | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Juan Pablo Brandt | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hao-Hao Li | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Brian McPeak | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Raphael Kou | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Andrea Bevilacqua | hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alice Boldrin | gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nadia Cooper | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Manuel Alva | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Julie Hlavacek-Larro | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | black, hole, supermassive, galaxy, cluster, neural network, machine learning, X-ray, radio, molecular, multiphase |
Daniel Lozano Jarque | gr-qc, astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yiming Hu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
BingHang Chen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrinos, simulation |
Yan jian | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Paula Ferreira | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
chaofan wu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ricardo Z. Ferreira | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jaime Calderon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vinicius Linhares | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Maryam A. Abchouyeh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alize Sucsuzer | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Kerkyra Asvesta | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Carter Gustin | hep-th | qcd |
Cullen Sullivan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Zahra Bayat | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
a almondon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Emmanuel Flores | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Charan Reddy | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Amin rezaei | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Varun Muralidharan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
冰航 陈 | astro-ph,cs | cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, simulation, neutrino, Local Group |
Rui Xu | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mowen Zhao | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Xiao Bobo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Minseong Kwon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gawainn Simpson | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Karen Perez S | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yuanyuan Liu | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yuewei Wen | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mingyu Li | astro-ph | cosm[oi], primordial, ALMA, JWST, Subaru, KCWI, emission, CGM, circum[-g], Lyman, SMG, galaxy (redshift )?survey, |
Dror Berechya | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nicolò Rovazzani | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Khaled Khattab | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Vitor Petri Silva | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
John Accel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
José María | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rodrigo Calderon | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gabriele Autieri | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
drew davis | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Berkin Gurbuz | gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, superstring |
D Manas Mohit | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, COMAP, SKA, CONCERTO, reion, intensity map |
Parth Kothari | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yashrajsinh Mahida | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Arian Esmaieli | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Prasad Posture | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neural networks, machine learning, big data, data science |
Vishrut Pandya | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Xue Zhou | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Ewan Chamberlain | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Nikolai Kozameh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Praneeth Avasarala | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yves Laube | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Rodrigo Calderon B | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Lukas T. Hergt | astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Christian Neissner | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Gain Lee | astro-ph | cosmo, dark (matter|energy), galax |
praniti singh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yunyang Li | astro-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, lensing |
Daniele Ambrosino | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Riccardo Bozza | hep-th, astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc | neutrino[s], cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Adam Smith | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jeong-Gyu Kim | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
J. Asorey | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Yitian Sun | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Thaher Chowdhury | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Giuseppe Matteucci | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Anisha Anisha | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], stellar streams, galaxy mergers, stellar halos, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Emmanuel Frion | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th | LQC, bouncing cosmology, inflation, magnetogenesis, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe |
Rugved Pund | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy|ages), universe, 21[cm], radio |
Vincenzo Grieco | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Theodore Steele | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, quantum cosmology |
Ivan Sladoljev | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Jefferson Nogueira | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mohammad Arab | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Mohamad Arab | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
louis hamaide | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
David Imig | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Shuo Zhang | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Hassan Mohm | gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tony Palia | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
ning han | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Antonio Iuliano | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Alvin Suhendra | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math.PR | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, supersymmetry, modified gravity |
han ning | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Saburov Sultan | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Tingkai Hsu | astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph | inflation, dark matter, string, scattering amplitude(s), amplitude(s), eft, effective field, standard model, cft, conformal field, bootstrap, positive geometry, quantum field, collinear, cosmological correlator, conformal bootstrap, soft bootstrap |
Matteo Picciolini | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Pablo Marcel | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Si-hyeong Noh | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Matias Leizerovich | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Klaudia Protušová | astro-ph, astro-ph.GA | cosm[oi], big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, LAE, quasar, overdens |
Roberta Colalillo | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |
Louish hamaide | astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc | cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP |