Arxiv New Keywords

Default astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Antony Lewisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,math,cscosm[oi](?!c.ray), inflat, CMB, dark (energy|matter), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak (gravitational )?lens, universe, multiverse, WMAP, gibbs samp, MCMC, Markov chain monte, torsion, anthropic, Importance Sampling, radford, recombin, doomsday, 21.?cm,Redshift Distortion,bispectr, dark energy survey, BBN, BAO\b, lensing,Hubble constant
Anze Slosarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physicscosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, halo, dark matter, quasar, large scale, cosmic, string
Sarah Bridleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, WMAP, universe, accelerated phase of expansion, dark matter, galaxy classification, galaxy morpholog, virtual observatory, MOND, reioni, 6dF, luminosity function, galaxy velocit, peculiar velocit, lens, mass-to-light, photometric redshift, redshift bin, LCDM
Jochen Wellerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, topology, cluster, halo, nbody, hydro, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich, SZ, lensing
Benjamin Wandeltastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21, halo, Bayes, void
David Fonseca Motahep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physicscosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, large scale structure, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, mond, teves, mass-varying neutrino, varying mass, alpha, gravity, spherical collapse, brans-dicke, varying, fine structure constant, primordial, magnetic, Lorentz invariance, Lorentz symmetry, Lorentz, quasi-spherical, chameleon, bonnet, fifth force, equivalence principle,gauss-bonnet, casimir, PVLAS, elko, anisotro
subha majumdarastro-phcosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, survey, cluster, baryon, dark matter, scaling, group
Nikhil Padmanabhanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, power spectrum, 21 cm, reionization, recombination
Adam Amaraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing
Fergus Simpsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, holog, gravit, multiverse, bao, photomet, acoustic, planet, Cosm[oi], exoplanet, habitab
Neal Dalalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, universe, WMAP, halo
Levon Pogosianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified
Constantinos Skordisastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, Planck, nucleosyn, MOND, baryog, Immirzi, black hole, entropy, dS, deSitter, AdS, CFT, hologr, perturb, loop, quantu, axion
Graca Rochaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Non-Gaussianity, Statistics
Phil Marshallastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmolog, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, cosmic shear, matter power, WMAP, lens, lensing, microlensing, gravitational, Bayes, elliptical, fundamental plane, cluster, galaxy, SNAP, JDEM, LSST, Euclid, Pan-STARRS, PS1, DES, SKA, ACS, early-type, late-type, AGN, supermassive, dwarf, satellite, CDM, dark matter, quasar, AGN, supernova
Andrew Liddleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ariel Sanchezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK, large-scale structure, LSS, baryon acoustic oscillations, BAO, redshift space distortions, RSD, clustering, power spectrum, bispectrum
Martín Maklerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quartess
Håkon Dahleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, strong lens, universe, galaxy, cluster
Oystein Elgaroyhist-ph,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph^.?
Vesa Muhonenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, curvature, perturbation, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, Planck, MCMC, Bayes, relativity
Janne Högdahlastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity
Samuel Leachastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physicscosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SDSS, 2dF, bayesian
Anais Rassatastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, integrated, sachs, wolfe, ISW, BAO, baryon, acoustic, oscillation, magnification, lens, wiggles, forecast, perturb, inhomogeneous, code, source
Mustafa Aminastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thvector dark matter, dark photon, ultralight, fuzzy, axions, baryogenesis, antimatter, asymmetry,oscillons, solitons, inflation, cosmology, modified, inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,waves,gravitation,deflection, preheating, reheating, indirect detection, galactic center, phase transition, topological defects, oscillatons, stochastic, gauge fields, spectral distortion
Katie Mackastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion, anthropic, cosmic string, 21cm, MWA, PBH, 21 cm, reioniz, reionis, black hole, supermassive, SMBH, quasistar, dark star, wimp, neutralino, microlensing
Christophe Ringevalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, gaussian, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, DGP, defect
Anthony Brookfieldastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, wormhole, blackhole
Antonio C. C. Guimaraesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmolog, inflat, CMB, dark energy, dark matter, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, cosmic, shear, convergence, matter power, WMAP, magnification, lens, LSS, QSO, survey, gravitational, virtual, simulation, parameter, Lyman, Ly-alpha, forest, Gauss, galax, cluster, quasar, halo, Bayes, likelihood, Fisher, SZ, large scale structure, information, chaplygin, concordance, SDSS, Plank, arc, ring, DES, JDEM, LSST, SNIa, SNe, cosmic expansion, kinematic
Anslyn Johnastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Rayleigh-Taylor, isocurvature, baryonic dark matter, galaxy formation, warm-hot intergalactic medium, baryon, magnetar
Niayesh Afshordiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, accretion disk, accretion disc, turbulence, baryonic wiggle, CDM, cluster, reionization, SZ, ISW, black hole, modified gravity, Horava, cuscuton, neutron star, hudson, incompressible, navier
gongbo zhaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
David Parkinsonastro-ph, hep-ph, hep-th, gr-qc, physicscosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, SN[a|e], Supernova, Bayesian, Gaussianity, elections
Alexandra Abateastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm, inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, WMAP, universe, accelerated phase of expansion, dark matter, galaxy classification, galaxy morpholog, virtual observatory, MOND, reioni, 6dF, luminosity function, galaxy velocit, peculiar velocit, lens, mass-to-light, photometric redshift, redshift bin, LCDM, spherical collapse, nonlinear, igm, intergalactic medium, photo-z, bao, baryon acoustic oscillation, neutrino
Mauricio Ortiz Calvaoastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jason McEwenastro-ph,math,stat,csbianchi, bubble, strings, textures, defects, CMB, microwave background, wavelet, needlet, sphere, isw, sachs-wolfe, topology, void, voids, weak lensing, WMAP, Planck, compressed, sensing, sparse, sparsity, optimization, optimisation, compressive, interferometry, wiaux, vielva, lopez-caniego, herrnaz, barreiro, martinez-gonzalez, cruz, hobson, lasenby, rocha, mortlock, challinor, bridges, jaffe, wandelt, huffenberger, gorski, sanz, lewis, feroz, lasenby, peiris, feeney, leistedt, starck, puy, fadili, vandergheynst, mcewen, shuman, kennedy, khalid, reinecke, sutter, kitching, cropper, ringeval, gribonval, jasche, elsner, offringa, junklewitz, yatawatta, spergel, marinucci, townsend, hurley
mattia vaccariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Boud Roukemaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Syksy Rasanenastro-ph, gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, universe, WMAP, back reaction, backreaction, back-reaction
Oliver Zahnastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lens, reionization
Tess Jaffeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcmagnet,ISM,MIM,turbulen,cosmic-?ray,polari,wmap,dust,synch,h-?\?alpha,interstellar medium, (an)?isotrop,supernova,cosmic ray,radio
David Mulryneastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, loop, brane, black
joanne cohnastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,cluster,lyman,lens,halo,semi-analytic,semianalytic,galaxy formation,-globular,reioni,shear, 21cm,galaxy group, quasar,qso,Sunyaev, SZ
Ted Baltzastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter, supersym, gamma ray, cerenkov, cosmic ray, positron, gravitational lens, microlens, M87, M31, neutrino
Mike Boylan-Kolchinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph,math.PRdwarf spheroid, ultrafaint, Milky Way, NFW, galaxy formation, dark matter, subhalo, self-interacting, LCDM, globular, reioniz, ELVIS, FIRE, uvlf, faint end, age of the u, tension, sound horiz, massive galax, challenge
Clara Rojasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcinflat,phase-integral
nick wrightastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcplanetary nebula,
Matt Dobbsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcsunyaev, CMB, bolometer, polarization
Michael Sanfordastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string
jonathan swiftastro-phstarform, molecul, molecular outfl, T-Taur, protost, preprotost
Martin Sahlénastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, cluster, neutrino, multiverse, isotropic, void, reion, high-redshift, dark age, inference, gravit[ya], wfirst, Euclid, ska, JWST, 4most, fine-tun, philosoph
D. V. Ahluwalia-Khalilovaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter,neutrinos,gravitationally induced phases, equivalence principle, stabilized Poincare-Heisenberg algebra,Lorentz,CPT,Wigner,Elko,dark energy
renbin yanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy (redshift )?survey, starburst, "E+A", "K+A", "e+a", "k+a", post-starburst, AGN, elliptical, OII, correlation function, cluster, -open cluster, - globular cluster, halo, merger, stellar population(s)? (synth)?, star formation, luminosity function, early-type, LINER, Seyfert, red[ -]sequence, RCS
Donghui Jeongastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, power spectrum, bispectrum, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Gaussian
Alexia Schulzastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, galaxy cluster,SZ, baryon oscillation
Anand Senguptagr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thLIGO, LISA, gravitational wave, inspiral, binar[iy], cosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
J. S. Bagla (jasjeet)astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sergei Popovastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thneutron stars, magnetar, accretion
Linda Smithastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcsuper star clusters, starburst galaxies, M82, NGC 1569, galactic winds, interacting galaxies, evolutionary synthesis, spectral synthesis, young star clusters
Darryl Leiterastro-ph,gr-qcGalactic Black Hole Candidates, Active Galactic Nuclei, Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects (MECO)
Ruth Murray-Clayastro-phplanet, -planetary nebula, protoplanet, Kuiper, disk, T Tauri
Sanaz Vafaeiastro-phWeak lensing, Cosmology, Large scale structure, redshift surveys, WMAP, cosmic background, Shear, Photometric Redshift, Dark matter, Dark energy, CFHTLS
Richard Masseyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, weak lens, universe
Marusa Bradacastro-phstrong lens, lens, reionization
Nathan Millerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Juan Carlos Hidalgoastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th, physicscosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, jet, weak lens, universe, WMAP, inflation, black hole, gamma ray burst, GRB, shock, powerspectrum, Gaussian[ity], gravit, MOND, void, perturbation, BAO, LSS, [p]reheating, bispectr[um],spectr,variance,non-linear
Brad Haganastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter, matter power, weak lens, universe, cD, cluster, substructure, subhalo, BCG, halo, CDM, n-body, redshift, N-body, merge, cooper
Jim Emersonastro-phsurvey
Douglas Bundygr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, loop, quantum, gravity, discrete, spin, foam
Aswin Kumar Balaastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,math-ph,math.DG,math.AT,math.AG,math.SGcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP,de sitter,lecture,summer, school,notes,black (hole|holes|string|strings|rings|ring),gauss bonnet,kaluza klein, reisner , nordstrom, string cosmology, moduli,time dependent (solutions| backgrounds),singularities, conifold,singular, matrix (big bang | theory),ale,quiver,instanton,eguchi,symplectic quotient,kahler,calabi,yau,ricci flat,complex manifold,symplectic,quotient,toric,hyper-kahler,
Andrew Wetzelastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift)? survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, halo, clustering, galaxy cluster
Martin Whiteastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, Seljak, Sunyaev, Weinberg, SZ\s, shear, forest, Ly(-)?a, Lyman(-)?alpha, cluster, virtual observ, 21cm, SDSS, 2dF, WMAP, DEEP2
Anthony Gonzalezastro-phdark (matter|energy), galaxy cluster, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lensing, Euclid, Bullet Cluster, clusters of galaxies, reionization, galaxy evolution, gravitational arcs, submillimeter galaxies, fundamental plane, halo occupation distribution, galaxy group, intracluster light, south pole telescope, star formation history baryon fraction, fgas
Mike Hudsonastro-phcosm[oi](?!c.ray)(?!c.string), CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, galax, group, cluster, peculiar velo, lens, CDM, photometric redshift, bulge, M(\.|ichael) (J\.)? Hudson, S(\.|imon) (D\. M.)? White, Hoekstra, Navarro, Faber, van Waerbeke, Mellier, Balogh, McNamara, Fich, J(\.|ames) (E\.)? Taylor, Afshordi, Harris, Moore, S(\.|haun) Cole, Eisenstein, Lucey, Seljak, Mandelbaum, de Lucia, Yee, Carlberg, van den Bosch, Dekel, Wegner, McCracken, Mamon, Mohayaee, Feldman, Harris, Forbes, Leauthaud, H(\.|oujon) Mo, Behroozi, R(\.|ussell) J\. Smith, Oman, Taranu, Gillis, L(\.|aura) Parker, Percival, Afshordi, Broderick, Ferrarese, Bullock, Kravtsov, Boylan-Kolchin, C(\.|hung)-P(\.|ei) Ma, van Dokkum, Conroy
deepak jainastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmology inflation CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial,, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Oliver Czoskeastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], cluster, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Thomas Kitchingastro-ph,gr-qc,pop-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, shear, weak
James Overduinphysics.hist-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thspace-time-matter,wesson,kaluza-klein,(mach's|equivalence) principle,olbers,gravity probe b,frame-dragging,lense-thirring,dimension[as],vacuum,lambda,quintes,dark (energy|matter),(constant|coincidence) problem,cosmological (constant|coincidence),invariant,(extragalactic|cosmic|diffuse|radio|microwave|infrared|IR|optical|ultraviolet|UV|x-ray|gamma-ray) background,unified field
Sima. Ghassemiastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, brane, cosmology, gravity
Shahram Khosravigr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,brane
Andrey Kravtsovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, large-scale structure, halo, galaxy formation, clusters
dan hooperhep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP
Edd Edmondsonastro-ph,math.ST, power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens
alan duffyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,galaxies,numerical,21cm
adam mossastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,domain
Biswajit Pandeyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, LSS,galaxy distribution,dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bradford Bensonastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SZ, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich
Lisa Hallastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, uplifting, stabil
Brian Metzgerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcneutron star, accretion, GRB, gamma-ray burst, black hole, magnetar, SGR1806-20, soft gamma-ray repeater, jet, MHD, magnetohydrodynamics
ben hoyleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, distance duality,
Innocenza Busaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcStar,atmospheres,chromosheres,activity,magnetic,paschen
Isabella Paganoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccoronae, flares,UV,chromosphere,magnetic, activity,exoplanets
John Taylorgr-qcsingularit, direction, junction condition
Douglas Cloweastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, lens, cluster, evol, bullet
Risa Wechslerastro-phgalax, halo, cosm[oi], cluster, inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SDSS, DEEP, EGS, COMBO, LSST, DES, CMB, microwave background
Hunter Monroeastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thnonsingular
James G Cresswellastro-ph, gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic topology
Laila Alabidiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black hole[s], brane, dbi, tensor (fraction)?, scalar (field)?, eternal
Sudeep Dasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing, strong lens
Aseem Paranjapeastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph,cs.LGcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, non(-| )gaussianity, quintess(ence), matter power,galaxies, galaxy bias, galaxy (redshift )?survey, galaxy evolution, weak lens, universe, WMAP, GRB, BAO, collaps(e|ing),back(-)?reaction(s)?, structure formation, (in)?homogene(ous|ity),Gauss-Bonnet, Lovelock,landscape,horizon,simulations,dark matter,halo (bias), void(s)?, semi(-)?classical, gravit(y|ation), excursion set, reionization,stars,star formation,stellar, machine learning, neural (network)
Leonard Cottrellgr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph,astro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, bounce, DSR, LQC
Anja von der Lindenastro-phcluster, lensing, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), galax, LSST
Brian Gerkeastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galax[yi], galaxy cluster, clusters of galaxies, group, cluster
Henk van Elstgr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, Weyl curvature, BKL, orthonormal frame, scale-invariant, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, averaging in cosmology
Jostein R. Kristiansenastro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, neutrin, sterile, matter power, BAO, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck
Angel Torres Rodriguezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SKA, ISW, HI
Carlo Nicola Colacinoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Gravitational Waves
Ghazal Geshnizjaniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, DGP, bounce, blackhole, modified gravity, massive gravity, null energy condition, cuscuton, horava
Bob McElrathhep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-exneutrino
Carlos Alexandre Wuenscheastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph.EPcosmology, CMB, cosmic microwave, anisotrop, dark matter, dark energy, big bang, power spectr, redshift survey, radioastronomy, radio, lensing, non-gaussian, Sunyaev-Zeldovich, ARCADE, astrobio, habitability, SETI, fast radio bursts, frb, 21 cm, 21cm, intensity mapping, ARCADE, COBE, Planck ,WMAP, BINGO, SKA, LOFAR, EUCLID, James Webb
Filippo Vernizziastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, CDM, cluster, reionization, 21, ISW, primordial black hole, modified gravity, back reaction, backreaction, back-reaction, gaussian, neutrino, weak lens,
Massimo Pietroniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravit
Kotub Uddinastro-ph, gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thf(r) gravity, modified, modified gravity, gravity, Palatini, cosm[ol], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ), universe, WMAP, brane[worlds],ISW, Brans, Dicke, Scalar-tensor, perturb[ation], Gauss, Bonnet, thermo, Ricci , Reimann, geometry, constraint, chameleon. chameleonic, thin-shell.
Jennifer Carsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thTeV, HESS, H.E.S.S., blazars, GLAST, STACEE, MAGIC, VERITAS, AGN jets
Massimiliano Lattanziastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutri
Piers Francis Hornerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Sunya
Ian Sullivanastro-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, reioniz, first (star|galax),infrared,mwa,lofar,ska,holograph,
Damien Eassonhep-th,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, acceler, brane world, string gas, brane gas, modif, brane, entrop, weinberg, linde, trodden, brandenberger, carroll, kallosh, witten, polchinski, easson, vafa, steinhardt, burgess, cline, khoury, turok, kofman, pope, gibbons, krauss, shiu,hawking,nayeri,silverstein,kachru,mcallister,copeland,hawking,candelas,tolley,kinney, baumann,easther,tolley, vikman, starobinsky, strominger, verlinde
Pawel Bielewiczastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cristiano Sabiuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, correlation
Georg Robbersastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, monte, gravit, coupled
Sanjeev Seahrahep-th,gr-qc,astro-phbraneworld
Han Jiaxinastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th,halo,large scale structure,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ian Hustonastro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, perturb, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, DBI, gauss, brane, throat, non-(g|G)auss, f_nl
Carlos Veraastro-ph,CoRR,hep-th,nlincosm, gal, dark, universe
Sam Dolangr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-phdirac,kerr,schw,black,quasi,teukol,wave
Jernej Kamenikhep-ph,hep-ex,hep-latm
Hu Zhanastro-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens
Randall Smithastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial,galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ISM, X-ray
Ying Zuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,baryon
Ilian Ilievastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reionization, structure formation
Kaisa Henttunenastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, scalar, tensor, gravit, relativity,spherical symmetr, schwarzschild,curvature,birkhoff
Jonathan Zwartastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccluster, sz, galaxy cluster, Sunyaev, Zel'dovich, zeldovich, high( |-)redshift cluster, cluster survey, optical, infra-red, X-ray, AMI, VSA, SZA, SPT, spitzer, UKIDSS, WFCAM, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
John Middleditchastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thpulsar, supernova, GRB, glitch, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Leah Simonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy (redshift )?survey, quasar, agn, black hole, smbh, galaxy mass
Chia-Hsun Chuangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcBAO, baryon acoustic, inhomoge, LTB
preshanth jagannathanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmology, inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintessence, matter power, galaxy redshift survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, review, Gravity waves, GW
Joerg Dietrichastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, lens, cluster, evol, stream, cmb, microwa
Satej Khedekarastro-ph, gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, topology, clusters
Juerg Diemandastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter
Gaurang Mahajanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,physicscosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, WMAP, casimir, quantum gravity, decoherence, wigner, planck,classicality
Federico Urbanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, axion, anomal, ultra[l-]. primordial, magnet, universe, Planck, baryog, leptog, electroweak, topolog[yi], uhecr, cosmic rays, neutrino, hubble, disruption, gravitational wave, modified gravity, pulsar, cross-correlation, interferomet, -solar, -proceeding, -conference, -lecture, -talk, -collaboration, -holo, -flavo
Michael Smithastro-ph, nucl-ex, nucl-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, nucleosynthesis, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kanan K. Dattaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21 cm,reionization
Luiz Felippe S Rodriguesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter, primordial, subhalos, SAM, semi-analytic models,
Claudia Scoccolaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Song Huangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP galactic, AGN, large scale structure, SDSS, sky survey
David Leeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcQSO, quasar, AGN, accretion, gravitational lens, micro, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, gravity, alternative, galaxy, (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, MOND, TEVES, black hole
ANAIS GONZALEZ IGLESIASastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing,
Shaun Thomasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, f(R),
Mike Lerchsterastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe
Richard Shawastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcrussell, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, 21 cm
William Holzapfelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ACBAR, BIMA, CBI, ACT, SPT, APEX
Mario Radovichastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
William Hartleyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster, correlation function, n-body, simulation, galax, infrared
Umut Yildizastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )? survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dolf Michielsenastro-phdwarf
Mario Aceroastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrinos, sterile neutrinos, light particles
Gustavo Nizhep-th,gr-qcsingulari, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big (bang|crunch), microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP, branew, kaluza, perturba, string, gravit
Michael Schneiderastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|ages), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, cosmic shear, universe, WMAP, galaxies, modified gravity, photo-z, photometric redshift, lens, nucle[uoa], intrinsic alignment, fine structure constant, planet, orbit
Massimo Meneghettiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lens
Lixin Xuastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosmology, inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Brent Nelsonhep-ph,hep-thOvrut, Langacker, Cvetic, Gaillard, Hitoshi Murayama, Yasunori Nomura, Luty, Arkani-Hamed, Peskin, ^Kane$, James Wells, Lawrence Hall, Pierce, Raby, Dienes, Verlinde, Shiu, Cremades, Binetruy, Dudas, Lykken, Acharya, Gukov, Douglas, Dine, Scott Thomas, Everett, Pran Nath, Northeastern, Baer, Tata, Hinchliffe, Paige, Tait, Allanach, Quevedo, Webber, ^Ross$, Lukas, Nilles, Oleg Lebedev, ^Abel$, Munoz, Casas, Schellekens, Blumenhagen, Stiebeger, Ibanez, Antoniadis, heterotic, E6, G2, orbifold, orientifold
Guido D'Amicoastro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, non(-)Gauss, primordial, quintess, matter power, neutralino, neutrino, weak lens, universe, WMAP, anomaly, axion, LHC, (baryo|lepto)genesis, Planck, cluster, gravity
Danny Jacobsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,SKA, squa, Mileu
Evan Biermanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcCMB polarization
Herve Doleastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, infrared, CIB, EBL, extragalactic, background, LSS
Nelson Nunesastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, loop quantum, chameleon, chaplygin, nucleosynthesis, brane, kklt, introduction, lectures, varying constants, fine structure, n-body
Koichi Hiranoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, universe, WMAP
Carolyn Sealfonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bayesian, halo mass function
Fabio Novielloastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ),survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, astrostatistics, wavelets, curvelets, sparse methods, compressed sensing, strings
Patrick Valageasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, clustering
Jean-Francois Cardosoastro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, WMAP, Planck, component separation, MCMC
Andrew Pontzenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bianchi, DLA, lyman
Rachel McInnesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lens, gravit, Blanco, Pan-STARRS,
Prakash Sarkarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Harshal Bhadkamkarastro-ph, gr-qcmagnetars, X-Ray Binaries, Accretion discs, precession, Star Formation, Pulsar, Neutron Star
Damiano Caprioliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmic rays, magnetic field, supernov, SNR, AGN, pulsar
Chris Byrnesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background
Juntai Shenastro-phgalaxy, spiral, spirals, bars, bar, warp, warps
Ivan Zhogingr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], absolute parallelism, gravitation, GP-B, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, CMB, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe
Stuart Lynnastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,BAO, baryon Acoustic oscillations, halo model,
Mimi Zhangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcNbody simulation, numerical simulation, galactic dynamics, collisionless, loss cone, binary supermassive black hole, supermassive black hole,
Jens Niemeyergr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|radiation), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, landscape, anthropic, entrop, tunnel, SKA, HETDEX, Lyman, N-body, axion, black hole, boson, Bose, scalar, ultra-light
Carmelo Evoliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, recombination, reionization
Malcolm Fairbairnhep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP
Deepak Vaidgr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, LQG,
Magda Todorovicastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcCMB, spining dust, anomalous dust
Txitxo Benitezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, dark energy, cluster lensing, dark matter, MOND
Gabriel Altayastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reion, 21
Roland Diehlastro-ph,hep-phnucleosynthesis, cosm[oi], supernova, massive, gamma, radioacti, nuclear, galaxy
Thomas Reiprichastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy cluster
anya chaudhuriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,cluster,sunyaev
basudeb dasguptaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcneutrino
Jeremy Sandersastro-phx-ray, cluster, Chandra, XMM, AGN, back hole, Abell, feedback, jet, active galactic nuclei, accretion, quasar, group, AGN, cosmology
wayne christiansenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quasars, spacetime foam, radio source
Matt Lakehep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, primordial black hole[s], PBH[s], cosmic string[s], cosmic necklace[s], conifold, throat, (p,q) string[s], cycloop[s]
T. P. Waterhousegr-qc,astro-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP
Matt Georgeastro-ph.*
Jerry Jensenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,supernov
Jordi Miraldaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quas, reioniz, planet,
Adam Christophersonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, quintess, gaussian, DBI, k-inflation, scalar field, cosmology, big bang, cadabra, entropy, multi-field, vorticity, DBI-inflation, modified gravity, perturbation, perturbations, cosmological, magnetic, particle
Cesar S. Lopez-Monsalvoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcquantum gravity, black hole entropy, gravitational waves
Le Fevreastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, galaxy evolution, galaxy formation
Magdalena Chapmanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, universe, polarization, relic gravitational waves
Moritz Mcgarriehep-thDimensional Transmutation pseudopotentials dirac delta
Michael Bushaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, n-body, citation, galax
Hao-Yi Wuastro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens,
Tom Abelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, stars
Masamune Oguriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, (weak|strong) lens, universe, WMAP, quasar, dark halo
Patrick Nolanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcGLAST,gamma
Don Ellisonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, shock, superno, Fermi, particle accel
Till Sawalaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdwarf (sphl|ell|irr), dSph, missing satellite, tidal dwarf, dark matter, chemical evolution, local group, kinematics, radial velocities, star formation, feedback, stellar winds, population synthesis, globular cluster, VLT flames, dart, gadget,
Marcelo Alvarezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, reionization
Daniel Johnastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Manda Banerjiastro-phcosm[oi], galaxy (redshift )?survey, photometric redshift, DES, Euclid, galaxy evolution, galaxy formation, AGN, morphology, quasar, VISTA, luminosity function, stellar mass, SED, SMG
Eduardo S. Cyprianoastro-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bob Wagonerastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-thcosm[oi], black hole, neutron star,CMB, grav, dark (matter|energy), big bang,quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey,universe
Jeff Scargleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, X-ray, gamma-ray, statistics
Elizabeth Haysastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgamma, TeV, pulsar, pulsar wind nebula, supernova remnant
David J. Thompsonastro-phgamma ray, GLAST, EGRET, pulsar, blazar, AGILE, gamma-ray, Fermi, LAT
Steve Ritzastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-ex, hep-th,gr-qcGLAST, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Steve Allenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, X-ray, cluster
Elliott Bloomastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, quintess, matter power, universe
David Turtonhep-th, gr-qcString, Black, Hole,
Charles Dermerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcblazars, gamma ray bursts, GRBs, gamma rays
Francis Bernardeauastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,grav
Amol Upadhyeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-excosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, landscape, modified gravit, Steinhardt, W(ayne|.) Hu, Khoury, Mota, Dedeo, gammev, chameleon, ekpyro, cyclic model
Dejan Stojkovicastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcblack holes, cosm[oi], extra dimensions, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Florian Pacaudastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, X-ray, quintess, matter power, (galaxy)? cluster survey, universe, WMAP, weak lens, primordial
Igor Moskalenkoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thgamma, cosmic, WIMP, dark matter
Caroline van Breukelenastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster
Julie McEneryastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy), Fermi, FERMI, gamma-ray, GLAST
Tony Tysonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy), weak lens, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey
Samuel Farrensastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy clusters, large scale structure, dark matter
Markus Ackermannastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,hep-exgamma, GLAST, neutrino, SNR, supernova, remnant
Sean Baillyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,lithium,stau,NLSP
Yuuiti Sendoudagr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP, grav, string, black, extra dimension, brane
Sante Carloniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, alternative gravity, scalar tensor, higher order gravity, non linear gravity
david ghersonhep-ph, astro-ph, hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, extra, supersymmetry
Conrad M. Hutchesonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy formation
Adam Mantzastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy cluster, X-ray, cluster, halo, baryon acoustic, statistic, regression, neutrino, markov
Anthony Smithastro-phgalaxy (redshift )?survey, luminosity (function|density), surface brightness, UKIDSS, UKIRT, VISTA, SDSS, Sloan, WFCAM, infrared, stellar mass, star formation (rate|history), galax, Bayes, redshift, astro-ph, ADS, extragalactic, astrogrid, virtual observatory, Herschel, HerMES, source extract, sub.?millimet, sub.?mm, FIR(?!\w), star forming, IR(?!\w), spica, smg, (U?)LIRG, point source, source detection, SPIRE
Hoda Ghodsiastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], universe, non-standard, model
Edward Thomsongr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, commutat, gravit, Einstein, topolog, schr
Bruno Henriquesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy, satellite, analytic, simulations, N-body
Zanard Mastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP
Mathieu Langerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, magnet, Planck, ISW
Leon Baruahastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, first stars, high redshift, cluster
Qiping Suastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phinflat, CMB, dark (energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens,WMAP
David Panequeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, AGN, blazar, black hole, gamma-ray, IACT
Dale Kocevskiastro-phcluster, AGN, X-ray, environment, large scale structure, large-scale structure
Jean-Luc Starckastro-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
César Terrero-Escalanteastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP
Eric Lernerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, WMAP
Anastasios Avgoustidishep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, string, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
James Grahamastro-phadaptive optics, instrumentation, star formation, planet detection, coronagraph, polarization
Lotta Metherhep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, leptogen, baryogen
Pieter Miedemaastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, structure formation
Guido Walter Pettinariastro-phboltzmann, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cosmic(?!= ray), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, S.-C. Su, pitrou, lesgourgues, huang, lewis
Kyle Wattersastro-phpulsar, GLAST, Fermi, FGST, gamma, psr, KIPAC, ATNF, CSIRO, Stanford
jonathan dukeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcmicrolensing, Andromeda, M31, lensing, gravitational lensing,
Ilsang Yoonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Bayesian, galaxy evolution, galaxy formation, morphol
Hugo Looyestijnhep-ph,hep-thmoduli,stabili,flux,compactification,instantons
Andre Fuzfaastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, mond, modified gravity, tensor-scalar
Sandrine Piresastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, wavelet, multiscale, multi-scale, multi-resolution, multiresolution, lensing, gravitation
Arnaud Woiselleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity
Alexandre Refregierastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing, photo-z
Ben Metcalfastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], gravitational lensing, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21 cm, lens, broad line, 21, lensing
Timothy Clemsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy)
Alexander B Fryastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, LCDM, sunyaev, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich, SZ, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lensing, universe, WMAP, LAE, Lyman, Ly-alpha, LSS, LIGO, LISA, gravitational wave, Weak lensing, galaxy (redshift )?survey, structure formation, photometric redshift, LSST, BAO, numerical relativity, 21cm, reionization, EOR, PCA, MWA, radio & cosmology
Brian Fieldsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, nucleosynthesis
Omar Zanussohep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phrenorm, functional, asymptotic safety, quantum gravity,heat kernel, conformal gravity, cosm[oi], inflat, big bang, quintess,RG
Piero Ullioastro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, gamma-ray, cosmic-ray, LHC, Fermi
Marco Nardecchiahep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qcdark matter, supersymmetry
Joaquin Vieiraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, universe, WMAP
Laurie Rigucciniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy evolution, cosmology, infrared galaxies, K-correction, SED, galaxies, Spitzer, MIPS, Herschel
Cyril Pitrouastro-ph, gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Bianchi, gaussian,
Tim Garrettphysicscloud, eco, climat, atmos
Karl Anderssonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy cluster, cluster[s] of galaxies, XMM, Chandra, dark (matter|energy),
Matt Hiltonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy clusters, star formation
Ozlem Celikastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcpulsar, Crab, Fermi, VERITAS, Glast, PWN, SNR, pulsed, VHE, gamma-ray, GeV, TeV
Robyn Sandersonastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, (dwarf)? galaxy (redshift )?(survey)?, weak lens, universe, WMAP, kinemat, proper motion, gravit[ya], phase space, halo (potential)?, Milky Way, M31, (large|small) Magellanic Cloud, infall, merg, action, tidal (stream|tail|debris), caustic, dynamic[as], non[- ]gaussianity
Andrew A. Westastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qca
John Bochanskiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qclow mass stars, M dwarfs, Milky Way, Galactic structure, Galactic Kinematics
Alessandra Silvestriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Henry James Pearceastro-phgalaxy formation,galaxy evolution,massive galaxies,high redhsift,pure luminosity evolution,passive,primordial,galaxy (redshift )?survey
Chanda Prescod-Weinsteinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph,math.sgcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, WMAP, astroparticle, higgs, BICEP, effective field theory, (p)reheating, (rel)axion, neutrino
Chris Orbanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi]
Andrew Tolleyhep-th,astro-ph,gr-qccosmological, inflat, quintess, brane, supergravit, supersymm, string, AdS, effective field theory, effective theory, EFT, decoupling, holog, Weinberg, de Sitter, gaussianity, conformal, scaling, renorm, Witten, Arkani, Dvali, Burgess, Maldacena, perturbation, SUGRA, ghost, BKL, kasner, singularit, bispectrum, trispectrum, isocurvature, anisotrop, gravit, tunnel, stochastic, horizon, entropy, Creminelli, Nicolis, soliton, massive gravity, bigravity, bimetric, DGP, Gabadadze, higher spin, curvaton, Seery, dark energy, decoupling, goldstone, stueckelberg, Higgs, Rham, Hinterbichler, Hassan, Rosen, gravitational
Eric Emsellemastro-phgalax, dynam, spect, bar, simulation, red sequence, disk, disc, bulge, spheroid, triaxial, merger, galac, centre, center, black hole, nucleus, nuclei, AGN, spiral, globular, cluster
Mark Wymanastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,string, degrav, magnet
Claudia de Rhamastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, massive gravity, gravity, extra, Kaluza-Klein, dimension, braneworld, inflation, black hole, degravitation, DGP, space, pulsar, Dvali, Durrer, Tolley, Burgess, Maggiore, Wyman, Geshnizjani, Afshordi, Gabadadze, Deffayet, Khoury, bubble, Rattazzi, Arkani, Maggiore, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, Burrage, Seery, Nicolis, Goldstone, Classicalizing, Classicalization
Carlo Giocoli (cgiocoli)astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Merger Tree
Stuart Littlefairastro-phplanet, disk, T-Tauri, star, rotation, exoplanet, magnetars, X-Ray Binaries, Accretion discs, pulsars, brown dwarf, cataclysmic, low mass stars, M dwarfs
Albert Bosmaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galax[yi]
Richard Alexanderastro-phstar formation, planet formation, protoplanetary, disc, disk, accretion, Galactic Centre, circumstellar, pre-main-sequence, black hole
richard smartastro-phastrometry,parallaxes, brown dwarfs
Saurav Dhitalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qclow mass stars, M dwarfs, Milky Way, Galactic structure, Galactic Kinematics, binary star, star formation
Biman Nathastro-phcosm[oi], CMB, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, universe, AGN, intergalactic medium, wind, outflow, radio galaxy, cosmic ray, reionization, cluster, population III, DLA, black hole
Daniel Francisco Borieroastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrino
Giorgio Saviniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcCMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, weak lens, universe, WMAP, magnetic field, SZ effect, re-ionization
Dhiraj Kumar Hazraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lukas Hollensteinastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, magnet
Simon Fiorucciastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thdark matter, xenon, TPC, germanium, WIMP, FERMI-LAT, PAMELA, EDELWEISS, CDMS, LUX, DAMA, positron excess
Norbert Wernerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, galaxy, weak lens, universe, Chandra, XMM-Newton, X-ray, AGN
Tapan Naskarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcInflation, coupled dark energy, pantom tachyon, type II singularity.
Samvel Ter-Antonyanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmic ray, dark (matter|energy), big bang, galaxy survey, universe, WMAP, high energy neutrino
David Suttonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, weak lens, universe, WMAP, map-making, power spectrum
Paul Rickerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy), galaxy cluster?s, cluster?s of galaxies, AGN, bubble?s, common envelope, [Tt]ype Ia
Moumita Karastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], polarization,inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Marco Baumgartlhep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph, hep-phgravi, BSFT, tachyon, topolog
Thomas Sotiriougr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, universe, modified gravity, f(R) gravity, quantum gravity, gravit
Sheng Liastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-ph,physics,math,nlin,cs,statcosm(o|ic),flat,CMB,WMAP,PLANCK,microwave background,dependen(t|ce),primordial,matter power,reheat,entrop(y|ic),adiabatic,(|iso).?curvat(|ure|on),inflat,axion,dilaton,tachyon(|ic),instanton,soliton,insulator,attract(or|ive|ion),spectator,inhomoge,modulate,isotrop,gaussian,perturbat(ion|ive),density,tensor-to-scalar,magnetic,monopole,Lagrang(e|ian),Hamilton(ian),topolog(y|ic),(|non-)canonic(|al),(|non-)linear,(|non-)gaussian,vacu(um|a),brane,bayes(ian),mod(uli),mssm,susy,Yang-Mills,YM,holographic,symmetr(y|ic),gravit(y|on),theor(y|em),singularit(y|ies),quintess,baryon,no-go,formalism,reioniz(e|ation),conformal,(in|co)varian(t|ce),WIMP,cyclic,gauge,tun(e|ing),normal(|isation),dual,fl(uid|ow),equivalen(t|ce),throat,EFT,CFT,higgs,string,cosmic,simulation,MCMC,sampling,parameter,algorithm,likelihood,FFT,primality,division,multiplicity,Sitter,Friedmann,Hubble,DBI,Dirac,Einstein,Dirichlet,Born,Lorentz,Lifshitz,Ho[ur]ava,Ricci,Minkowski,Riemann,Cartan,Polyakov,Witten,Weinberg,Guth,Steinhardt,Linde,Kolb,Padmanabhan,Mukhanov,Hawking,Verlinde,(D.|David )Lyth,(A.|Andrew )Liddle,(D.|David )Wands,(D.|David )Seery,(A.|Antony )Lewis,(D.|Donough )Regan,(power).?spectrum,dark (matter|energy),big bang,(backward|covariant|in-in|N).?formalism,(multi|single|two|double|single|N).?field,(slow|fast).?roll,(scalar|inflat).?potential,(scale|warp).?factor,(|weak|gravitational).?lensing,(partial).?differential equation,machine.?learning,data mining,big data,prime number,
Masatoshi Shojiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, baryon
melissa enochastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcstar form, protostar, perseus, serpens, ophiuchus, molecular cloud, yso, core mass, mass function, mass spectrum, accretion, spitzer, -AGN, -black hole, -pulsar, -gamma ray burst
Vitaly Vanchurinhep-th,gr-qchydrodynamics, string fluid, cosmic strings, filaments, EFT, multiverse, eternal inflation, entropy problem, measure problem, firewalls, gravitational waves, non-gaussianities, 21 cm, confinement, vector inflation, conformal
Tomás E. Tecceastro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, luminosity (function|density), cluster, AGN, environment, ram pressure, large scale structure, large-scale structure, (disk|disc|galaxy) formation, subhaloes, subhalos
Michael Drinkwaterastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, UCD, dwarf galax, tidal dwarf, cluster, galax, IFU, integral field, 2D spectr, 3D spectr, star form, kinematic, metal, chemi, abundance, globular, star cluster, star formation
Michael Salemhep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph.COmultiverse, landscape, anthropic, inflat, primordial, bubble, dark energy, cosmological constant, vacuum energy, de Sitter, holog, ghost, dark matter, arrow of time, density perturbations, non-Gaussianity, non-Gaussianities, inflaton,
Luigi Costamanteastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, X-ray, quasar, blazar, gamma, TeV, EBL
Molly Swansonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-exgalaxy (redshift )?survey, halo model, matter power, large-scale structure, conditional (mass|luminosity) function, stochastic(ity| bias), redshift space distortion, peculiar velo, neutrino mass, baryon(ic)? acoustic, baryon(ic)? oscil, halo bias, halo mass, Dark Energy Survey, LSST, Pan(-)?STARRS, WMAP, (Big)?BOSS, dark (matter|energy), cosmolog, SDSS, bias, Bertschinger, Bridle, Eisenstein, Finkbeiner, W(.|ayne) Hu, B(.|huvnesh) Jain, Lahav, W(. J.|ill J.) Percival, Sheth, Stubbs, Tegmark, Scoccimarro, Van den Bosch, (D. H.|avid H.) Weinberg, M(.|artin) White
Matteo Maturiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmo, inflat, CMB, dark, big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy, weak lens, universe, WMAP, filter
Cecile Faureastro-phcosmo,lens, quasar, QSO, weak lens, strong lens,galaxy
Eric Jensenastro-phplanet, exoplanet, extrasolar, tranet, transit, ALMA, circumbinary, circumstellar, protoplanetary, TESS, Kepler, Tauri, YSO, orbit, misalign, Kozai, Lidov, convect, lithium, GAIA, -transition, align, -cosmolog, -extragalactic, -supernova
Keith S Coverastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcWMAP
Pierre-Philippe Dechanthep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|spinor), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP, chameleon, bianchi, taub-nut, elko spinor, de sitter relativity
Torsten Ensslinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, information, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jack Hewittastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcSNR, shock, cosmic rays
Graham Smithastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy cluster
Pablo Arnalte-Murastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, BAO, baryon acous, photo-z, photometric redshift, cluster, bias
Joseph Ellistonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity, non-Gaussia, trispectr, tri-spectr, Gaussia, curva, axion, bispectr, bi-spectr, perturb, isocurvat, adiabat, multifield, multi-field, galileon, planck
Anjali Tripathiastro-phcosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, MCMC, galaxy (evolution), Bayesian, galaxy(model), semi-analytic
Dave Goldbergastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcinflat, lens, relativity
Heidi Virtanenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, leptog, baryog, neutrino, extra dimensio, warped, supers, SUSY
Brian Keatingastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background,
Christian Luebbegr-qc, astro-ph,hep-th,hep-phbig bang, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, singular
Stephen Feeneyastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, universe, WMAP, planck, likelihood, gauss, bayes, machine learning, neural net, black hole, neutron star, hubble, gravitational wave, LIGO
Hajar Vakiliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,supernova,SN Ia, sn survey
Fotini Economouastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcneutrino, UHECR, cosmic ray, Auger, ANITA, ICECUBE, ARIANNA, ultra high energy, (iron|proton|charged) nuclei, Larmor, UHE, GZK, Denis Allard, Eli Waxman, Pierre Auger, ultra-high, astroparticle, astro-particle, gamma ray, HESS, CTA, MAGIC, blazar, VERITAS, Fermi (GLAST| LAT), Fermiacceleration, Kumiko Kotera, Telescope Array, ARA, gamma-ray, cosmic-ray, Dmitri Semikoz, Christoph Pfrommer, Neronov, Gabici, cosmic-ray, Jim Hinton, Felix Aharonian, Kohta Murase, HAWC, Andrew Taylor, transient, flare, David Waters, NEMO, Michael Unger, Glennys Farrar, Louis Anchordoqui, starburst, AGN, Active gal, blazar, radio galax, multimessenger, multi-messenger
Emily Hallastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, general relativity, halo, galaxy cluster
Judith Racusinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, grb
Peter den Hartogastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcpulsar, AXP, SGR, Fermi, magnetar, hartog, QED, polarization, -fermion
Adam Hawkenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, flexion, baryon acoustic oscillation, BAO, PLANCK, photo-z
Iris Gebauerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy), galaxy, ism, cosmic ray, galactic wind
Prina Patelastro-phcosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens,
federica biancoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qckbo, outer solar system, solar system, supernovae, dark matter
Justin Vandenbrouckeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, blazar, IceCube, Fermi, neutrino, LAT, Chandra, Swift
Alex Drlica-Wagnerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy), dwarf, cosm[oi], primordial, quintess, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe
Ole Hostastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-excosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, halo(es|s), cluster,dimuon
Simona Bekeraitėastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, planet, neural, schroedin,
Volodymyr Marchenkoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, AGN, GRB, Hypernova, cosmic rays
Sabine Kramlhep-ph,astro-ph,hep-thsupersymmetry, dark matter
rishi khatriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, x-ray, lmxb, hmxb, cxb, ridge, iron line, 6.4KeV
Dennis Simongr-qc,astro-ph.CO,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial,
Tamara Davisastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, supernova
Catherine Heymansastro-phdark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens
Dario Bettonigr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy,redshift, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large scale structure, scalar tensor theories, gravity, general relativity, modified gravity
Stephanie Jouvelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, simul
Angus Prainastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-phsuperoscillations, induced, emergent, analogue, time, spectral geom, inflat, vacuum
Anders Basbøllhep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, MSSM, flat
Peter Thomasastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster of g, galaxy cluster, galaxy form, formation of gal, semi-anal,
Devin Crichtonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SZ, Sunyaev, Planck, Bayes, ACT, SPT, APEX
Matteo Barnabeastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, universe
Guilhem Lavauxastro-phpeculiar velocit(y|ies), kSZ, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cosmological microwave background, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, voids, local universe, SZE, sunyaev zel'dovich effect, SPH
Aurora Meronihep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-exneutri, Supernovae, baryog, leptog, neutrinoless, CP , double beta decay, T' model, tetrahe, lepton number violation,lepto
Alessandro Lovatonucl-th,astro-ph,cond-mat,hep-phcompact, neutron star, equation of state, afdmc, fhnc,lp potential, uIX
giorgio arcadiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, baryogen, leptogen
Stefan Funkastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgamma-rays, cosmic-rays, fermi, h.e.s.s., hess
Jon Lovedayastro-phgalaxy (redshift )?survey, luminosity function, mass function, correlation function, galaxy clustering, SDSS, GAMA, VISTA, kids
Jean-Luc Lehnershep-th,astro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ekpy, cyclic, gauss, hologra,
Jonathan Frazerastro-ph.CO, gr-qc, hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, Liddle, Bousso, Susskind, Arkani-Hamed, Dvali, eternal, tunnel, Randall, Freivogel, McAllister, Maldacena, Wands, Seery, Mulryne, landscape, string, gaussianity
Giulio D'Odoricoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, renormalization group, RG, ERG, asymptotic saf, Steven Weinberg, Sean Carroll, Martin Reuter
Daniel G. Figueroaastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gaussianity, reheating, preheating, gravitational wave
Miguel Zumalacárreguigr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, MCMC, CMB, BAO, void, LTB, inhomogeneous, entropic, scalar, modified gravit, dark (matter|energy), teves, disformal, anomal[yo], baryon acoustic, primordial, quintess, matter power, superluminal, lorentz, perturbat, cosmic(?!= ray), -compactifi
Francois-Xavier Dupeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ISW
Francesca Vidottogr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phbig bounce, loop (quantum)? (gravity|cosmology), spinfoam
Sean Februaryastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, inhomogeneous, LTB, void
Alan Zablockiastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,neutrino mass,neutrinos,clustering,galaxy clustering,
Rakhi Rastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP
Marit Sandstadastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), universe, modified grav, massive grav, nonlocal,
Stephen Serjeantastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing, cluster, SDSS, Sloan, galax, galac, AGN, QSO, redshift, star formation rate, BCG
Dominic Gallianoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, trispectrum, bispectrum, spectrum, gaussianity, large scale structure, galax, grav, supernov
Daniel Kelsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, stellar populations
William Watsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Large scale structure, LSS, galaxy formation, structure formation
Hilding Neilsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcstars, stellar dynamics, supernova, stellar evolution, globular cluster, open cluster, pulsation, mass loss, planets, magellanic cloud, pulsar, neutron star, stellar wind, convection, circumstellar medium, x-ray binary, GRB, AGB, RR Lyrae, Cepheid, polarization, distance scale
Maciej Bilickiastro-ph.CO,gr-qc,astro-ph.IMcosm[oi], CMB, galaxy (redshift )?survey, spherical model, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Colin Hillastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Atacama
Mafalda Diasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, holo
David Cherneyhep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-phhigher spin, sigma model, black hole
David Jacobshep-th, hep-ph, nucl-th, cond-mat, physics, quant-ph, physics.atom-phC.P. Burgess, compact composite object, "macros", "proton radius", positronium, "quantum defect", "quantum defects", Rydberg, macro dark matter, strongly-interacting dark matter, "time delay",
St Klemerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcinflat, CMB, microwave background, quintess, WMAP, Planck, p?reheating, initial cond, non-gauss, gaussian, nbody, fnl
Christoph Behastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcLyman, Ly, Forest, HETDEX, survey, dark matter, nyx, mare
Jan F. Engelsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, Planck, neutrino, lyman, outflow, absorption
Hana Schumcherastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
yetli rosas-guevaraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,galaxy formation,black holes
Nickolas Fotopoulosastro-ph,gr-qcGRB, gravita, LIGO, gamma-ray burst
Wolfram Schmidtastro-ph,gr-qccosmology, cosmological, intergalactic medium, IGM, cluster, intracluster medium, ICM, galaxy, galaxies, interstellar medium, ISM, star formation, feedback, outflow, black hole, SMBH, fluid, hydrodynamics, hydrodynamical, turbulent, turbulence, MHD, magnetic, magneto, dynamo, reconnection, plasma
Harald Braunastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy, star formation, turbulence, hydrodynamics
Jan Niklas Griebastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmology, inflation, CMB, WMAP, Planck, bispect, trispect, camb(!=ridge), cmbfast, cosmomc, (non|non-)?gaussian, p?reheating, early universe, adiabatic, isocurvature, particle production, microwave background, shellard, fergusson, neyrinck, (log-|log)normal, correlation function, BAO, acoustic oscillation(s)?, reconstruction, gravitational instabilit(y|ies), (large-scale|large scale) structure, structure formation, LSS, galaxy survey, power spectrum, parameter estimation, covariance, BOSS, halo bias, dark energy, non-linear (transformation|evolution), (redshift-space|redshift space) distortions, RSD, leclercq, Michael Wilson, Lagrangian (perturbation) theory, LPT, mildly (non-linear|nonlinear), BICEP(2)?, (primordial)? gravitational waves
Adrienne Erickcekastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thinflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, WMAP, Sunyaev-Zeldovich, reheat, WIMP, kinetic decoup, ultracompact, microhalo, minihalo, free stream, chameleon, massive grav, Hubble
Thorsten Battefeldastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bounce
Prajval Shastriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcactive galax, AGN, quasar, radio galaxy, Seyfert, LINER, Fanaroff Riley, black hole, primordial black hole, galaxy scaling relation, SDSS, Sloan (Digital|Survey), accretion, radio loud, radio quiet, radio jet, FERMI, dark (matter|energy), gravitational lensing, big bang, microwave background, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jon Emeryastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gauss, perturb, perturbation, bispectrum, trispectrum
Alberto Bermeoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy clusters
Gemma Jayne Andersonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gauss,
Tomasz Kacprzakastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, shear measurement,
Emma Woodfieldastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,statreionization, LOFAR, SKA, ASKAP, square kilometre array, low frequency array, radio foreground, EoR, 21cm, mwa, Gmrt, edges, dare, reionisation, Quasar, HERA,21-cm, 21 cm, intensity mapping, metal poor stars, dark ages, population III, star formation, JWST
Yao-Yuan Maoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), halo, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Geraint Prattenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, Keldysh, Schwinger, universe, WMAP, Planck, Polarisation, Polarization, Gravitational Waves, Stochastic, early universe, In-In, effective field theory, bianchi, dynamical systems, G3, G2, tetrad, inhomogeneous, anisotropic, modified gravity, trispectrum, bispectrum, graviton; Minkowski Functional; MFs; non-gaussianity; gaussianity; topology; magnetic fields; black hole; IMR; postNewtonian; PN; post-Newtonian; post Newtonian; numerical relativity;
Erik Shirokoffastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, WMAP
Elsa Ramosastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, ALMA, CAMB, LensPix, CMBfast, clusters of galaxies, point-sources, polarization, SZE, dark energy, foregrounds, filters
Catherine Watkinsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcreionization, 21cm, cosmology, statistics, first stars
Gary Mamonastro-phdark matter, galaxy (redshift )?survey, (orbital|velocity) anisotropy, mass profile, mergers, compact groups, deprojection, backsplash
Chunshan Linastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Fabio Ioccoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Henry Joy McCrackenastro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
warintorn sreethawonghep-ph,hep-thdark matter
Suprit Singhgr-qc,hep-th,astro-phhawking,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Michel Piatastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, planck
Maurizio Tomasiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck
Jacopo Chevallardastro-phdust attenuation, IMF, spectral synthesis
Laura Wolzastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, radio, intensity mapping, redshift, interferometry
Barnaby Roweastro-ph,gr-qcweak grav, lens, gravitational, lensing, PSF, shape measure, flexion, dark (matter|energy), Bayes, profile, halo, simulat, cosm[oi], photometric redshift, photo-z, sub-structure, substructure, image analysis, sampling, Nyquist, microwave background, inflat, CMB, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, planck, sunyaev, WMAP
Michael Hirschastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,,physics.optics,statcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,deconv,conv,deblurring,spatially-varying,PSF
Azadeh Moradinezhadastro-ph, hep-th, hep-ph, gr-qccosmology, inflation, reionization, CMB, Planck, modified gravity, 21cm measurment, dark matter, dark energy, cosmological perturbation, cosmological, universe, cosmic, WMAP, Weak lensing, simulations, string cosmology, big bang, contracting, DBI, ekpyrotic, superluminal, Primordial, black holes, lorantz violation,non-Gaussianity
Christian Byrnesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial
Joseph Lanouxastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy cluster, agn, radio halo, radio relics, x-ray
Abraham Hartegr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Brendan Griffenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcglobular cluster, dwarf galax, ionisation, ionization, cosmological simulation, SPH, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, WMAP, missing satellite, ionisation, arepo, smooth particle, Milky Way, Milky-way, neutrino, interstellar medium, ISM
Doreen Wackeroth (dow)astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,LHC,QCD,top,NLO,radiative corrections,SUSY,MSSM,electroweak,Tevatron
Christopher S Redinohep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SUSY
Christopher Redinohep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SUSY
Alexander Moreno Bricenohep-ph,hep-th,hep-exsupersymmetry, mssm, nmssm, Higgs boson, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kristina Krylovahep-th,hep-ph,hep-ex,qr-qc,astro-phCMS,
Tula Bernalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, mond, modified gravity, alternative, burst
Cathy Bernaciakhep-ph,hep-th,gr-qchigher order, qcd, NLO, NNLO, electroweak, mssm, cmssm, standard model, parton shower, powheg, wzgrad, supersymmetry,
Carlo Rovelligr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phloop,quantum gravity, spinfoam, spin, spin network,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Avto Kharchilavahep-ex, hep-ph, hep-th, astro-ph,hep-phSUSY, Higgs, QCD, Electroweak, Standard Model, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Giulio Fabbianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Robert Cameronastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Fermi
Farbod Kamiabastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcNeutron star, pulsar, magnetar
Kellen Murphyastro-phdark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, lens, tomog
Rebecca Santanaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, lens, strong lens, tomog, power spectrum, cluster, cdm, gravitational lens, lcdm, merge, -open, -globular, universe, evol, bullet
Brett Ragozzineastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccluster, cdm, dark matter, -globular, gravitational lens, lcdm, merge, -open
Chad Greeneastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc, hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, epoch of,
Mina Rohanizadeganastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,galactic nuclei,AGN,cluster
James E Taylorastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thhalo, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, weak lens, local(?!iz), nearby, detection, dwarf, substructure, galax, group, cluster, CDM, Hudson, S(\.|imon) (D\. M.)? White, Hoekstra, Navarro, Huchra, Faber, Davis, van Waerbeke, Mellier, Balogh, McNamara, Fich, J(\.|ames) (E\.)? Taylor, Afshordi, Harris, Moore, S(\.|haun) Cole, Seljak, Mandelbaum, de Lucia, Yee, Carlberg, van den Bosch, Dekel, McCracken, Mamon, Sunyaev, SZ
Anson Wongastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativity
Stephen Roastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, hydrodynamics, galaxy group, ram pressure, bow shock
Robert Hendersonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, jet, AGN, outflow, X-ray, Chandra, ALMA, LOFAR
Rose Lernerhep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP
Maxime Trebitschastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,math-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black hole, gravit, astrophysic, backreaction, astroph
Ross O'Connellastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi](?!c.ray), inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, Planck, acoustic, compactification, igm, Lyman, firewall, clustering, perturb
Stephanie Wutschikastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcblack hole, agn, active galactic nucle
Alex Leithesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb, gravitational waves, power spectrum, spectral index, shape dynamics, inhomogeneous, LTB, Lemaitre, Tolman, Bondi
Alexander Leithesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb
Gregory Pacigaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy), big bang, quintess, reioniz
Ilana MacDonaldastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgravitational wave, gravity, black hole, hybrid waveform, post-Newtonian, numerical relativity, general relativity
Sergei Ossokinegr-qc,astro-ph,math-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, general relativity, gravitation, black holes, neutron stars
Harald Pfeiffergr-qcof
M.A. Miville-Deschenesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcturbulence, magnetic field, instability, formation, cloud, CMB, polarii(s|z)ation, microwave, primordial, matter power, Planck, WMAP, 21 cm, dust
Valerie de Lapparentastro-phdistance, scale, ladder, redshift, photom, spect, baryon, matter, dark,matter, power, spectr, galax, galac, cluster, luminosit, correlat,shape, size, bulge, disk, morholog, elliptical, spiral, lenticular, dwarf, selection, survey, catalog, formation, numeric, simulat, feedback, gas, evolution, stellar, spectrophot, structur, dust
Sundar Srinivasanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcAGB, asymptotic giant branch, evolved stars, circumstellar dust, stellar population synthesis, SPS, radiative transfer models
Boris Leistedtastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial non, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, WMAP, wavelet, curvelet, large scale structure, N-body, gaussian, quasar(s), photometr(ic|y), Planck, void, 3d
chistophe pichonastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe,Galaxy,dynamics
Jacqueline Bergeronastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcbig bang, microwave background, cosm, AGN, early universe
Nikos Prantzosastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxies, Milky Way, star formation
Damien Le Borgneastro-phgalaxy (redshift )?survey, galaxy (formation|evolution), star-formation, redshift
Rocca-Volmerange Brigitteastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Gaia, Herschel, galaxy evolution, radio galaxies
Emma Ryan-Weberastro-phIntergalactic, high-redshift
Matthew Lehnertastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, galaxy evolution
Sinziana Paduroiuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter, neutrino, structure formation, galaxy, cosmology
Michel Zamojskiastro-phgalaxy
frederic courbinastro-pha
Daniel Schaererastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy (redshift )?survey, lensing, galaxies, primordial, population, starburst, infrared, ALMA
Malte Tewesastro-phcosm[oi], lens, quasar, deconv, qso, delay, Hubble
Dessauges Miroslavaastro-phredshift, formation, evolution, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lens, galax, population, infrared, molecul, ALMA, line, millim, damped, DLA, sub-DLA, lyman, emission, absorption
panos skliasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcGalactic evolution, high (z|redshift), star formation (rate|history), (dusty|faint|distant|submillim|primordial) galax, starburst, SFR, SED , lensing, reionization, multi-wavelength, infrared, submm, UV slope, (U?)LIRG, (Hy|H)LIRG
Alexander Belikovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, (modified|quantum) gravity, DGP
Mariana Cunhaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck
Tim Tugendhatastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large-scale structure
Yohan Duboisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, gala, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kenny Lauastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, planck
Antje Putzeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-excosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic ray
Nicolas Boucheastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, feedback, galaxy evolution
Takashi Moriyaastro-phsupernovae
Jing Luanastro-phcircumplanetary disk, debris disk, protoplanetary disk, transitional disk
David Riethmillerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcfeedback, cooling, elliptical, hydro
Signe Riemer-Sorensenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc^.?
Sarah Sweetastro-phUCD, dwarf galax, tidal dwarf, cluster, galax, group, IFU, integral field, 2D spectr, 3D spectr, star form, star-form, kinematic, metal, chemi, abundance, telescop, observator, atmospher, instrument, integral field, integral-field, spectroscop,
Conor O'Neillastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neural network, ANN, photom redshift estim
Holger Baumgardtastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdwarf, Dwarf, dark matter, globular, star cluster, star formation, SMBH, IMBH, intermediate mass, hypervelocity, black hole, M31, supermassive, UCD, Sagittarius, bulge, segue, ultra-compact dwarfs, the
Joel Pfefferastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcnbody, (N|.)-body, (cosmological|hydrodynamical) simulation, subhalo, cosmological(-zoom| zoom| context), (galaxy|star) form, galaxy (mergers|collisions), (globular|star|stellar|open|young massive) cluster, nuclear (star)?cluster, cluster formation(| efficiency), multiple( | stellar) population, (initial|cluster) mass function, intermediate( |-)age clusters, molecular cloud, (disc|disk|early-type|S0|lenticular|dwarf|satellite) galax, UCD, ultra(|.)compact dwarf, dwarf (elliptical|spheroidal), dSph, ultra(.)diffuse galax, (stellar|tidal) stream, ram pressure, super(|.)massive black hole, SMBH, intermediate(.)mass black hole, IMBH, Milky Way dis(c|k), Local Group, stellar halo, Galactic Bulge, galactic structure, Virgo cluster, Disk of Satellites, EAGLE, COLIBRE, E-MOSAICS, Gaia, JWST, James Webb
Gareth Murphyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcweibel, plasma, simulation, star formation, gamma ray bursts, magnetohydrodynamics, supernovae
Eric Greenwoodastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcBlack Holes, gravitational collapse, modified gravity, topological defects
Bryan Gillisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter, gravitational lens, (weak|strong) grav, shear, magnification, galaxy (group|cluster), photo(metric|-z|z), tidal stripping, stripping
smriti mahajanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxies, clusters, dwarf galaxies, star formation, AGN, evolution,
Shihong Liaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitational (wave|radiation), cosmic string, LIGO, LISA
Liao Shihongastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravitational (wave|radiation), cosmic string, Planck, LIGO, LISA, gravity wave,halo,large scale structure, cluster, filament, sheet, wall, void, 21cm, Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect, sz effect, GADGET-2, weak lensing, modified gravity, N-body simulation, cosmology
Pieter G Miedemaastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP
Victoria Nemanashiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Galaxies
Sebastian Seeharsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, (21-cm|21 cm), neutral hydrogen, intensity mapping
Dimitar Vlaykovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, math.NA,nlin.CDMHD, turbulen, hydro, chao, dynam, LES, SGS, subgrid, cosmo, CMB, non-gauss, magn, simulat,
Tom Hassallastro-phpulsar, neutron star, LOFAR, transient, magnetar
Yusra AlSayyadastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcQSO, quasar, machine, database, absorption line, IGM, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, extinction
Markus Roelligastro-phISM, PDR, photodissociation, chemistry, star formation, CII, OI, line, clumpy, interstellar matter
Erick Almarazastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Walter Santosastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster, group
Lyndsay Oldastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi],galaxy cluster,groups, mass, velocity dispersion, galaxies, clusters, dynamics, CMB, dark (matter|energy), galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, X-ray,universe, WMAP
Andrew Matashep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, massive gravity, gravity, extra, Kaluza-Klein, dimension, braneworld, inflation, black hole, degravitation, DGP, space, pulsar, Dvali, Durrer, Tolley, Burgess, Maggiore, Wyman, Geshnizjani, Afshordi, Gabadadze, Deffayet, Khoury, bubble, Rattazzi, Arkani, Maggiore, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, Burrage, Seery, Nicolis, Goldstone, Classicalizing, Classicalization
Andrew A Matashep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, massive gravity, gravity, extra, Kaluza-Klein, dimension, braneworld, inflation, black hole, degravitation, DGP, space, pulsar, Dvali, Durrer, Tolley, Burgess, Maggiore, Wyman, Geshnizjani, Afshordi, Gabadadze, Deffayet, Khoury, bubble, Rattazzi, Arkani, Maggiore, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, Burrage, Seery, Nicolis, Goldstone, Classicalizing, Classicalization
Avery Broderickastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcjet, accretion, gamma, black hole, neutron star, white dwarf, hydrodynamic, magnetic, Faraday, VLBI,
Jeff Cookeastro-phhigh redshift supernova, type IIn, pair-instability, super-luminous supernova, population III, lyman break galax, lyman alpha emit, wide-field survey, high redshift merg, high redshift interact,damped lyman alpha systems, mgII systems, HeII
Santiago Casasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large scale structure
Ian Parrishastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccluster, hole, wind, accretion, jet, conduction, instability
Hugh Dickinsonastro-phgamma-ray
Farnier Christianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,statcosm[oi],dark (matter|energy),binary,gamma
Elena Morettiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,GRB, polarization
David Gerdesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, photometric, photo-z, supernov, cluster, baryon, BAO
Chris Thompsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qchigh energy astrophysics
lotfi boubekeurastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial.
Martin Bourneastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcAGN, SMBH, black hole, accretion, simulation, galaxy, Active Galactic Nuclei, feedback, feeding, quasar, galactic, supernova, super nova, supermassive
Thibault Garelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lyman-alpha, high-redshift, semi-analytic, LBG, LAE, LLS, reionisation
Thomas Armstrongastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgamma, CTA, Cherenkov, dark (matter|energy), VHE, Fermi, H.E.S.S., HESS, V.E.R.I.T.A.S., veritas, magic,
Aurel Schneiderastro-phcosm[oi], warm dark matter, CMB, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, simulation
Niall MacCrannastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, strong lens, modified gravity
Alex Mersonastro-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lensing, semi-analytic, GALFORM, mock, galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, clustering, correlation function, power spectrum, Millennium, baryonic acoustic oscillation, initial mass function, IMF
Charles Fieldastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcaccretion disk, accretion, turbulence, Eddington limit, neutron star, black hole, AGN, quintess, matter power, reionization,clusters, ISW,modified gravity,CMB, dark (matter|energy)
Juan Carlos Degolladoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgeneral relativity, black holes,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Pouria Khalajastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcmultiple stellar populations,multiple populations,MSP,nbody,n-body,globular cluster,GC,OB stars,star cluster,open cluster,Fornax,mass function,star formation,binary fraction,IMBH,gas expulsion,FRMS,AGB,herschel,gaia,dendrogram,PPV,mass segregation,clustering,IMBH
Adam Clarkeastro-phAMR
Scott Balfourastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcstar formation,triggered, HII regions SPH,O Stars,B stars,ionisation
Hazel Martindaleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, HI
Shaun Hotchkissastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Evan O'Connorastro-ph,nucl-thsupernova, neutrino, black hole, massive star
Juha Jäykkähep-th,math-ph,hopf(?!= algebra), ginzburg, abrikosov, skyrme, faddeev, babaev, knot, hopfion, vort(ex|ices), (s|baby.s)kyrmion, soliton, topological
J. Michael Boteler, PhDgr-qc, astro-ph, hep-ex, > hep-th > arXiv:1211.4848
Ira *Wolfsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
dimitri sklirosastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcstring, brane, quantum, perturbative, classical, non-perturbative, cosm[oi]
Mark Neyrinckastro-ph.CO,astro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitation, lensing, entropy, information, dark-matter halo
Maria Archidiaconoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], neutrino, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jeff Mangumastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy, star formation, starburst, planet, calibration
Nalin Vutisalchavakulastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcstar formation, galactic,ism, molecular cloud
Simon Saundersquant-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, constant, anthropic, Botzmann
Josef Pradlerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-excosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, BBN, nucleosyn, lithium, neutrino
Alexander Eggemeierastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), vacuum, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, aniso, baryon, BAO, phase, correlation, stat, PLANCK, bispectrum, galaxy bias
Sam Cusworthastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, modified, Large scale structure, LSS, galaxy formation, structure formation, gravity, spherical collapse, Lorentz, chameleon, fifth force, equivalence principle, "galaxy cluster", correlation function, n-body, simulation
Leith Godfreyastro-phAGN, quasar, radio-mode, SKA, radio galax[yi]
Mikkel Stockmannastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, BAO, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK, homogeneity, isotropy, superstructure, cosm[oi] simulation, cosm[oi] perturbation, Hubble, redshift, filament, neutrino, voids, velocity anisotropy, Jeans, dynamical friction, violent relaxation, quiescent, compact, NIR, submillimeter, SMG, lyman
Caroline Van Bormastro-phprimordial, primeval, black hole, seed, collaps, supermassive, super mass, population III, pop III
Selma de Minkastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcfirst stars, pop III stars, reionization, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Petr Tinyakovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic ray, FERMI, magnetic field, modified gravity, black hole, gravitational wave
Jesus Torradoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, orbifold
Eduardo J. Ruizastro-ph.COcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster
Arya Farahiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Field Theory, Inflation, Computational
Abhiram Kidambihep-th,gr-qc,math-ph,hep-ph,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, brane, black, grav, higg, stand
Efrain Torresastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcpreheating, reheating, black hole, primordial black holes, PBH, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
ChungChi Leeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmology, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cosimo Bambigr-qc,astro-phblack hole, jet, qpo
Claudia Antoliniastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck
Natalya Lyskovaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, clusters
Eugene Churazovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black hole, galaxy cluster
Gert Huetsiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, N-body, X-ray, gamma-ray, AGN, cluster, BAO, baryon acoustic
Alex Kolodzigastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, X-ray, Active Galactic Nuclei, AGN, baryon acoustic, BAO, eROSITA, clustering, Large scale structure, LSS, X-ray luminosity function, XLF, supermassive black hole, SMBH
Massimo Gaspariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy, cluster, group, black holes, ICM, IGM, ISM, simulations
Philipp Wullsteinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP
Christian Wagnerastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrino, large scale, halo, simulation
Xun Shiastro-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Behnam Javanmardiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, supernova
Elliot Nelsoncs.LG,stat.ML,cs.NE,cs.RO,cs.AI,cs.MA,cs.CV,cs.CL,cs.CE,cs.HC,cs.IT,quant-phOpenAI, DeepMind, Hinton, Bengio, LeCun, Schmidhuber Sutskever, Goodfellow, Olah, Christiano, Amodei, Critch, Hadfield-Menell, David Ha, Yarin Gal, C. Jess Riedel, C. J. Riedel, Cotler, Vidal, Tegmark, Seth Lloyd, Scott Aaronson, Stoudenmire, Sean M. Carroll, Don N. Page, Arkani-Hamed, Juan Maldacena, Juan M. Maldacena, Susskind, Silverstein, Steven Weinberg, Frank Wilczek, Suddhasattwa Brahma, Shandera
Seyed Mohammad Hoseini Raastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcglobular cluster, segregation, open cluster, star cluster
Vanessa Smerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, dark energy, WMAP
Simon Birrrerastro-ph, astro-cocosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, lensing
Andrina Nicolaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, covariance, Bryonic acoustic oscillations, large scale, gravitational waves, ligo, shear, lensing, bessel
Claudio Brudererastro-phcosmolog, cosm, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, strong lens, wide-field, image simulation, correlation function, magnification
Michele Maggiorehep-th,gr-qc,astro-phcosmo, dark energy, massive gravity, -cosmic ray, degravitation, DGP, Dvali, Gabadadze, De Rham, Tolley, Arkani, Fierz-Pauli, massive spin-2, galileon, non-local, nonlocal, Maggiore
Paola Rodriguez Hidalgoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy (redshift )?survey, galaxy (redshift )?survey, quasar, agn, black hole, smbh, galaxy mass, active galactic (nuclei|nucleus), qso, Hubble, x-ray, cChandra, XMM, AGN, feedback, outflow, jet, winds, accretion, AGN, XMM, radio, quasar absorption lines, CIV, MgII, OVI, NV, FeII
Max Gronkeastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark energy, screening mechanism, modified gravity, galaxy (redshift )?survey, radiativ(e)?, symmetron, chameleon, NFW halo, cluster of galaxies, (N|$N$)[ -]body, simulat(ion|ing)?(s)?, bullet (cluster)?, lyman(-)?(\alpha|alpha)?, Ly(-)?(a|\alpha|alpha|$\alpha$), Ly.?alpha, equivalent width, LAE, LBG, (era of)? reionization, EoR, monte carlo, HETDEX, MUSE, IMF, dark ages, galileon, galax(y|ies), high redshift, Green Pea(s)?, clumpy, ISM, CGM, hydrogen, neutral hydrogen, interstellar medium, circumgalactic, hydrogen, "HI ", escape fraction, DCBH, CR7, direct collapse black hole, Oslo, Mota, Winther, Llinares, Dijkstra, Weller, Kuffmeier, ramses, Teyssier, Yan-Chuan Cai, Rhoads, Verhamme, Laursen, Prochaska, Ouchi, Haehnelt, Hayes, Östlin, Haiman, Vanzella, Cantalupo
Mike Curtisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy formation, arepo, hydro, simulation, AGN, feedback
Jia-Long Johnny Yehastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcCMB, polarization, big bang, microwave background, universe, string
Gansukh Tumurtushaaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cosmic microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Benjamin Joachimiastro-ph,stat,hep-phcosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, intrinsic alignment, galaxy alignment,
Mohammad Hoseiniradastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcstar cluster, globular cluster, segregation, mass function, size scale, halo, mond, nfw, filament, gravitational instability, molecular cloud, ambipolar, instability, clump, planet, accretion, phantom, gandalf, gizmo, SIDM, magnetic field, SFR, SFE, TNG
Niels Oppermannastro-ph,, gr-qcreconstruct, bayes, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Shinya Miyakeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, molecular, atomic, reionization, HII region, PDR, photodissociation region, radiative transfer, monte carlo, interstellar medium, high redshift, early universe, Pop III,
Duy Cuong Nguyenastro-phspectroscopy
stephane colombiastro-phcosmology, dark matter, galaxy
Ryan Everettastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravity waves
Rhys Morrisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcplanetary nebula PN AGB
Marc Maneraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], void, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Chad Finleyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,hep-exIceCube,PINGU
Tom Kuiperastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcradio, comput, instrum, lightning, protostar, corona, IPM, electrostatic
Curt Cutlerastro-ph,gr-qc, hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, gravitational waves, black holes
Sandrine Codisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe
Andrew Fowliehep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phsusy, supersymmetry, lhc, dark matter, dm, wimp, bayes
Paulo Santosastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qctower scalar fields, quantum gravity
Mark Hertzberghep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qcinflaton, inflation, CMB, dark matter, dark energy, quantum gravity, string theory, primordial, modified gravity, matter power, axion, effective field theory, spin 2, cosmological constant, hierarchy problem, cosmic strings, black hole, general relativity, many worlds, anthropic, hawking, reheating, horndeski
David M. Hernandezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcsymplectic, integration, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mariusz Dabrowskiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zachary Kentonhep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph.COcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, fold, string, gravity, effective, brane,
akshay singhphysicsmos2
Alexander Westphalhep-th,hep-ph,gr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, PLANCK, string, gravitational wave, LIGO, curvat, AdS, dS, de Sitter, strange metal, non-Fermi liquid, hologra, quantum gra, flux, black hole, generalized geom, (non|non-)geom, Calabi-Yau, F-theory, M-theory, matrix theory, Lifshitz, landscape, compactif, heterotic, manifold, 3-fold, 4-fold, (three |three-)fold, (four |four-)fold, K3, brane, 3-brane, 4-brane, 5-brane, D-brane, D3-brane, D4-brane, D5-brane, NS5-brane, M2-brane, M5-brane, FRW, tunnel, entropy, entangle, axion, ALP, Shandera, LoVerde, Jason Kumar, Ashtekar, Bojowald, Fasiello, Andrew S. Friedman, Byrnes, David Wands, Khoury, Creminelli, Senatore, Clifford Cheung, Daniel Green, Baumann, Flauger, Zaldarriaga, Liam Fitzpatrick, Liam McAllister, Austin Joyce, Matthew Lewandowski, Kamionkowski, Seljak, Loeb, Seery, Giddings, Sloth, Richard Holman, R. Holman, Shirley Ho, Kleban, Dubovsky, Kendrick Smith, Hinterbichler, Trodden, Neil Barnaby, Lorenzo Sorbo, Jessica L. Cook, Marco Peloso, Agar wall, Kazuya Koyama, Komatsu, Lyth, Liddle, Firouzjahi, Takahiro Tanaka, Urakawa, Xian Gao, Riotto, Gary Shiu, Cooray, D'Amico, Hiranya Peiris, Federico R. Urban, Sonia Paban, Linde, Kallosh, Vilenkin, Mukhanov, Guth, Tolley, David Tong, Turok, Xingang Chen, Brandenberger, Henry Tye, Shamit Kachru, Kinney, Erickcek, Pajer, Hirata, Verde, Huterer, Bean, Matarrese, Dodelson, Spergel, Sasaki, Glenn Starkman, Kinney, Donghui Jeong, Easther, Adshead, Wayne Hu, Brian Greene, Scott Watson, Mark G. Jackson, Thorsten Battefeld, Edward W. Kolb, Juan Maldacena, Juan M. Maldacena, Susskind, Arkani-Hamed, Silverstein, Steven Weinberg, Witten, Diederik Roest, David Marsh, Hawking, Strominger, Seiberg, Polchinski, Bousso, T. Banks, Tom Banks, Don N. Page, Marolf, Lisa Randall, Andreas Albrecht, Sean M. Carroll, Aguirre, Matthew C. Johnson, Burgess, Tegmark, Lawrence Krauss, Srednicki, Woodard, Barrow, Peebles, Van Raamsdonk, Hertog, Hartle, Kaloper, Rummel, Francisco G. Pedro, Conlon, Cicoli, Quevedo, Dimopoulos, Bart Horn, Xi Dong, Harlow, Maltz, Montero, Valenzuela, Ibanez, Uranga, Marchesano, Hebecker, Weigand, Roest, Grimm, Skliros, Reece
Sophia Goldbergastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb, gravitational waves, power spectrum, spectral index, shape dynamics, large scale structure, backreaction, post-newtonian
Subodh Patilhep-th, astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ophélia Fabreastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe
Kaloian Lozanovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reheating, preheating, Higgs, gauge, loop, magnetogen, proca, baryogenesis, equation of state, equation-of-state, chiral, gravitational waves, de Sitter
Mikael Toresenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcLyman-alpha,Radiative Transfer,Wouthysen-Field,21cm
Bruno Moraesastro-ph[ ]
Tomo Gotoastro-phAKARI, NTHU, reionization, re-ionization, LAE, Goto
ali rezaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcquark stars,neutron stars,compact object
Viraj Sanghaigr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th, math-ph, physics.hist-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, perturb, gravitational waves, power spectrum, spectral index, shape dynamics, black hole, inhomogeneity, inhomogeneous, modified gravity, post newtonian, general relativity, FLRW, Friedmann Lemaitre Robertson Walker, backreaction, weak lensing, gravitational lensing, Post-Newtonian, Universe, junction
Zu-Cheng Chenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,f(r),f(t)
Klaus Doerbeckerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK
Eirik Svaneshep-th,hep-ph,mathheterotic,Green,Schwarz,Strominger,moduli,domain
Christina Kreischastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Carisa Millerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, chameleon
Raymond Fowlerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Standard Model, CPT, [vV]iolation, [lL]orentz, [hH]alo, [iI]nteraction, [lL]agrangian, scalar, stellar formation, kaon, [fF]unctional, UV completion, [eE]ntangle, [eE]ntropy
Ivan de Martinoastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, f(R), modified gravity
Marius Berge Eideastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcreion, galaxy (formation|simulation), high-(redshift|z), dark ages, epoch of reionisation, reionization, Lyman, Lyman-(alpha|a), Ly(-a|a|$α$), Lyman alpha, polarisation, polarization, Lyα, 21 cm, dijkstra, gronke, mas-ribas, kakiichi, vrbanec, ciardi, lazeyras, graziani, busch, stuecker, hayes, Glatzle,bias, tensions, QSO, emissivity, forest, Helium, madau, riemer-sorensen, madau, 21, radiative transfer, gaia, phase space, McKinnon, Karpov, Glatzle, herenz
Sander Busastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcCMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, forest, reionization, EoR, cosmic dawn, dark ages, reionisation
ritaban chatterjeeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcagn, quasar, blazar, active, nuclei, time variability, x-ray binary, black hole, supermassive, jet,accretion, accretion disk, disk
Daniel Schubringastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qca,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
Johannes Lohmannnlin, cond-mat,cs.AI, stat.ML, q-bio.CB, q-bio.MNreservoir computing, boolean network, deep learning
Jennifer Y H Chanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], reionization, SKA, magnetic fields, primordial
Ridwan Barbhuiyanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgalaxy (redshift )?survey, halo, correlation function, galaxy clustering, SDSS, GAMA, VISTA, kids, groups, cluster, bias, dark matter
Anton LukyanenkomathHeisenberg group, Carnot, LeDonne, Le Donne, Capogna, Bonk, Magnani, Merenkov, Wenger
William Jenningsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, radio
Michelle Lochnerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, bayesian
Pedro Carrilhoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quantum gravity, Higgs, black hole, perturbation, relativ, isocurvature, magnetogenesis
Charalambos Pittordisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, escape fraction, reionization, quasar, black holes, formation of black holes, z-dropout, high-z, high-redshift, strong lensing, strong gravitational lensing, strong grav lens, gravity, modified gravity, GAIA, Gaia, gaia, wide binaries, wide binary, MOND, MONDian, modified newtonian, binaries, stellar binaries, dynamics, modified GR, gravitational, weak field gravity, weak gravity, luminosity functions, luminosity function, bayesian, baye's statistics, statistic, neutron binary, gravitational waves, neutron stars, neutron binaries, neutron star, gravitational wave, kilonova, kilonovae
Isaac Waldsteinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravity, general relativity
Ellis Owenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cosmic ray, gamma, black hole, neutron star, reionization, recombination, clumping, AGN, jets
Kari Helgasonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CIB, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, cross-correlation, primordial, first stars, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, infrared background, CXB
Aniket Agrawalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large,
Patricia Larsenastro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, alignments
Julian van Eykenastro-phexoplanet, extrasolar, planet, protoplanet, radial velocity, transit, microlens, kepler, KOI, substellar
Sohyun Parkgr-qc, astro-ph,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Brajesh Guptastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck
Sonke Heeastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-phCMB, planck, dark energy, "DE", quintess, WMAP, Bayes, microwave background, hobson, lasenby, feroz, handley, multinest, polychord, cosmomc, inflat, big bang, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, cosm[oi]
Maturi Matteoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, strong lensing, planck, universe, WMAP, principal component, pca
Elizabeth Gouldgr-qc, quant-ph, astro-ph.CO, hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Amanda Moffettastro-phgalaxy, group, environment, structure, evolution, counterrotation, early type, Elliptical, S0, RESOLVE, GAMA
Andreas Brunthalerastro-phmaser, supernova, local group, milky way, the
Kelly Maloneastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgrb, burst, cherenkov, cerenkov, gamma, gamma ray, cosmic ray, HAWC
giridhar kulkarnihep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion monodromy, natural inflat
Alessandro Di Marcoastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, early universe CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, string theory, supersimmetry, supergravity, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Klaus M. Sattlerastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, PLANCK,BICEP,KECK
Andres A. Plazas Malagonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ccd, survey, instr
suvodip mukherjeeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitational wave, cosmological parameters, axion, dark matter, dark energy, halo, structure formation, reionization, 21 cm, hemispherical asymmetry, power spectrum, large scale structure, BAO, effective field theory, galaxy formation, zeldovich
Daniela Carrascoastro-phhigh redshift galaxy, reionization, luminosity function, random forest
Kayla Redmondastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Carina Negreanuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcmodified gravity, infla, gravity,
Lizzie Gibneyhep-ex,astro-ph,cond-mat,hep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,physicsCMB, dark (matter|energy), inflat, big bang, microwave background, primordial, weirdness, unexpected, ALMA, amino acid, superconductivity, 2D, quantum biology
amadeus witzemannastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], 21cm, intensity mapping, HI, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, refregier, paranjape, seehars, sheth, clarkson, weltman, murugan, Bull
Luke Hartastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Valentina Salvatelliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
suhail dhawanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, supernova
Tariq Blecherastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcvlbi,mm-vlbi,troposphere,simulat,dark
Charles Hellabygr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-phszekeres,lemaitre,tolman,krasinski,bolejko,sussman,lake,ellis,maartens,clarkson,horizon,rasanen,yoo,nakao
Ira Georggr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thSzekeres (model|metric), exact solution, Killing vector, LRS, Dunsby, Ellis, Clarkson
Nicolás Bernalhep-ph,astro-phdark matter
Kyle Sheppardastro-phdark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, weak lens, universe, WMAP, exoplanet, planet, kepler, atmosphere
Sukannya Bhattacharyaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, cosmomc, PLANCK
Murad Tovmasyancond-mat, quant-ph, math-phtopology, phase transition, topological order, topological phases, order parameter, dynamical order, dynamical phase transitions, thermalization, relaxation, quench, dynamical phases, dynamical phase transitions, localization, many-body localization, MBL
Lavinia Heisenbergastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, massive gravity
Przemyslaw Malkiewiczastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcsingularity, quantum gravity, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, universe, WMAP
MingJian Zhangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmology, CMB, WMAP, supernovae, BAO, dark energy
Shailee Varsha Imrithastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcinflation, delta N formalism, curvature perturbations, CMB, Primordial non-Gaussianity, non-Gaussianity, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, primordial black holes, ultracompact minihalos, schwarzschild
Mahmood Roshanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcMOG, modified gravity, MOND, Jeans, Toomre, gravitational instability,
Sarah Bosmanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdawn, reioni, quasar, metal absor, Lyman, forest, LAE, intergalactic medium, 1215, C IV, QSO, Mg II, EoR, LBG, first star, Pop III, escape fraction, DLA, AGN, early gala, IGM, CGM, galaxy form, intervening, circumgalactic, Ly, high-redshift, luminosity function, metagalactic, cosmic dawn, cosmic time, 21cm, Population III
Jessie Durkgr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phinhom, brans, scalar-tensor, ΛCDM, lattice, discrete, black hole
Abdulla Al Mamongr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, parametrization, data analysis
Marek Rogatkoastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, black holes,
Luke Hindsonastro-phstar formation,radio,far-ir,HII,SNR,supernova,ISM,triggering,non-thermal,thermal,massive stars,high-mass,formation,massive,bubbles,bubbles,clouds,cosmic rays,dust extinction,evolution,HII regions,kinematics and dynamics,molecules,supernova remnants,Galaxy formation,dwarf,dwarf galaxy,evolution,interactions,starburst,star formation,ISM,Infrared,Radio continuum,Radio line,Submillimeter,,molecular cloud,triggered,feedback,SKA,molecular,radiocontinuum,ionised,low frequency
Pablo Lemosastro-ph, gr-qc, CoRR, statcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, Hubble, tension, suspiciousness, likelihood-free, Machine learning, graph net, symbolic regression
Kevin Tsangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccepheid, fourier
dmitri semikozastro-ph,hep-phcosmic rays, astrophysical neutrinos, gamma-rays
Husni Almoubayyedastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy redshift survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Darsh Kodwaniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, pulsars, AdS
Pasha Bolokhovhep-th, hep-ph,gr-qc, astro-phsupersymmetry, confinement, soliton, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrius Popovasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcexoplanet, planetary science, atmosphere, comsmochemistry
Jon Washerenucl-ex,hep-ex,hep-ph,astro-phneutrino, neutrinoless, double-beta, double beta, beta decay, weak interaction, baryon asymmetry, CUORE, MAJORANA, GERDA, KamLAND, EXO, majoran, lepton violation, lepton number,
Miguel Patoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-exdark matter, big bang, cosmic ray, gamma ray, rotation curve
joby pkastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrei Mesingerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey,, universe, reionization
Martin Topinkaastro-phgamma-ray burst, GRB, machine learning, classification, survey, afterglow
Giovanni Marozzi2astro-ph,gr-qc, hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Raj Kunkolienkarhep-th,gr-qc, astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, holography, AdS/CFT, AdS, dS, CFT, universe, WMAP
Lucila Kraiselburdastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark, big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )
Weikang Linastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gokhan Turcs.AI, cs.CLdeep learning, language understanding, dialog systems
Jenny Martinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP
V.H. Belvadiastro-ph,hep-th,cond-mat,gr-qc,hep-ex,quant-ph,physicsRCB,HdC,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, diffract, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe
Oscar Roblesastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-excosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, BAO
Evan Halsteadgr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, quintess
Giovanni Acquavivaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, universe, Planck, black hole, quantum gravity, horizon
Tao Yangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravitational-waves
Shouvik Roychoudhuryhep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phneutri,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sunny Vagnozzihep-ph,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-exdark matter, inflation, small-scale, small scale, missing satellite, f\(, mimetic, Horndeski, wormhole, neutrino, scale-dependent bias, solar abundance problem, solar metallicity problem, inverted hierarchy, dissipative
Guilherme Franzmannastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP
evan mcdonoughastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, goldstino, nilpotent, "supergravity inflation", anti-brane, reheating
Carolina Queirozastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift survey), universe, WMAP, quasar, photometric redshift, non-gaussianity
Mark Mirmelsteinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravit, modif,
Rafael Christ de Castro Lastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, f(R), spherical collapse
Marcos Limaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, cluster, modified gravity, correlation, spectrum
Ryo Nambaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP, Planck, gravitational waves, magnetic, non-gaussian, massive gravity, modified gravity, scalar-tensor, scalar-vector, vector-tensor
Albin Nilssongr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
A Kornhep-ex,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, WMAP, sensor,CCD
Cora Uhlemannastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], large scale structure, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), gravitational dynamics, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe
Luis Raul Abramoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe,
Pavel Motlochastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Thomas Clarkegr-qc,hep-th,hep-ph^.?
Mathew S Madhavacherilastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lewis Weinbergerastro-ph.CO, astro-ph.GAcosm[oi], dark matter, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, reion
Rupal Mittalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, star formation, brightest cluster galaxies, stellar population synthesis
Hannah E. Rossastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], reioni, cosmic dawn, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, quasars, x-ray heating, age
smriti inspireastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, SDSS, clusters, GAMA, filaments, feedback, agn, star formation, large scale structure,lensing, black hole, abell
Ankit Singhastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,Ram pressure,RAMSES
Juhi Tiwariastro-phgalaxies, galaxy evolution, solar evolution, dark energy, dark matter, metallicity, radio astronomy, gravitational lensing
Tasha Gautamastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, gravitation, space, time, geometry, curvature,pulsar, black holes, binar
Manvendra Pratapastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmology, inflat, gravity, black, emergent, MOND, EM Drive, Numerical relativity, quantum gravity
Jose Juan Blanco-Pilladohep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, topological defects, cosmic strings
Avinash Singhastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thquintessence, tachyon, tachyonic ,scalar field, dark energy, dark matter, perturbation, structure formation, CMB, dark (matter|energy), cosm[oi], inflat,, big bang, microwave background, primordial, , matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Devika Shobhanaastro-phEMU,milky way, abundance, chemical tagging, galactic archaeology, metallicity, asteroseismology, stellar interiors, pulsation, pulsators, TESS, fast radio bursts, FRB, radio transients, pulsars, neutron star, supercluster,large scale structure,cluster,galaxy evoluion,galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, UV emission,coma supercluster,star formation,environments,survey
Ashish K Meenaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgravitational lensing, weak lensing, strong lensing, lensing, bending
Prashansa Guptaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcplanet, white dwarf, brown dwarf, gas giant, Gänsicke, mike, brown, fortney, radio, interferometry, spherical, harmonics, ooty, OWFA
Hanyu Zhangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rohit guptahep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Quark Gluon Plasma, Heavy Ion Collision
Katy Cloughastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, weak lens, universe, numerical relativity, critical collapse
Thomas Helferastro-ph,gr-qcnumerical, simulation, general relativity, axion, NR, black holes, BBH, ligo, cosmic strings, solitons, topological defects, oscillo, numerical general relativity, merger
Daniel Cuttingastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcphase transition, gravitational waves, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, electroweak, LISA
Sourav Bhattacharyagr-qc, hep-th, astro-ph, hep-phblack holes, large scale structures, de Sitter, CMB, dark matter/energy, big bang, early universe
Fernando Moucherekastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ali OVGUNgr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,black hole, wormhole, hawking radiation
Andrei Lindeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosmology, inflation, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe
Sofie Marie Koksbangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Anthea L Kingastro-phquasar, active galactic nuclei, broad, accretion, disk
Luca Tortorelliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, MUSE
Marc Murison (murison)astro-phsolar system, dynamics, celestial mechanics, chaos, N-body, three-body problem, white dwarf eclipsing binary
Sten Delosastro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, (weak|strong) lens, (micro|mini)halo, BBN, density profile, subhalo, thermal history, reheat, prompt cusp, excursion set
Louis Coatesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, N-Body, simulation, SKA, bispectrum, bi-spectrum
Akanksha kapahtiaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,reioinization ,21cm, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tirthankar Roy Choudhuryastro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), reionization, reionisation, 21cm, 21 cm, 21-cm, neutral hydrogen, galaxy formation, IGM, intergalactic medium, lyman, dwarf spheroidal, direct collapse black hole, luminosity function, cosmological simulation, cosmology, intensity mapping, structure formation, large scale structure, cosmic dawn, SKA, Square Kilometre Array, cosmic dawn
Robin Boothastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, weak lens, universe
Mattia Minaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), simulation, numerics, numerical, N-body, hydrodynamics, baryon, baryons, quantum hydrodynamics, big bang, primordial, matter power, weak lens, universe
Chris Usherastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc(globular|star|stellar|open) cluster, abundance, halo, metallicity, age, metal, stellar population, gala, archaeology, atmosphere, evolution
Thomas Binnieastro-ph, gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], cosmology, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, SKA, primordial, 21cm, Reionization, galaxy, galaxies, universe, WMAP, Planck
Carlos Henrique Limahep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phhiggs, composite, beyond, yang-mills, group, strong.
Ruifeng Donggr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,black hole ,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Johannes Nollerastro-ph.CO,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, modified gravity, galile, Horn, symmet, general relativity
Eline Maaike de Weerdastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, math-ph, math,, math.ST,cosm[oi], bispectrum, power spectrum, galaxy, non-gauss, non-linear, bias, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), general rela, SKA, Euclid, DES, DESI, LSST, large scale structure, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, relativi, black hole, (quantum) field theory, spacetime, spacetimes
Masaki Yamadaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy|radiation), big bang, primordial, weak lens, universe, WMAP, baryo, landscape, axi, super, SUSY, gravitational wave, black hole, oscillon, ball, monopole,
Nicolas Angelidesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, WIMP
Mohammad Hossein Namjooastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, axion, universe, WMAP, dark energy
Joshua Bergerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,hep-ex,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, LHC, axion, SUSY, super, composit
Louis Clavelliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,supersymmetry
Lucas Lombriserastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe
Lucas Porthastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-tLSS, weak lens, RSD, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, WMAP
Jake Littererastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, (gravitational) wave
Steve Goldmanastro-ph.SRcircumstellar, maser, agb, asymptotic giant branch, lmc, smc, mass loss, period
Eric David Kramerhep-ph,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-thCMB, dark (matter|disk), microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, kinematic, GAIA, interstellar gas, Milky Way, dark disk, rotation curve, MOND, LSB, tully-fisher, axion, (direct|indirect) detection, WIMP, LSP
Adelie Gorceastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcCMB, microwave background, 21cm, population III, first stars, Lofar, SKA, reionization, 21 cm, EoR, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, cosmic dawn, reionisation, kSZ effect
Laurel Stephenson Haskinshep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qcinflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe, WMAP, SUSY, supersymmetr, WIMP, SIMP, axion, hierarchy, natural, domain wall
Rajesh Mondalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Antonino Trojaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, DES, PLANCK, bispectr, trispectr
Mickael Rigaultastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), Type Ia, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lukas Hergtastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, initial cond
Erik Lentzastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion,
William Reachastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccomet, infrared, dust, infrared, zodiacal, supernova remnant, dark gas
Vinícius Terraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
India Friswellastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcweak lens
Eduardo Jubini de Meríciastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[o], component separation, foreground removal, neutral hydrogen, 21 cm, 21-cm, intensity mapping, BAO, baryonic acoustic oscillation, map-making, map making, pipeline, 1/f noise, time series, time ordered data, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, quintess, universe
Rees Williamsastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark matter, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, survey, weak lens
Stefano Cristianiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reionization, quasar, QSO, early Universe, evolution of galaxies, high-redshift, evolution, DLA, Lyman Limit, Deuterium, BBN, intergalactic, absorption lines, damp, forest, column density, gunn peterson, metal, Lyman, dark age, IGM, CIV, first stars, power spectrum, UV background, escape fraction, EoR, Lyman break, LAE, proximity effect, CGM, LyC, NAL, Hennawi, Prochaska, Madau, Haehnelt, Maiolino, Ferrara, Venemans, Becker, Murphy, Steidel, Rauch, Worseck, Rorai, Viel, Giallongo, Fiore, Cooke, Molaro, McQuinn, Martins, Dave, Romeel, Pettini, Puchwein, Fontanot, De Lucia, Miralda-Escude, Noterdaeme, Petitjean, Srianand, BAL(-di), Xiaohui, Aloisio, Vanzella, Meara, Rudie, Ellison, Haardt, Cantalupo, Fumagalli, Garzilli, Theuns, Schaye, Kulkarni, Bouche, Cooksey, Grazian, Schaerer, Bosman, Ellis, Irsic, Zafar, Banados, Cristiani, Croton, CUBES
fabio fontanotastro-phgalaxy formation, galaxy evolution, imf, quasar, luminosity function, black hole, reionization, Early-Type, galaxy (redshift )?survey, LCDM, massive galax, star formation, globular, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), substructure
Leo Girardiastro-phstar, evolution, structure, Milky
Emil Noordehastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcAGN, galaxy evolution, galaxy clusters, cluster, survey, spectroscopic survey, quasar, black hole, SMBH, super massive black hole
Jerome Quintinastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Baomin Guastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgravitational wave, supermassive black hole, brane, extra dimension, fifth dimension, cosmic censorship, inflation, bounce, primordial, entropy perturbation, isocurvature perturbation, non-gaussianity, nongaussianity
Josh Kableastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Benedikt Eggemeierastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion
Kunihito Iokaastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thblack hole, neutron star, GRB, gamma-ray burst, accretion, jet, gravitational wave, cosmic ray, neutrino, transient, fast radio burst, magnetar, soft gamma-ray repeater, dark matter, first star, Pop III, high-redshift
Kazuya Takahashiastro-pha
Hayato Motohashigr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, gravit, black hole, modified gravity, dark (matter|energy), primordial, quintess, constant-roll
Subhajit Ghoshhep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mohammad Safarzadehastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcwarm dark matter, Biermann, diffuse galax, gas rich, far infrared, escape fraction, 21 cm, r-process, neutron star merger, turbulence
Fazlu Rahman P Pastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,foregrounds,dust, synchrotron,gravitational waves,AME,SZ,Gaussianity,free-free,CIB
Zhengyi Wangastro-ph.CO,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Viraf M. Mehtahep-th,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrew Saydjaricond-matjosephson junctions, InAs, InGaAs, Shabani,
Logan Foxastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alex Laguëastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Emma Clarkeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zhongxu Zhaiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dominique Fouchezastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep=thcosm[oi], dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, supernova[e]
Maria Benitoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Louis J C Coatesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, N-Body, Large Scale Structure, simulation
Pascale Bernerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
ehsan sadriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Boyle Lathamastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nima Khosravi 1astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Abdolali Banihashemiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kayla J Redmondastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hugo Camachoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vincent Comeauastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mesbah Alsarrajastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dominik Zürcherastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ben Mawdsleyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Michael Wiechershep-th,math-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Sommerfeld, equation of state, relativity, covariance, principle of, thermodynamic, quantum statistic, thermal, relativistic, nonrelativistic, nucleosynthesis, geometr, space, time, temperature, density, entropy, enthalpy, ergodic, non-equilibrium, out of equilibirum, nonequilibrium, transport equation, Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann--Maxwell equation, Maxwell--Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann, Maxwell, Dyson--Schwinger equation, Schwinger--Dyson equation, kinetic equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, freeze-in, relativistic degrees of freedom, nonrelativistic degrees of freedom, non-relativistic degrees of freedom, quark-gluon, quantum chromodynamic, phase transition, zeroth order phase transition, first order phase transition, second order phase transition, Fermi--Dirac statistics, Dirac--Fermi statistics
Michael Wiechers1hep-th,math-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Planck, Sommerfeld, equation of state, relativity, covariance, principle of, thermodynamic, quantum statistic, thermal, relativistic, nonrelativistic, nucleosynthesis, geometr, space, time, temperature, density, entropy, enthalpy, ergodic, non-equilibrium, out of equilibirum, nonequilibrium, transport equation, Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann--Maxwell equation, Maxwell--Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann, Maxwell, Dyson--Schwinger equation, Schwinger--Dyson equation, kinetic equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, freeze-in, relativistic degrees of freedom, nonrelativistic degrees of freedom, non-relativistic degrees of freedom, quark-gluon, quantum chromodynamic, phase transition, zeroth order phase transition, first order phase transition, second order phase transition, Fermi--Dirac statistics, Dirac--Fermi statistics
Alex Zucca A Zastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Heliudson Bernardoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string theory, string cosmology, string inflation, landscape, weak gravity conjecture, holography for cosmology, holographic cosmology
Matteo Rizzatoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflate, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, bispectrum, weak lensing, Euclid, LSST, DES
Dan Pryerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sara Motalebiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zhaoyi Zhouastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Omar Alaryaniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Williams Ribeiroastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Chloe Gowlingastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
James Mertensastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mariana Jaberastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ian Hothiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, quasars, population III, first stars, Lofar, SKA, radio, epoch of reionisation, foreground reduction, 21 cm, EoR, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, Foreground, Global 21 cm, cosmic dawn, reionization
Andrew Gowastro-ph.CO,astro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thprimordial black hole, PBH, stochastic inflat, binar, gravitational wave, inflat, cosmo, dark matter
Victor Chanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Thomas Montandonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Chen Heinrichastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Christoph Behrensastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mona Dentlerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,neutrino
Vinicius Terraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bao-Min Guastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, higher dimension, brane
Mohd Kamranastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflate, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintets, matter power, galaxy (redshift )? survey, weak lens, the universe, WMAP
Kareem Marzoukastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-thCosmology,inflation,CMB,microwave background,dark matter,dark energy,multifield,manyfield,string,inflationary,primordial,lensing
zahra safariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Joe Smidtastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hasti Khoraminezhadastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Amel Keddachiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
JOSE BLANCO-PILLADOastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, WMAP, cosmic strings, topological defects
Beatrice Moserastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Wendi Guoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcbrane, modified gravity, extra dimension, GW, black hole
Wenbin Fengastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
jing chenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcbrane, extra dimension, quasi-normal mode, gravitational wave
Taotao Suiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Qin Tanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
jing chen199astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yuxiao Liuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zheng-Quan Cuiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
jing chen314astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcbrane, quasi-normal modes, extra dimension, gravitational wave
chen yangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
zhu chunchunastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Si-Jiang Yangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, galaxy (redshift ),survey, weak lens, universe, Black Hole Physics, Gravitational Wave.
Junjie Wanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcBrane,Extra dimension,Black hole,Cosmology
Xuehao Zhangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zichao Linhep-th,gr-qcbraneworld, extra dimension, modified gravity, black hole, gravitational wave
Michel Aguenaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Paola RodriguezHastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcAGN, quasar, outflow, galaxy (redshift )? survey
Chandra Shekharastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alexander F Mayerastro-ph,gr-qc,quant-ph,physicscosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mohsen Khorasaniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Shuhei Fukuharaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Xiuhui Tanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
kingsley gale-sidesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hussain Gohar7433astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tessa m Bakerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jia Luastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], type Ia Supernovae, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Paul Leslie McFaddenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Angela Chenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
David Ellisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Otávio Alvesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dachun Qiangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Duke Dengastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jeff Kosthep-ph,hep-th,astro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Salome Mtchedlidzeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sayan Mandalastro-ph.CO,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alberto Roper Polastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Olga Avsajanishviliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Luca Visinelliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Paula Soaresastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, SKA, radio, epoch of reionisation, foreground reduction, 21 cm, EoR, Machine Learning, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, Foreground, Global 21 cm
Nicolas Tessoreastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Prabhakar Tiwariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Elizabeth Gutierrezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
stefano morisihep-phdark (matter|energy)
Avantika Vaidyaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sarah Safiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jurek Bauerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vahid Kamaliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
George Alestasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gianpiero Manganoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, Planck, neutrino cosmology
Ofelia Pisantihep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Joe Kennedyastro-co,gr-qc,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
gennaro mieleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Samuel Laliberteastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ayan MitraAMastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Asma Alaeiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nick Samarasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Leonardo Duarteastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jerin Mohan N Dastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
He Jiaastro-ph.COcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ema Dimastrogiovanniastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP
Cristhian GQastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mus Ishakastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Junsong Cangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
bilguun bayarsaikhanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Souvik Ghoseastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Pankaj Sahaastro-ph.CO, gr-qc, hep-ph, hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
masroor cpastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bowen Zhaocosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
srijita sinhagr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hendrik Müllerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kevin Pardedeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Daniel Elkelesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Adam Balcerzakastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Srivatsan Sridharastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Candrasyah Muhammadgr-qc,hep-th,math-phinflat, CMB, dark energy, primordial, quintess, k-essence, cosmological model, scalar fields,
suraj kumarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yong-hao Fengastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Itamar Allaliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lanlan Tianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
ahmad ghodsihep-th,gr-qcAdS/CFT
Eric D Kramerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qchubble tension, dark matter, axion, infrared divergences, entanglement entropy, Faddeev-Kulish, Schwartz, Laddha, Ashoke Sen, Strominger, Black Hole, Hawking radiation, horizon, direct detection, gaia, dynamics, kinematics, milky way, interstellar gas, information paradox, complexity, soft theorem, asymptotic
Shambel Sahlu,[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Charlie Mace1998sidm, dark matter, lensing, subhalo, dwarf galaxy
Dominik Zuercherastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dournac Fabienastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bhaskar Aryaastro-ph, astro-co, astro-ep, astro-cp, astro-he, astro-im, astro-sr, gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Arnab Paulastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Adrian Bayerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nazanin Saadatastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gabriela Arroyoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
milad solbiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Noah Glennonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Esteban Chalbaudastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Anton Chudaykinastro-phCMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe
Jacob Littererastro-ph.CO,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quantum gravity, gravi
Neil Shahastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
francisco bordinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Suvedha Suresh Naikastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, redshifted 21cm, SKA, Planck, EoR
Shao-Jiang Wangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ken Robbinsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cornelius Rampfastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,physics.flu-dyncosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Laurin Södingastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, axion
Nazanin Saadat Moghastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hasitha Erandaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hoang Nhan Luuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kumail Zaidiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
chien linastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Conrad Möckelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Francesca Leporiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jiwon Parkgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, WMAP
Jeremy M Wachterastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Subhrata Deyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sudipta Das Mgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
vivian sablaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mohamed ElhashashMr.cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mandar Karandikarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Terry Kovacsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nathaniel Starkmanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Laurin Soedingastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
himanshu tiwariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
samanvith anjeriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Anchal Saxenaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Saurabh Kumar1988cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Agniva Roychowdhuryastro-phAGN, quasar, jet, blazar, accretion, SMBH, black hole, disk, seyfert, radio-quiet, radio-loud, QSO, FR I, FR II, X-ray binary, XRB, tidal disruption event, TDE, BL Lacertae, BL Lac, FSRQ, broad-line, narrow-line, high-ionization, optically violent, broad absorption line, interferometry, GRMHD, magnetosphere, shocks, magnetohydrodynamic, plasma, reconnection
Peter F Gilmartinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Martin de los Riosastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hongyi Zhangastro-ph, gr-qc, hep-th, hep-ph, nucl-thdark (matter|energy|photon), ultralight, axion, ALP, neutron star, supernova, white dwarf, black hole, oscillon, soliton, Proca, gravitational, structure formation, inflat, power spectrum, reheat, preheat, decoherence, parametric resonance
Ruoyu Zhuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jaime Calderon Fastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lawrence Kazantzidisastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jordan Sheelyhep-th,hep-ph,astro-ph.COcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, WMAP, planck
lu yinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
A. Turchaninovaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hwan Baeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Simony Costaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
CaixiaSkye Gaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Borna Salehianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sanjay PatilMrcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cosmo Commentsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
David Figuerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
María Pía Piccirilliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rafkat Galeevgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Adithya Dineshastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sara Vannahastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Suddhasattwa Brahmahep-th,gr-qc, astro-phquantum, gravity, loop, cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, quintess, universe, WMAP
Charlie Mpethaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Omar Darwishastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Chris SMeenkgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Fraser Kennedyastro-ph,gr-qc,math-ph,statcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Marios Kalomenastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sina Hooshangiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Matteo Puelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yun Liastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hassani Farbodastro-ph,gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Erik Rosenbergastro-ph, gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rajorshi S Chandraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ananthu Krishnan Aastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Thiago Mergulhãoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sebastian Hoofhep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,axion,ALP
Sandhya Jagannathanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alex Krolewskiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hua Zhaiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Wang ZhengYiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jiafeng Dingastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Chandrachud Bijayastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Marco M BoniciPhysics Department - University of Genovacosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
alireza talebianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lloyd E Knoxcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe
Mohsen khodadigr-qc, astro-ph,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Geoff Chih-Fan ChenUCDcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Satadru Bagastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
SatadruBag Bagastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Meir Shimonastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qccosm, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift ) survey, weak lens, universe
Filip Strubbecosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Luca Ighinaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, galaxy (redshift )?survey, universe, AGN, QSO
Guadalupe Canasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dominique Lerouxastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrei Patrascuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Joseph P Johnsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Leon Weberastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Karia Dibertastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mr. Harshal Mittalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rishi Babuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Paul-Robert Chouhaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vincenzo Salzano VSastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hana Izdiharastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Saisandri Sainiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vladimir Yakimovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rachidi Bokoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Heather Princecosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
kamran rasheedastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hana Nafisyahrinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tathagata Sahaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Suman Sarkarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alvise A Raccanelliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
JAVIER RUBIOastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrius Tamosiunasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Shahbaz Alviastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ruchika RuchikaJamia Millia Islamiacosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Aditi Krishakastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Darshan Beniwalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Marco Chianesehep-ph,astro-ph,hep-thdark matter, neutrino, IceCube, freeze-in, axion, primordial, universe, lensing
Damiano Fiorilloastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Isidro Gomezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Carreres Bastienastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bastien Carreresastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Chris Strandhagenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter, axion, wimp, neutrino
akhil antonyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Harutyun Khachatryanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ninetta Savianoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Joseph Kuruvillaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zhenyuan Wangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bob Baiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Antonio Marinelliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tanvi Karwalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Xiaolei Liastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Moritz Hüttenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Marina Manganaroastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Moritz Huettenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vincenzo Vitaleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jack Lashnerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
M. Campistaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rance Solomonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Daniele Montaninoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Antonio Marroneastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alessandro mirizziastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kimeel Sooknunanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, 21cm, quasars, population III, first stars, Lofar, SKA, radio, epoch of reionisation, foreground reduction, 21 cm, EoR, 21-cm, Epoch of Reionization, Foreground, Global 21 cm, cosmic dawn, reionization
Bahia Silakhalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Adrien La Postaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jonatan Vignattiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lucia F de la Bellaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hannu Kurki-Suonioastro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qc,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, Euclid, Planck, WMAP
RitabanChatterjee PUastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcblazar, active galactic nuclei, AGN, jet, accretion disk, time variability, power spectrum, X-ray binaries, Fermi, LAT, AstroSat,
Alex Sobotkaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ajit mathastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Biswajit Padhihep-th,hep-ph,astro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Isabelle Tanseriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Himanish Gastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kaustav Mitraastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, matter power, power spectr, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, strong lens, cosmological parameter, gaussian process, simulat, emulat, satellite galax, satellite kinematic, 2PCF, clustering, lensing, assembly bias, galaxy-halo connection, LSS, structure formation, dynamical friction, SZ, action, GAIA, review, lecture note, perturbation, assembly, bias, merger, subhalo, mass function, luminosity function, globular cluster, HOD, interloper, galactic dynamics, stellar dynamics, tidal, stream, substructure, gravitational collapse, caustic, neural network, python, David Hogg, David Spergel, Weinberg, Tinker, van den Bosch, galaxy formation, galactic, Daisuke Nagai, SDSS, DES, DESI, LSST, JWST, UDG, dwarf galax, Jeans model, anisotrop, velocity dispers, kinematic, dynamic, parameter estimat, BAO, redshift space distort, redshift-space distort, galaxy halo connection, halo mass, host, Planck
Yo Todaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rajendra Guptaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yann mambriniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Junsup Shimastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
John Yevoliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mehdi Rezaeiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Robin Wenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Agne Semenaiteastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcmatter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens
Bhavna Adwaniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lennart Balkenholastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Julius Wonsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Eduardo Guendelmanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Beni Davastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
TUMURTUSHAA GANSUKHastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Suratna K Dasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Md Ishaque Khanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
hareesh tgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Herman J Mosqueraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
David Leonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Haveesh Singirikondaastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Matthieu Schallerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Albin Josephastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
S. Desaiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Brandon Stevensonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Michaela G. Lawrenceastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-thdark energy
Paul Shahastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
alexander bonillaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Aparajita Senastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, weak lens, universe, WMAP,PLANCK, statistical anisotropy, component separation
Sim Dlaminiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rahul Waliaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Shyam Sunder Balajiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, large scale structure, cosmological perturbation theory
Yun Wangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Natalie Hoggastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Viviana Gammaldiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zhu-Yao Wangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Geoff Beckastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP,locality
Arun Kannawadiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kushal Lodhaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Itziar Aldecoagr-qc, hep-th, astro-ph,hep-ph, astro-ph.COcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, fifth forces
Roisin O'Connorastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hao Jiaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, primordial, lensing, universe, WMAP, Planck, topological defects, cosmic string, JWST, dipole|dipolar.
Cameron Brownastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Davide Pelliciaricosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Roberta Calabreseastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ravi Sharmaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jonathan Blazekastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ema SAEastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Joe Wragaastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background
Chandrashekhar Murmuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Saif Aliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Antonio Ambrosoneastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Maria Bertiastro-ph.CO,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
M.H. Namjooastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hossein Moshafi 110astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rasmi Hajjarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Angelo G. Ferrariastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Thomas Flössastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Camilla Maggioastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Utkarsh Kumarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Swagat Mishragr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hans-Walter Rixastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Emanuele Fondiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ruiyang Zhaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jyoti Lakheraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Charlie T. Mpethaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Trupti Vijay Patilastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ashok Sainiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ippocratis D. Saltasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Saboura Zamanigr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Black holes, modified gravity, GR, Gravitational Lensing, Inflation, Gravitational Waves
Ivana Batkovicastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nicolás Bernalhep-ph, astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nicolò Dalmassoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Maria Vincenziastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
suresh kumar pastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Xinyi Zhangastro-ph,hep-ph,astro-COcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
David Kniazevasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Thiago S Goncalvesastro-phgalaxy, ISM, gas, quenching, starburst, redshift, galaxies, AGN
alania spenzaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Francisco Maionastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Stuart Stormastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Margherita Lemboastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Aline G. Faveroastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Karthik Vinodastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jan J. Ostrowskigr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cooper Wangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sarah Libanoreastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
DIego Balamastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nilanjandev Bhaumikastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Robert Runkelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Karsten Jedamzik1astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Irene Nandutuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
boryana hadzhiyskaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Teeraparb Chantavat1astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Teeraparb Chantavat2astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
d f jimenezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Matteo Blamartastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rishab Kumarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yu-Kuang Chuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tanveer Karimastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
elcio abdallaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Arefe Abghariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bez Thomasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Elliot Y Daviesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hongbo Caiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dipanshu Gastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sahila Adelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sohini Duttaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Stephen Chenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
João Rebouçasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vanshaj Kerniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc, physicscosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ruo.Cen. Wuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Michel Tytgatastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yu-Heng Linastro-phgalaxy, Lya, high redshift, shock, supermassive black hole, dwarf galaxy, green pea, reionization, deep learning, machine learning, metallicity, blue compact dwarf, BCD, symbolic regression
Omar Ramadangr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, quintessence, EDE, early dark energy, hubble constant, hubble tension
Sean Brutonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcreioni, galaxy (redshift )?survey, lyman, LAE, euclid, cosm[oi], dark (matter|energy)
Gabriela Marquesastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
José Ferreiraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Abdelrahman Zakariaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Katie Shortastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gonzalo Alonsoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ricardo Ferrelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tamari Meshveliani1astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Francisco Blancoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mark Lovellastro-phdark matter, galaxy formation
Gulli Johannessonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcgamma, LAT, high-energy, cosmic rays, CRs, interstellar, ism
Deepali Singhhep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, ads/cft, Ads, black holes, string, gravity, general relativity,
Nicholas Sandersastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Bobby Scullyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Robertson Mathewastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gustavo Salinasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Pierluca Carenzaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Oksana Iaryginaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Eike Müllerhep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phaxion,ALP,pseudoscalar
Eike Muellerhep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,astro-phaxion,ALP,pseudoscalar
Bo Sundborghep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phDe Sitter, dS, hologr, cosm[oi], inflat, conform, black hole, CMB
Fawad Hassanhep-th,gr-qc,quant-ph,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, dark (matter|energy), big bang, primordial, universe
mikica kocichep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
M.C. David Marshastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess
Jan Burgeeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gunnlaugur Bjornssonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Helena Garciaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrea Bocciaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, higgs, black holes
Pulkit Ojhaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Abha Vishwakarmaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zhuangfei Wangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dr. Rajib Sahaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Arman Çamastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Serena Giardielloastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Liang Jingastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yulin Jiaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yordan Ignatovastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Linus Thummelastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, matter power, weak lens, universe, WMAP, reionization, EoR, topology, percolation, SOC, self-organized criticality
Bayron Orjuelagr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-ph,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Aviv Padawer-Blattastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Malena Talvitieastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lech Piotrowskiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Caterina Umiltaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Aryana Haghjooastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Pasquale Caterinoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Wendy Crumrineastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrius Tamoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tharcio Cerqueiraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
glenn d starkmanastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tal Abadiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Forrest Leeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
maria benito castañoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Moorits Mihkel Muruastro-phlarge-scale
Juan Cruzastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rahul Shahastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nikki Arendseastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), microwave background, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, strong lens, universe
Ricardo Landimastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Javier Subilshep-th,gr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hologra, QCD, neutron stars, inflat, string
Simone Paradisoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Masroor Pookkillathastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Saswata Dasguptaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nicola, Bartoloastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Stefano Cameraastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Pedro Villalbaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jun Wangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rahul Priyadarshan Rastro-ph,gr-qc, hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Carlo Del Vecchyoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rakshak Adhikariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sibanda Bastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ahmad Moursyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yue Nanastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Blessing Musiimentaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Natalie Assmannastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
souvik ghose83gr-qc, astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jeffrey Moraishep-th,math-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
william dAdoumergastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Justin Cardonaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sourav Palastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jose Bermejoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Priyanka Adhikaryastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cristian Viglioneastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alex Cassemgr-qc, hep-th, math-ph, hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, swampland, strings, heterotic, hartle-hawking, homology, holography,
Karim Mastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jared Shapiroastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Raagini Patkiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Diogo Souzaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Uendert Andradeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cliff Schwartzastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
qile zhangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
xin tangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
DHARMENDRA KUMARastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
alex woodfindenastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Leon Nobleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Anay Aastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Fabio Noviello2astro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Litebird
fernando UEMAastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Adam Ormondroydastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nicholas DePorzioastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Christian Capanelliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tang Xinastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jovan Antichastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Joshua Benabouastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
vahid kamali2astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andreas Nygaardastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, machine learning, artificial intelligence, neural network, decaying dark matter
Nicolas Esserastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcdark matter, primordial black hole, black hole, universe, ultra-faint dwarf galaxy, ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, ultra faint dwarf galaxy, ultra faint dwarf galaxies, bondi accretion, UFD, PBH, cosmology, accretion, bondi, DM, cosmological perturbations, WIMP, neutron star, gravitational wave, GW, inflation, inflaton, compact object, compact objects, dark matter capture, accretion, black hole accretion, reheating, phase transition, FOPT, first order phase transition, BH, SGWB, stochastic gravitational wave background, bubble, star formation, adiabatic contraction, protostar, protostellar cloud, protostellar clouds, protostars, orbit, dwarf galaxy, dwarf galaxies, asteroid-mass, SMBH, supermassive black hole, feedback, initial mass function, stellar evolution, clump, CMB, microwave background, IMF, white dwarf, white dwarfs, white dwarves, neutron stars, axion, axions, axion mini cluster, axion minicluster, ultra faint dwarf, ultra-faint dwarf
Jessica Pillingastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yashraj Patilastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Cihad Kıbrısastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Junhyuk Sonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Joe Bhangalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Carina Norregaardastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sunanda Deyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jordan Krywonosastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Xavier Pritchardastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ali Rida Khalifeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mattia Cieloastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, inflation
Pat Hallastro-phquasar, AGN
Nikos Samarasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Anne M Greenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alex Merinoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lanyang Yiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Florian J Niedermannastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kishan Dekaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Erik Weissastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jose Luis Bernalastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Behnood Bandiastro-phClustering, 4MOST, Luminosity function, angular clustering, extra-galactic surveys, stellar mass function, Wide-Area VISTA Extragalactic Survey, Loveday, correlation function, two-point clustering, angular correlation function, correlation function,
Simony S. Costaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Simony S. da Costaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Roland Triayastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sanket Daveastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Margionet Dastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mohammad Ahmadihep-ph,astro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zhou bingchenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Carlos Sánchezastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Guillaume Payeurhep-th,hep-ph,gr-qc,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Amirah Aljazaeriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Luis Escamillaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rui Huastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sebastjan Rosaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Parisa Ameriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Premvijay Velmaniastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tavoos Bhatastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hidde T Jenseastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sebastian Belknerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Aruna Harikantastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Umang Kumarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Eirik Gjerlowastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
mahdi najafiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vidhya Ganesan MSKastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nils Albin Nilssongr-qc, hep-th, astro-phsymmetry, Lorentz
Nicolas Essastro-ph.GA,astro-ph.CO,astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qcX-ray cavities, TNG, Xray, cavities, bubble, AGN, cluster, SMBH, supermassive black hole, feedback, numerical simulation, IllustrisTNG, cosmological simulation, JWST
Fangyi Guohep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
John Wickastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kunhao Zhongastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jessica Santiagoastro-ph,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Maxwell Maltzastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
hmd mapastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Deepak Negiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sanjay Yadavastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Dwaipayan Chandaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yunan Xieastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jose Lozanoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Davood Sadatianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Helen Shaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
yvaine weiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Junxian Liastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lyan Xiaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
John Smithastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Batia Fsastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jiachen Baiastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Simona Dačevaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Neha Joshiastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Julia Pasiecznikastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
M Postolakgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, bounce, cyclic, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hong-Yi Zhangastro-ph, gr-qc, hep-th, hep-ph, nucl-thdark (matter|energy|photon), ultralight, axion, ALP, neutron star, supernova, white dwarf, black hole, oscillon, soliton, Proca, gravitational, structure formation, inflat, power spectrum, reheat, preheat, decoherence, parametric resonance
Ian DSouzaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Sam Philipsbornastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
David Attardastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ciaran Dunleavygr-qc,astro-ph,hep-th,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
rasa cereskaiteastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Robyn Munozastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, numerical relativity, Weyl, PBH, LSS, perturbation, gravit, shear, cosmic
Theo Steeleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
safinaz salemastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Luca Suterastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Arun Ranagr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, Analog Gravity, Quantum Cosmological simulator
Marcos Munizastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rajeev K Jainastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Susmita Dasastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Subir Sarkarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Anže Slosarastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Juan Pablo Brandtastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hao-Hao Liastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Brian McPeakastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Raphael Kouastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Andrea Bevilacquahep-th,gr-qc,hep-ph,astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alice Boldringr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nadia Cooperastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Manuel Alvaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Julie Hlavacek-Larroastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qcblack, hole, supermassive, galaxy, cluster, neural network, machine learning, X-ray, radio, molecular, multiphase
Daniel Lozano Jarquegr-qc, astro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yiming Huastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
BingHang Chenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neutrinos, simulation
Yan jianastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Paula Ferreiraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
chaofan wuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ricardo Z. Ferreiraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jaime Calderonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vinicius Linharesgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Maryam A. Abchouyehastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alize Sucsuzerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Kerkyra Asvestaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Carter Gustinhep-thqcd
Cullen Sullivanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Zahra Bayatastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
a almondonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Emmanuel Floresastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Charan Reddyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Amin rezaeiastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Varun Muralidharanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
冰航 陈astro-ph,cscosm[oi], CMB, dark (matter|energy), matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, simulation, neutrino, Local Group
Rui Xugr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mowen Zhaoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Xiao Boboastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Minseong Kwonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gawainn Simpsonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Karen Perez Sastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yuanyuan Liuastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yuewei Wenastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mingyu Liastro-phcosm[oi], primordial, ALMA, JWST, Subaru, KCWI, emission, CGM, circum[-g], Lyman, SMG, galaxy (redshift )?survey,
Dror Berechyaastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nicolò Rovazzaniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Khaled Khattabgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Vitor Petri Silvaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
John Accelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
José Maríaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rodrigo Calderonastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gabriele Autieriastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
drew davisastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Berkin Gurbuzgr-qc,hep-th,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, string, superstring
D Manas Mohitastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, COMAP, SKA, CONCERTO, reion, intensity map
Parth Kothariastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yashrajsinh Mahidaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Arian Esmaieliastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Prasad Postureastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, neural networks, machine learning, big data, data science
Vishrut Pandyaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Xue Zhouastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Ewan Chamberlainastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Nikolai Kozamehastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Praneeth Avasaralaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yves Laubeastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Rodrigo Calderon Bastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Lukas T. Hergtastro-ph,gr-qc,hep-ph,hep-thcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Christian Neissnerastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Gain Leeastro-phcosmo, dark (matter|energy), galax
praniti singhastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yunyang Liastro-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, lensing
Daniele Ambrosinoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Riccardo Bozzahep-th, astro-ph,hep-ph,gr-qcneutrino[s], cosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Adam Smithastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jeong-Gyu Kimastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
J. Asoreyastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Yitian Sunastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Thaher Chowdhuryastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Giuseppe Matteucciastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-excosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Anisha Anishaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], stellar streams, galaxy mergers, stellar halos, inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Emmanuel Friongr-qc,astro-ph,hep-ph,hep-thLQC, bouncing cosmology, inflation, magnetogenesis, dark energy, big bang, microwave background, primordial, universe
Rugved Pundastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], dark (matter|energy|ages), universe, 21[cm], radio
Vincenzo Griecoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Theodore Steeleastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, universe, quantum cosmology
Ivan Sladoljevastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Jefferson Nogueiraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mohammad Arabastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Mohamad Arabastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
louis hamaideastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
David Imigastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Shuo Zhangastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Hassan Mohmgr-qc,astro-ph,hep-phcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tony Paliaastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
ning hanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Antonio Iulianoastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Alvin Suhendraastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math.PRcosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP, supersymmetry, modified gravity
han ningastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Saburov Sultanastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Tingkai Hsuastro-ph,hep-th,gr-qc,math-phinflation, dark matter, string, scattering amplitude(s), amplitude(s), eft, effective field, standard model, cft, conformal field, bootstrap, positive geometry, quantum field, collinear, cosmological correlator, conformal bootstrap, soft bootstrap
Matteo Piccioliniastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Pablo Marcelastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Si-hyeong Nohastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Matias Leizerovichastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Klaudia Protušováastro-ph, astro-ph.GAcosm[oi], big bang, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, LAE, quasar, overdens
Roberta Colalilloastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP
Louish hamaideastro-ph,hep-ph,hep-th,gr-qccosm[oi], inflat, CMB, dark (matter|energy), big bang, microwave background, primordial, quintess, matter power, galaxy (redshift )?survey, weak lens, universe, WMAP