Postdoctoral positions in theoretical and computational astrophysics and cosmology at University of Zurich

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Julian Adamek
Posts: 3
Joined: October 19 2020
Affiliation: Institute for Computational Science, University of Zurich

Postdoctoral positions in theoretical and computational astrophysics and cosmology at University of Zurich

Post by Julian Adamek »

The Institute for Computational Science (ICS) at the University of Zurich invites applications for several postdoctoral research associate positions (PDRAs) in theoretical and computational astrophysics and cosmology. In particular, preference will be given to the following research areas: star and galaxy formation, astrophysical black holes and gravitational wave sources, astrophysical disks, large scale structure and relativistic cosmology. ICS faculty members are heavily involved in large observational projects and space missions such as SKA, EUCLID and LISA, including the coordination of various national and international research networks associated with such facilities. Faculty members who would primarily act as hosts of the PDRAs include Professors Lucio Mayer, Joachim Stadel, Julian Adamek, Robert Feldmann, and Aurel Schneider. Other faculty members working at ICS in the aforementioned areas are Professors Romain Teyssier, Jaiyul Yoo, Ben Moore and Prasenjit Saha. A new Data Science group will also join ICS in 2021, broadening the already vigorous computational research program of ICS. Several groups in applied mathematics, statistics and computer-based visualization are also affiliated to ICS.

Candidates are expected to carry out a vigorous research program, both independently and in collaboration with faculties as well as with the over 40 postdoctoral fellows and PhD students already present at ICS. Candidates with a strong theoretical or computational background are especially encouraged to apply. Expertise in dark energy / modified gravity is highly relevant for one of the positions, where we are looking for a candidate who will work with Professor Adamek on the non-linear modelling of dark energy in cosmological simulations. Appointments are initially for two years with a possibility of further extension upon satisfactory performance. A PhD degree in Physics, Astronomy or in a neighboring discipline is required at the starting date of the appointment. Annual salaries are in the range of CHF 85,000-95,000. A generous support for travel, and to invite collaborators to visit ICS, is usually available. The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer. Women and members of minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

The scientific computing infrastructure at the University of Zurich is excellent and includes dedicated access to the top-notch facilities of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre in Lugano (Piz Daint, the main platform, ranks among the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world). Zurich offers a very dynamic and international living environment and is consistently ranked as one of the world's best cities for quality of living by the Mercer survey.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a complete list of publications, and a research statement summarizing past research achievements and, most importantly, future intended research to be carried out at ICS. The research statement should not exceed 2 pages.

All materials should be uploaded to Academic Jobs Online by December 1st, 2020 at The candidate should also arrange for at least 3 letters of recommendation to be uploaded to Academic Jobs Online prior to the deadline. Review of applications will begin immediately. Only complete applications received on or before this date will receive full consideration. Following the initial selection process based on the submitted application documents, suitable candidates may be invited to remote interviews.

For any inquiries please contact directly Prof. Lucio Mayer (
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