The Cosmic Microwave Background group in the Physics Department at Stanford is seeking highly qualified applicants for one or two postdoctoral positions on the POLAR- 1 experiment. POLAR-1 consists of a 1.5 meter reflective telescope and a receiver cryostat equipped with nearly 5,000 polarization sensitive bolometers. POLAR-1 will target both the tensor-induced and the lensing-induced B-mode polarization in the CMB. The experiment is scheduled to be deployed to the South Pole station in 2012. The successful applicant will also have opportunities to participate in the data analysis of other CMB projects in the group: BICEP2 and the Keck Array. POLAR-1 is funded by the National Science Foundation. The successful candidates should have a background in astronomical instrumentation, microwave engineering, and cryogenics techniques. Consideration is given to hardware expertise, and experience in analysis and simulation of large data set. Candidates need to have, or be in the final stages of completing, a Ph.D. in physics or related fields. More senior appointments at the Research Associate level are possible, should exceptional candidates at this level be available. We particularly encourage candidates from underrepresented minorities to apply.
To apply please send a brief statement of interest, CV, and list of publications to Ms. Dana Volponi, 385 Via Pueblo Mall, Varian Physics, Stanford CA 94305, USA, by letter or email ( Candidates are also responsible to have three recommendation letters sent separately to the same address. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
CMB exp. postdoc/RA Stanford University
- Posts: 2
- Joined: May 28 2005
- Affiliation: Stanford, KIPAC