Cosmomc : how can I generate a dense contour map?

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Nao Suzuki
Posts: 1
Joined: May 21 2009
Affiliation: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Cosmomc : how can I generate a dense contour map?

Post by Nao Suzuki » October 26 2011

Hello all,

I would like to make a nice contour plot with 1, 2, 3 sigma contours. Probably, this is not what MCMC is meant to be, but is there any way
I can increase the number of realizations for dense contour purpose?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.


Antony Lewis
Posts: 1951
Joined: September 23 2004
Affiliation: University of Sussex

Re: Cosmomc : how can I generate a dense contour map?

Post by Antony Lewis » October 26 2011

Just generate more samples, e.g. by stringent convergence test on the tails like this:

Code: Select all

MPI_Check_Limit_Converge = T
MPI_Limit_Converge = 0.01
MPI_Limit_Converge_Err = 0.2
Maybe also increase the temperature if you really need to get 3sigma contours accurately.

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