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CosmoMC: how may CPUs to run is the most efficient?

Posted: December 16 2006
by Jie Ren
It seems not true that the more CPUs the better to run CosmoMC on a cluster. How many CPUs is the most efficient? Thank you very much for suggestions.

Re: CosmoMC: how may CPUs to run is the most efficient?

Posted: December 16 2006
by Antony Lewis
I recommend running about 6 chains (so 6 MPI nodes), with up to 4 processors per node (openmp). I think the WMAP3 code is not really parallelized, so probably doesn't help very much having more processors per node. Personally I usually run 6x2.

CosmoMC: how may CPUs to run is the most efficient?

Posted: December 18 2006
by Anze Slosar
But surely, it spends most of the time inverting matrices, so if you use MKL lapack and set OMP_NUM_THREADS to 4 it should be quite parallelised? (but in practice I've noticed suboptimal use of processors, which I couldn't explain...)